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Longtime Xenos Player, New Marine Commander


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As the thread title says, I've played 40k for a long time (since early 2d edition). My main army has been Eldar. Some of the models I have are from when I started playing, and one of these days I may paint them. I've dabbled with non-Eldar armies but like a bad ex-girlfriend, I keep going back. It's true love.


I really enjoy playing the game, love modeling, love the lore, hate the painting. I'm ok with an army of gray plastic men/women/hyper-evolved-flora (aka Orks).


My recent project is a Dark Angel successor chapter. Shockingly, in over 20 years in the hobby this will be my first power armored army. Anyways, this project is so recent that I haven't even put together a single marine yet though I have most of army already bought. I'm too busy planning the important things like chapter color scheme and names and background for the characters. Will probably start a project log on the forum.


Anyways, I'm excited to be a part of a fun community and maybe one day I'll contribute something meaningful once I've annoyed most people about the basics of a marine army.

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Hail and welcome to B&C, brother!


I really enjoy playing the game, love modeling, love the lore, hate the painting.


Hah! Join the cub! Although I also enjoy everything else, I'm not a fan of painting either! :huh:

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