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Chaos Space Marines Exhibition

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Hi everone


A few weeks ago I was down in Warhammer World for the Throne of Skulls events. While down there, a few friends had chosen to stay until Monday so we could get some mail & Forge World order bought & also get launch in bugman bar before return home, just over five hour worth of travel.


While there, on Monday? was the start of Warhammer World Chaos Space Marines Exhibition. It worth going to see if your able to. It was really cool seen current models we see in our codex/White Dwarf. Also with the models we have seen over the years :wacko:




Hobby team Alpha Legion force






From Eavy Metal "how to paint" Daemon Prince








Then some of the art work shown though out the years of Codex Chaos Space Marines








Then our codex though out the years










Old clip together Death Guards





















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Thanks for the pics! Those are some nice looking AL. I love seeing the chubby old plague marines. ^_^


There also a box of the old Khorne Bezerker just behinde the 2nd ed codex chaos. Still rememeber when these where release & as a kid it was both these set I'd usely buy along with the Space Marines set that had six multi part marines.



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Oh man, so jealous you got to see this mini in the flesh - it's my favourite thing in the new codex and probably the nicest word bearer I've ever seen.

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They really really do try to pretend 3.5 never happened don't they.....how bizarre!


If you mean display, codex 3.5 was there ether I not uploaded the photo or due to time was not able to get one as we had a quick look before going into Bugman bar for food & to pick up our order before going back home.

But all codex where on display along with the models that where for that era. By this I mean with 3.5/Index Astarties era you had all the Legion box set. 3rd ed shown the Night Lord & more daemonic look style, 2nd ed Abaddon & the Dreadnoughts along with the plastic clip together kits or RT era the old classic metal models.


But again it was on display ether I forgetten to add it in or I did not get time to take the photo as time was a bit short, as said with getting food in Bugman bar, pick up order & then seen the Heresy display by Forge World which was shown that Games Day, that one I only got a video for my facebook.


So just though I quickly point this out ^_^


Excessus Posted Today, 09:11 AM

Good old Goblin Green bases, with a hint of yellow highlight


Ah, also the old red era where a lot of stuff had red as the main colour from the 5th ed Warhammer Fantasy Empire, Ultramarine & Dark Angels bolt guns? One of my friends was still base his army this way but until recently has started the change the base.



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