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First post from a bolter and chainsaw newbie


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Hey guys this is my first post on the site, been lurking foe the past month and really enjoyed all the chaos talk. So I have decided to join and for my first post I have a few questions. Here we go. I plan on building 2 War hounds and a Rever titan (from plasti-card) for my black legion army I understand this is going to be a big project and i do promise to post pictures once materials have been bought, but my question to you is what should I name the titans and has the black legion already got control of a titan legion ( I'm a bit of a fluff noob ) Also what thoughts do you all have on titans in apocalypse.
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Hey man, welcome to B&C!


The Black Legion most certainly are able to bring Titans to battle. Of all the Chaos Legions the Warmaster's are the best resourced and hold the most influence and this is important when you bear in mind that they do not themselves possess the Titans but they do hold a great deal of sway over those that do, the Dark Mechanicum. Abbadon's forces are unmatched in their ability to call upon huge amounts of support from every corner of the anti-imperium cause ranging from vast swarms of mutants, entire regiments and army groups of traitor guard and whole companies of Astartes from their fellow traitor legions, such is his power, prowess and influence.


There's very likely named titan legions and even specific titans that are known to always operate in support of the Black Legion but I'll leave those more detailed answers to your brothers of the 16th.




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I can answer the Fluff part. No, the Black Legion does not "own" a Titan Legion. The Titan Legions are still independent factions that are separate and apart from the Traitor Marine Legions and are more likely to "belong" to the Dark Mechanicum(Chaos version of the Adeptus Mechanicus) if they truly belong to anyone. However, this is not to say that you will nto see Titans alongside Traitor Marines. That still happens. The Legio in question I believe is the Legio Mortis. Although that is based on the fact that the Legio Mortis was seen traveling alongside the 63rd Expedition was the Legio Mortis.


Although I will also point this out, because a Titan Legio has a well known history of cooperation with a specific Legion, it does not mean that it will only work alongside that Legion. Point in case is the Dies Irae, which was an Imperator Titan(or was it Warlord?) of the Legio Mortis. It was seen marching alongside the 63rd Expedition. However at an unspecified date in the 41st Millenium, it met its demise on a barren waste fighting alongside an Iron Warriors Grand Company.


Safe bet would be the Legio Mortis, but don't feel like your Titans have to be from the Legio Mortis. They can be from anyone of the other Legios or even one that you came up with.


As far as opinions about them in Apocalypse, I imagine facing three titans would just suck if I were your opponent unless I had something that could at least fight on an even footing with them.


EDIT: Dangnabbit Cleal, you ninja'd me! So while our posts do look similar, there is enough a difference that I won't delete mine. I will suggest looking at both as his does look good for generality while mine does touch up a little on certain specifics.

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thanks guys for the speedy replies. I have to say the advice is really good and to clear things up I wouldn't be fielding all the titans at once unless in a huge game. But yea I am looking in to having them as if Abbadon has recruited them as say a favour, because with the majority of my troops/ transports being all black and gold it can be a little bland. So were can I find colours and markings for these titans.




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I would normally say Forgeworld but I don't think they've touched the Legio Mortis. If they have, someone will come along and give suggestions then. To be honest, the best thing I can think to do is google "Legio Mortis" and look through images.
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Welcome to the B&C and to Chaos.


We may be the bad guys, but we're a pretty friendly bunch :cuss


First thing first, take a second to look over the board rules just so you're clear on what is and isn't allowed.



As to your question, the new Horus Heresy Betrayal book has a section on the Legio Mortis which should give you some insight. See if you can borrow a copy if you don't already have it.

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