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Squad Markings

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I am working on my Tac Marines and I use the raised Tac Squad shoulder Pads. Similar to my AOBR Tac Marines, I filled them with putty so that all the arrow is raised. What I want to do is to make an individual squad marking on that pad. I dont think that the Roman Numerals in the decal sheet will be small enough, nor do I really want black numbers on such a dark model already. My question is has anyone ever tried to find a small stamp that has Roman Numerals that could be used? I thought that it may work and be better than any free hand that I could do.
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Maybe try find some small brass etch?


Im not exactly sure what you mean. I binged small brass etch and found nothing valuable. Do you mean something similar to what they used when they printed by hand?


As Grotsmasha says Brass etch or depending on your colour scheme get some waterslide transfer paper and print your own numbers, that way you can determine the font size yourself


I always forget Decal paper. I can see that as another option as well.

For brass etch try eBay. Brass Etch is essentially the same concept as decals only made out of thin sheets of Brass. Although it is a little more expensive it is alot more durable and can be shaped by pushing it against the model, not need for micro set/sol.


EDIT: Forgeworld does do some if you'd like to see what I'm talking about.





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