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Lucius' Escort


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Ignoring for a moment the fact that Lucius is arguably the worst of the cult special characters, I thought it would be fun to get some use out of him. In my eyes, he has 2 things going for him:

1) Doom Siren

2) He's solid in challenges (as long as they don't have a 2+ save)


The foundation for his escort squad will be Noise Marines with a doom siren champion and icon of excess. This gives me two nasty templates, provides some overwatch punch and makes the squad fairly durable. Noise Marines will be given ubergrit thanks to the reduced cost compared to CSMs. This still leaves 2 questions that I'm looking for answers to.


1) 9+1 guys in a rhino or 11+1 guys walking? Point cost is nearly the same. The squad is a hybrid between shooting and assault so the rhino could be useful for getting closer but more bodies helps protect the icon and provides more firepower.

2) Claw or fist on champion? My first reaction is to take a claw to make use of I5 but Lucius already handles the S4 shred angle much better and he suffers against 2+ saves and so the champion's fist could help cover that while Lucius eats into the squad proper.

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Lucis is the worst cult character, but he ain't bad alltogather ;-) He needs nice squad where he can hide :D


I like Your idea about 9 man Noise squad with ubergrit and doom siren and the icon. I've tried something similar, but I was up against Drop Pod Pedro Kantor army and this squad has been vaporised:( Other than that, I've not tried it.


Your first dillema - rhino and 9 marines or 10+ marines on foot.

I think it depends on Your army composition, but footslogging squad with 2 sirens is hard to use properly. I'd be more tempted to use rhino and rush it on the first turn (even move flat out straight at the enemy). Downside of this approach is crew shaken/stunned effects.

Thinks are looking in bright colors when You've got Master of Deception trait. Both approaches are faster and easier to use.


Weapon loadout.

For footslogging squad I'd be tempted to add Blastmaster, You can fire it on the move, it is deadly when stationary, but it's costly:(

For champ aside from Doom Siren Claw would be natural bet, but I can see the point of Fist. I think the Power Fist is a good idea as Lucius would take care of most Challenges.

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I was thinking of keeping the bolters because regardless of whether I'm walking or in a rhino, there are going to be turns where I can add that firepower down range.


I'm leaning towards the rhino simply because I'm finding myself running a mechanized army and another AV platform never hurts.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Going to be running Lucius with the following myself:


Land raider


6-10 noise marines with CCW (no bolters) and the champ with a PF, LC and Doom Siren. Icon of Excess somewhere in the squad.


Expensive squad, but a land raider driving up mid field with 2 rhino's worth of shooty NM squads, driving up behind it for cover, will provide you with some nice mid field contesting units.


The champ is expensive, but with Lucius accepting most challenges, he will be free to go to town on almost everything they face and 4 LC or PF attacks on the charge is nothing to laugh at.


The fact that Lucius doesnt have a built in warlord trait is something people overlook. It means, while you might get the bad terror trait, you can also get the good ones if you're lucky.

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LOL, I just noticed that Lucius doesn't have a default Warlord Trait.


It can be expensive, but if you were to run Huron Blackheart or Ahriman (I know, I know...it's not fluffy) and declare them your Warlord, you get infiltrate and that makes footslogging across the board much less of an issue. In fact, with the right terrain placement, it could make life for your opponent miserable if you're running full sonic weapons.

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