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Daemon allies


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Ok, I am trying to write a list and before I add Daemon allies I want to make sure I get one thing right. How would it work for the purposes of Daemonic Assault if I take 1 unit of Daemonettes and attach a Herald to the squad? Since there is technically only one unit, do I not need to roll for which group comes in first turn and deep strike these the first turn, or is there a 1/3 chance that I wouldn't deploy any daemons first turn? Or would I technically have to put the squad and the herald into separate groups?
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  • 2 weeks later...
  Morticon said:
I asked the same question in an OR thread a few months back. Should still be here


Now you mention it I do remember one being there. I've just been too busy to dive into the murky depths of history. Will take a look later and see if I can post a link to that one.

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