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Cheap lord


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Ok, i'm working on a list and know i want my Palgue marines as troops, this gives a me a Nurgle lord as my HQ. Looking at all the opetions i cant decide what i want on him. WHat builds are some of you more experienced warmasters using? and why?


If i want an efficient cheap lord character what would yall reccomend? im willing and able to change from PM troops to regular CSMs. I dont like the eggs in one basket idea i think the HQs should be force multipliers .


All in all i have about 670pts to field a Lean mean lord and troops..... what would yall reccomend? I need alittle shooting anti tank in this bunch as im lacking as much as i think ill need in the rest of my force. PLEASE HELP!


EDIT: fixxed title

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One of the people I see at my FLGS runs a pretty tough Nurgle list with a Chaos Lord.


He does not run plague marines, he runs CSMs with the MoN, claiming the additional troops make up for the lack of Feel No Pain. He runs lots of smaller units, usually 8 - 12 of them, and mostly gives them flamers and some plasma.


His CL has the Sigil of Corruption, the Burning Brand of Skalathrax, and the Black Mace. He sometimes puts him in a Land Raider along with some CSMs. I have him use some very effective tactics with this combo, running his Land Raider up the board, blowing up an Eldar transport then charging it's passengers.

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Maybe not the cheapest way of running a lord... but I never leave home without a burning brand of skalathrax.

If you want a cheap but tanky lord however; give him MoN and terminator armour and leave him at that.

Otherwise the Mace lord and Fist + claw lords seem like good options.

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I run a cheap 120 pt lord if my memory serves right

Power armour, sigil, mark and what ever power weapon ,ten points more for gift if I need it and vets for 5 if going for full legion fluffiness


Works really good for adding lots of marines and papa nurg and sigil will stop him from being turned into spam by fists

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