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Raptor Champion


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I remember in the old codex, a Raptor Champion could take dual lightning claws, so I had built one. Now that I'm actually painting it, I checked the new codex and it seems that "a model can replace his bolt pistol and/or close combat weapon with one of the following:" and then it lists a few weapons including Lightning Claw, as singular. I'd read this as being a single lightning claw. In the section for chosen too, it specifically offers the option of dual lightning claws, but makes no such allowance for Raptors.


Does this mean that a conversion is in order?

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The operative words are "and/or". Meaning you can replace one or both. If you replace both, you can take two weapons from the appropriate chaos wargear lists. And nothing prevents you from taking the same melee item twice.


In short, yes, you can take two lightning claws for 30 points.

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