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The 3 best psychic powers of chaos!


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Hi everyone!


In our dex there are 12 "new" psychic powers and these are my first choices:


Slaanesh: SENSORY OVERLORD (primaris power)

Nurgle: PLAGUED WIND (5-6)

Tzeencht: BREATH OF CHAOS (5-6)


And from the disciplines I chose: BIOMANCY and the only power that I do not see powerful is WARP SPEED (5)


Combos for level 3 sorceres:


1 Slaanesh / 2 Biomancy

1 Nurgle / 2 Biomancy


What are yours?

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Biomancy is amazing. Very tempted not to bother marking my sorc, just run him with bio instead of sticking him with one of the mark powers which are... underwhelming. If I'd sold my soul to the daemons and that was all I got in return I'd be looking for a refund.


Doombolt is really nice, it's a shame there's no reliable way of getting it. Other than that, I'd prettymuch always rather have an extra biomancy power than any of the other codex spells.

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I think biomancy is FAR better than having a mark for a sorceror. First off, it costs more points to mark your sorc, and second, the biomancy powers do exactly what a mark does and more. Warpspeed, even on a bad roll, is an extra attack along with the initiative. Iron arm, even on a bad roll, is strength to go along with the toughness. Of course this is if you are planning to mele with your sorceror.. but they are rather beastly at it these days (oh irony).


I think my ideal combo would be Iron Arm, Endurance, and Gift of Contagion (nurgle) on a prince. Too bad you need to mark a prince. For a sorc, Iron Arm, Endurance, and Warpspeed.

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I think biomancy is FAR better than having a mark for a sorceror. First off, it costs more points to mark your sorc, and second, the biomancy powers do exactly what a mark does and more. Warpspeed, even on a bad roll, is an extra attack along with the initiative. Iron arm, even on a bad roll, is strength to go along with the toughness. Of course this is if you are planning to mele with your sorceror.. but they are rather beastly at it these days (oh irony).


I think my ideal combo would be Iron Arm, Endurance, and Gift of Contation (nurgle) on a prince. Too bad you need to mark a prince. For a sorc, Iron Arm, Endurance, and Warpspeed.


I'll use a combo of:


Daemon Prince: 1 Nurgle (I hope Plague wind or Gift of Contagion) and 2 Biomancy (I'll be rolling for the 2, who knows? XD)

Sorcerer: 1 Slaneesh (Sensory Overlord) and 2 Biomancy (whatever)


When the results come... maybe my sorcerers will be undivided...

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Yes, Thousand sons are now the worst pyskers in the game now, we all knew that, did we really need a thread to rub salt in the wounds?

I tend to go for as much telepathy as much as possible, and on my aspiring sorcerers I go for either doombolt or flames, Gift is horse manure and wind would be nice if we could use that, making Asp. Sorcerers level 2 would have prevented the lore of Tzeentch from screwing them a it does.

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I've been using my level 3 sorcerer with 1 spell from Nurgle and 2 from Biomancy. It's just too awesome not to do I find.


I've had Iron Arm once and in combination with the Nurgle spell that has a 1/3 chance to reduce enemy's toughness (Gift of Contagion?) they can make a sorcerer invincible (toughness 7 vs strength 3 marines, for example) while simultaneously making the sorcerer deadly.


Warp Speed was pretty cool too... I find the basic I4 of a Sorcerer to be a bit risky - good chance of mutually assured destruction when he assaults so any bonus to Initiative is welcome. And the bonus attacks are nice too :)


The Bio Primaris power isn't exactly awful either - 4 AP2 shots. They can ruin a Terminators day.

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That's why you take biomancy on Ahriman! :) ...well, one of the reasons...


There are some ap2 goodies in biomancy, along with some low ap goodies from tzeentch that he has to take one of anyway...and he can shoot three powers! :)

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Bolt of Tzeentch is really powerful, and every aspiring sorcerer has a 50% chance of getting it. Really helps give the unit game vs vehicles/TEQ. Boon of mutation isn't so great, but it's fun and flavorful. Firestorm is not great, but good againt GEQ I suppose. Overall though, a 50% chance of getting a great power and otherwise choosing between two admittedly mediocre ones isn't bad at all.
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@ Lepaca: I don't know if its me or blind luck but of the last 4 games i've played i've gotten iron arm and endurance 3 of those games the last ones i played one of them with a 3 point biomancy roll that gave me iron arm, endurance and the number 6 spell that makes my opponent take a tough and it bounces from model to model... anyway.


on how well he did, for one game (I was up again Imp guard) he ended up all on his own after his body guard got wiped out from the Leman Russ cannon line. with endurance and iron arm up he healed any wound dealt to him was nearly impossible for my opponent to wound (lasguns apparently can't wound T7 models) he ended up walking across the table unsupported and beat down anything he came across as with his power maul weapon i have him out with when he gets the 3 on iron arm being str 9 in the end is amazing. each time i have played with him getting iron arm and endurance he seems to always become a beast in melee in my games, hell i've had him beat down things just with warp speed and iron arm by that one spell giving him eternal warrior :3 oooo so good.


Cheers, Kits.

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For me choice between Telepathy and Biomancy boils down to the role of Sorcerer in Your army. If You want a supporter from back of Your lines Telepathy is the way to go. If You want a killer/front-liner go with Biomancy.


I favour first approach as I don't believe taht 2 Wound Character with medicore base stats can be a killer. Maybe it is my luck, when rolling for powers as I tend to have mostly bad combinations of powers against the foe I'm facing :P As I'm aware of this, supporter is a safer choice :)

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Invisibility and endurance are by far the best spells for our sorcerers imho! Especially invisibility since you can "double-tap" it with ICs and get double the benefit for one spell! :huh:
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Invisibility and endurance are by far the best spells for our sorcerers imho! Especially invisibility since you can "double-tap" it with ICs and get double the benefit for one spell! :P


This still feels like cheating. I'd only ever do it in a super competitive situation. ;)

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Invisibility and endurance are by far the best spells for our sorcerers imho! Especially invisibility since you can "double-tap" it with ICs and get double the benefit for one spell! :P


This still feels like cheating. I'd only ever do it in a super competitive situation. ;)

Well, I can't say I don't know where you are coming from with that, hehe. But in all fairness, it's in the main rulebook, not something we got in our codex(it's up for grabs by anyone). And against some armies(Necrons and GK mostly) we need all the help we can get. ;)

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Bolt of Tzeentch is really powerful, and every aspiring sorcerer has a 50% chance of getting it. Really helps give the unit game vs vehicles/TEQ. Boon of mutation isn't so great, but it's fun and flavorful. Firestorm is not great, but good againt GEQ I suppose. Overall though, a 50% chance of getting a great power and otherwise choosing between two admittedly mediocre ones isn't bad at all.


I disagree, well kinda. Bolt of Tzeentch isn't bad. However 1ksons are expensive (More expensive than they should be as far as I'm concerned, but that is not the point.) and the a good deal of that cost comes from AP3 bolters. If you are using bolt on a tank then there is a good chance you are wasting the rest of the units shooting that turn. If it has been range 24" or S9 I might change my mind. If it could more reliably pop transports before they got into rapid fire range. It isn't bad now, but I never get excited over having it. Boon of mutation is so-so as it comes down to what boon you get and if you die or not. Obviously dying is bad, and you don't want an already expensive sorcerer dying on you. Assuming things go well, you don't die and you get the boon you want; we are still left with the fact that boon of mutation isn't fluffy for 1ksons. Boon of mutation is fluffy for tzeentch followers: it is not fluffy for members of the 1ksons.

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I thought if you rolled a power (like wind of chaos) where you can't use it due to the warpcharge, you had to go for the primaris?

No you just roll again on the same discipline...

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Has anyone got experience with playing a buffed up biomancy sorcerer?

How does he perform in melee?


I had one undivided sorc in a unit of 9 marines against a broodlord, 8genestealers and 3 winged warriors with power weapon and the whip that gives you 1I in base contact with them. He was the only one who survived the CC after 4 rounds. Thanks to spell familiar and Iron Arm with lucky rolls on it (two turns in a row I had 7S and 7T). I had really lucky when they attacked him that the nids got so few attacks in on him that ignore armor save. But aslong as he gets to he hit, damn he's a beast.

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I had a Undivded Sorc on Bike (Psy 3) last game and I took 2 Bio 1 Pyro.


I was 'lucky' and rolled enfeeble and hemorrhage as well as Fireshield.


It worked out quite well, turns out Enfeebling people before fire-shielding yourselves and charging in with bikes does not do wonders even for Black Templars.

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