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Khorne Lord or Nurgle Sorcerer?

Commander Krag

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I am considering using one of these guys to be my warlord but I'm not sure who it should be. I was shooting for a close combat warlord (which seems to make the Khorne lord the obvious choice) and both are great.


Korne Lord: Mark of Khorne, Gift of Mutation, Sigil of Corruption, Terminator Armor, Axe of Blind Fury, Melta Bombs, Veterans of the Long War


Nurgle Sorcerer: 2 Biomancy powers, 1 Nurgle Power, Mastery Level 3, Mark of Nurgle, Blight Grenades, Palanquin of Nurgle, Spell Familiar, Force Axe, Gift of Mutation, Sigil of Corruption, Veterans of the Long War


My main opponent is Grey Knights. So who do you think would be best?



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My main opponent is Grey Knights. So who do you think would be best?



I would go with Khorne over Nurgle then. The extra wounds matter less if you're going to get force weaponed and I don't trust my ability to pass psychic tests against someone like grey knights.

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Always rolled on hallucination on my sorcerer firstly and biomancy secondly. with biomancy it feels like you're trying to make your sorcerer, which he ain't... if you want a melée char, go with the lord.


Hallucination however is a great force multiplier, I cannot stress how good Invisibility is. Mental fortitude is the only "bad" spell in hallucination and it has it's uses as well.

Biomancy has some nice rolls, but is highly situational. also I find the hallucination primaris superior... maybe not against GK, but in general(about equal against GK)

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