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Modelling Warp Talons


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Rummaging through my bits box, I realised that my GK army has left me with a large number of unused Personal Teleporters... Suitably "reconsecrated" with spikey bits, would they be okay for use by Warp Talons who had "Levelled up" from Raptors by having taken them as spoils of war? After all, when you're in league with the Daemons of the warp, you don't need to be a Psyker with an Aegis to have safe passage through the warp for a short journey...


On a less fluffy note, I might want to use the Jump Packs from my Raptors boxes on old metal Raptors, and wanting to stretch the rest of my budget. ;) How does it sound? I don't see any problems for WYSIWYG, given that besides the "Shunt" PTs act as Jump Packs anyway, and fluff-wise Warp Talons travel by similar means.

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Panda_: I don't like metal models with metal jump packs (Metal models with plastic packs are okay), and if we're thinking of the same Aspiring Champ model (Twin lightning claws, sold as a lord these days?) then I just don't like that model much either. ;)


In case I wasn't clear, I want regular Raptors to use normal Jump Packs, be they FW Pre-Heresy ones, the new Plastic ones, or Finecast, anything as long as it's not metal! I'll post some pics up when I get some built.

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A fair comment, but it depends on what I use for Chaosifying them; if I use the Warp Talons blades, for example, and assorted spikes, I can give the backpack a similar profile to the "stock" one. Alternatively, I could stick them on slightly taller bases to compensate.
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Knights do die. Raptors scavenge. A special unit of Raptors driven to hunt down Grey Knights. Kind of an awesome idea.


That is actually an amazing idea! After all Raptors are supposed to be the most prideful and self-assured of all Chaos Space Marines.

Now I have to imagine a battle where some Warp Talons followed a unit of Interceptors through the warp and attacked them right after. ;)


Do you guys really think that there would be a big advantage gained by modelling them like this? Sure they would be somewhat smaller but I doubt it would make a difference in 99,99% of cases.

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Or, you could just make a Chaos warband that uses the Grey Knight rules, re-word it all, and your Warptalons now can use that fluff you wanted >_>


Not even all that. Warp Talons tear their way directly out of the warp, right? Why do they even need jump packs? Just have them tear their way into and out of reality with each movement.

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That is actually an amazing idea! After all Raptors are supposed to be the most prideful and self-assured of all Chaos Space Marines.

Now I have to imagine a battle where some Warp Talons followed a unit of Interceptors through the warp and attacked them right after. :)


Do you guys really think that there would be a big advantage gained by modelling them like this? Sure they would be somewhat smaller but I doubt it would make a difference in 99,99% of cases.


I dont see any advantage gained by modeling it that way. They're on the same size round bases. The only difference is now the Raptors have 'normalish' looking backpacks on instead of the twin-turbine jump packs. That is if by advantage you meant tactically on the board.


Im glad you liked my idea and you expanded it. Dont forget to post some pics if you do this, I for one would check it out for sure!



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Knights do die. Raptors scavenge. A special unit of Raptors driven to hunt down Grey Knights. Kind of an awesome idea.


you missed the :) in my post.


It's a cool idea. I dont even think its a modelling for advantage issue, can you actually target jump packs? Thought it had to be the models torso/limbs?

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Yes, yes, yes!!! Hunt the Grey ones, snuff out their light and wear them as trophies! This is exactly the requirement my Skull Champion sets for his potential bezerker followers, to best a Knight in combat and take his helmet (not to mention skull) as his own, and to wear it as a sign of his prowess.
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This is exactly the requirement my Skull Champion sets for his potential bezerker followers, to best a Knight in combat and take his helmet (not to mention skull) as his own, and to wear it as a sign of his prowess.


To be fair that is a very tough requirement to meet considering that there are only 1000 Knights all in all and most warbands will seldomly (if ever) clash with them. ^_^

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This is exactly the requirement my Skull Champion sets for his potential bezerker followers, to best a Knight in combat and take his helmet (not to mention skull) as his own, and to wear it as a sign of his prowess.


To be fair that is a very tough requirement to meet considering that there are only 1000 Knights all in all and most warbands will seldomly (if ever) clash with them. ^_^


I guess he's just a very demanding champion. I've got them all kitted out with Knight helmets to make them both fit in with and also stand out from my Iron Warriors, and needed some reasoning as to why they had them. Maybe I should also give them the option of defeating an existing bezerker and claiming his trophy as another viable entry method.

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