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termie question


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In 5th...NO.


In 6th, the answer is actually YES.


One of the changes in 6th is that you now combat squad "immediately before deployment" not the old way of "when the unit is deployed" on the board. I always wanted to take a full 10 man squad and a razorback, deploy the heavy and reserve the other half in the razorback. Not allowed in 5th but now it is legal. The downside is that now you don't have the option to combat squad a whole unit that arrives from reserves, like Vanguard Vets coming in as two squads on one reserves dice roll, oh well.



You must decide which units are splitting into combat squads,

and which models go into each combat squad, immediately

before deployment. A unit split into combat squads therefore

is now two separate units for all game purposes including

calculating the total number of units in the army, and the

number of units you can place in reserve. Then proceed with

deployment as normal. Note that two combat squads split from

the same unit can embark in the same transport vehicle,

providing its transport capacity allows

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