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My BA collection


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Took a few pics of my BA's just now, this arent going to wow anyone as I dont paint very well!,


Death company, around 40 of them




Devastators at back left, Assault marines sans JP in the middle (also double as Sarg's), Normal Assault marines to the right, pre heresy jump packs are either vanguard or sargs, 9 drop pods at the back




BA flying circus, 3 SR's, 3 Land speeder, 5 attack bikes




3 LR's (vanilla, crusade, redeemer), 2 vindi's, 1 pred, 7 razorbacks/rhino's




20 sternguard, 2 thunderfires, and some of the termies




6 dreads (one libby, one DC dread rest can be anything can do them all as furioso#s) and HQ at the front, now have around 9 sang priests




Didnt bother taking pics of the marines or scouts, 22 scouts half are snipers, and 80 plus marines

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Also, I have been collecting for 3 months, I think I may of gone OTT a little? and to the painting side, well eh erm one day......


I really do enjoy the modeling side more so then nearly anything bar playing with me little toy soldiers


*incoherent sputtering* Sheesh, mine accumulated over a decade and I don't have all the stuff you do. Did you buy a lot of it used, or did you actually buy and build all that in 3 months?

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Nice :wacko:


9 pods is just godlike :D



I started in April and am nearing three companies :).

Been meaning to rank them all up and take a picture



Its not as hard as you would think, lots of Blood Angels and Space Wolf Battleforces, the odd Dark Angel, or even CaptainBoring battleforces.

Throw in Box Sets and you are there


Yeah, admit, I've easily spent over a grand.


Depends on what your disposable income is and what you value spending it on.

Compared to a night out, my 40k stacks up well enough.


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Also, I have been collecting for 3 months, I think I may of gone OTT a little? and to the painting side, well eh erm one day......


I really do enjoy the modeling side more so then nearly anything bar playing with me little toy soldiers


*incoherent sputtering* Sheesh, mine accumulated over a decade and I don't have all the stuff you do. Did you buy a lot of it used, or did you actually buy and build all that in 3 months?


Had a phase of buying a few second hand bits on ebay, 2 of the LR's are second hand ebay buys, one of the razorback rhinos are, and a few of the basic marines are and 5 termies but got so annoyed at sellers spraying over paint jobs not any more, I did get quite good at stripping but now it annoys me!. Its around 80% new, my local store loves me!. I have also sold two storm talons, 30 bikers and a caetus assault ram as I was going to run dual BA codex and vanilla codex but ST's arent that good and bike army just doesnt interest me, assault ram was bought second hand and already painted, no way was I going to try and paint over so I sold it and am going to buy a assault ram storm eagle and a few LR varients beginning of next year. As to building it like I said I do enjoy the modeling side, except for the drop pods horrible things, and dont even get me started on thunderfeck cannons! argh! ha.


I was thinking of restarting for a while then heard Dark veagance was coming out and bought two of those and snowballed from there, I have so far gone to 3 tournies, two at what was Maelstrom and one local and have four planned for early next year so I have really gone into this head first as for painting, I decided on a tournment list then paint what models are in the list. I have made up the 40 or so non JP marines from bitz sellers, man that has cost a lot sadly my painting wont do it justice but at least once I have painted everything I should be a half decent painter? i hope!

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Only ever used one tank in a game so far.

Always liked the idea of a massed push by Fast Rhinos, but never actualy done it, 5 of the transports are brand new :)


Trying four rhinos with tac squads, the two vindies and a Raven (and a pod) next time I play.


A lot of people seem shocked when I hit their transports T1/2, so I have high hopes they will be ignored long enough to put 40 tacticals into position :)


My original plan was "everything flies"

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Only ever used one tank in a game so far.

Always liked the idea of a massed push by Fast Rhinos, but never actualy done it, 5 of the transports are brand new :)


Trying four rhinos with tac squads, the two vindies and a Raven (and a pod) next time I play.


A lot of people seem shocked when I hit their transports T1/2, so I have high hopes they will be ignored long enough to put 40 tacticals into position :)


My original plan was "everything flies"



I am totally the same, before Wednesday I had not fielded more then 2 tanks in a game (except for apoc, and that was only 4!), I run a 5 tank list even though I have had loads of tanks as they were one of my first buys, Looking to do a double vindi, treble baal quad razorback list soon!

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Don't have any pics at the moment but my BA army consists of:


1x PA libby

1x termie libby


home made mephiston

reclusiarch ( on foot )

captain in termie armour


5x honour guard w/ JPs, 4x plasma guns


3x dreads, I use blue tack and/or magnets to change the up, so they can be riflemen, fists, talons, etc...

50 termies ( 11 TH/SS, 9 LC, 30 tactical w/ special weapons)

20 sternguard

3 priests w/ 1 JP


60 tac marines w/ fists/special/heavy( variety of plasma, flamers, melta)

10 DC w/ weapons and a couple of pistols.

20? scouts, 5 snipers, 10 cc w/ powerfist, 5 w/ shotguns

10x assault marines w/o JPs

5x assault marines w/ JPs


9x rhinos w/ options for options for razors instead, mix of assault cannons, TLLC, plasma, HB

2x pods

1x redeemer


30x vanguard vets w/ large variety of special weapon. Some of my favorite models are here. Remember the old 5 man veteran squads, metal, and there was a guy w/o a helmet, and a power fist, pointing forwards? They are my favorite models of all time, and they look even better w/ JPs.

1x typhoon

1x melta/flamer speeder

1x attack bike w/ melta

3x bikes w/ 2x plasma


SR w/ options for all vehicles. I left the side doors off so it looks like the helicopters in the movies where some guy shoots out the door. Epic.

2x 10x devs w/ 4x RLs


3x vindis

the top of a whirlwind, so I can use a rhino chassis if I want a whirlwind.




All of that can be seen as third and first company, and is painted to a variety of standards.

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Just... Wow.


I feel bad when I buy 1 raven.


Hell, I feel bad when I buy a box of RAS...


I've been collecting for like 8 years


I have a lot.


But 9 freaking drop pods?


How many points is this????


Anyway, my models


3 libbies (1 pack)

Reclusiarch (TA)

3 Captains


3 Priests (1 pack)

20 TA (5 TAS)

5 grey knights proxied as sternguard in a plastic container proxied as a drop pod ;)


40 Tactical Marines

30 RAS (15 w/ packs)

25 scouts (5 sniper)

~10 DC


1 Baal

3 Bikes

3 (1 broken stand) Land speeders


1 Raven

2 Dreads (AC/MM)


1 LR

2 Rhinos (1s a broken Whirlwind, but I never use them :/)

1 Razorback


~15 unbuilt/unfinished guys

5 ultramarines that I proxy as devs sometimes (got these in some paint set)

Some Orcs (2x AoBR)

10 DA a Farseer

3 warlocks.


Only a little is painted, most semi-painted, a lot unpainted :/ Meh.

Im working on it.

My plog is not updated, i may or may not do that at some point...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally got round to painting some more and sorting things out


Land raiders ahoy!




Librarian wing




Chaplain wing




Sang Priest wing




And my Death company wing, looking forward to busting out 2k points of non scoring DC army!





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It wowd me haha, I wonder how many other people have a large amount of blood angels miniatures?


Here's my list - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=262189


I've been AWOL on painting since my last update, new job, kids, holidays, etc....


I hope to get in some painting in the next week or so.


Just can't seem to find time lately!

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So, I'm kinda jealous. I see everything you have and think to myself "Man, I could paint to Golden Daemon standards by the end of that project!" But then I sit back and think about what I have and... it may not be as much as yours but conbine ALL of my armies... oh brother. Just my Angels alone I have 5700 points worth (if I purchased new, roughly 1400 dollars was spent). And I still have a nice project ahead before I decide to stop building Blood Angels (Building, not playing). That being said, I want to take every single Blood Angel model I have when I get home from the "Stan", strip it and repaint them. Start with what is used in my competitive lists, and go from there. I couldn't figure out how I wanted them to look so they came out as Blood Ravens, Flesh Tearers and traditional Angels. I have


TH Captain, x2 JP Libs, JP Chaplain, Mepheston, Astorath (All purchased new), Terminator LIbrarian, Terminator Priest (used)

x10 Assault Terminators (magnitized), x1 Honor Guard w/ Blood Champion, apoc a 4 special weapons, one Sanguinary Guard squad (All purchased new)

x3 Full 235 point traditional 5thED Assault Squads, 14 scouts (4 metal) (plastic scouts and ASM purchased new), Black Reach Tac Squad (used w/ metal scouts)

x20 Death Company, 100% magnitized for Bolters/Jump Packs/ Back Packs/ CCW-BP/Power Weapon-BP (All new, all painted to my highest standards...)

x2 Auto Lass Preds (One new, one used) x1 Vindicator (new), x3 Baals (x2 new, one used)

x6 Razorbacks. 5 w/ TLPlas/Lass, one TL Lass and one extra HB mount (All used except one)

Drop Pod (used)

x2 Storm Ravens (New)

x2 Land Speeders with all magnitized weapons (new)

x1 Furioso Dread (Converts to Furioso Lib, new) x1 DC Dread and Black Reach Dread (Used)

x3 Unassembled Priests from a Sanguinary Box set (Conversions were in progress, the Libs came form same box), x5 various random bargain bin marines and an unassembled Devistator Squad.


And that doesn't include the 40+ extra Marine torso's and misc bits I have floating. I have plans for those.


I miss my army... I miss warhammer : (


Forgot to say this before I hit enter...


I love the fact that you painted all of those Death Company. I was sold on Blood Angels when I read about them being crazy mofos who randomly go into a blood drunk rage. But then I saw Death Company and decided this was the codex I wanted to use! Stopped playing Chaos and Orks almost all together (And I frikin LOVED Orks) to persue this love! All because of the Death Comapny

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  • 2 weeks later...

New pics, separated into Companies, 1st company, armoury, Sanguinary priesthood, Sanguinary guard are below.


1st company, somehow missed the pictures of the termies!, 40 of them


45 Sternguard vets


5 Furioso Dreads (Have 2 more furiosos but cant find the arms for them so the libby dreads are in this picture.)


12 Vanguard vets


Sanguniary Guard 10 of those with Sanguinor


8 Sang Priests, have got another few somewhere


And the Armoury, have got a few more rhino chassis somewhere as well, plus 9 pods






At the mo I have around 4 full companies, 2nd company (mix), 8th company (assault marines), 9th company (devis) and 1st company. Troops are all there for those with no crossover but not enough dreads , from what I am reading I would need 11 dreads

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