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Best CC terminator load out


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yeah I can't seem to find that hammernator entry in our codex...


but instead of putting all those termies/muties into one unit and worrying about how the enemy will deal with a deathstar like that the usual way, I'd rather have my 3 elite slots filled with single, deepstriking mutilators with MoN (ignore ID <S10) and VotlW. That is 3 individual threats which all are capable of killing a land raider or anything else encountered in the enemy's backyard exept for a big counterassault squad.

so what does the enemy do?

shoot at them? fine, so he doesn't fire at the rest of your army then, and some will pass their saves.

assault them? with devastators? if he doesn't have dedicated counterassault, they continue to rip his guts, and even then those units are bound and will loose some models.

ignore them? sure, say goodbye to your fire support.


it's something only TDA lone wolves can do of all other codices.

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I suppose I feel like the Oddball here as I don't really have a unit decked out only for close combat... then again after finding out that 2 lightning claws costs 22 points on a terminator champ was kinda... disheartening to me even if he still does decently in the games I've played. so far I'm just using my old unit that i enjoy the most for my games with my Word Bearers, I feel like adding a couple more to give me a few more options for mixing things in and out but in all the games that I personally have played, they have been more then enough to get the job done. with this unit I've taken out in games just about everything in game, now not always are they perfect, nothing is but for me.. personally they get the job done, I have considered though giving one a power sword or L-claws for a bit more varied ap valves but until then i'm keeping em the way they are.

Here is the unit in question I call em my chosen terminators because i prefer using em so they are my personal chosen.


the guy in the back with the star of Chaos on the top of his head is my unit champ normally so the group is as you see, 4xcombi-plasma, 2x power mauls, 1xchainfist, 2xpower fists, 1x heavy flamer. they are expensive i guess ya... but hey when they do the job and i love how they are painted i don't really care :3

cheers, David.

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yeah I can't seem to find that hammernator entry in our codex...


but instead of putting all those termies/muties into one unit and worrying about how the enemy will deal with a deathstar like that the usual way, I'd rather have my 3 elite slots filled with single, deepstriking mutilators with MoN (ignore ID <S10) and VotlW. That is 3 individual threats which all are capable of killing a land raider or anything else encountered in the enemy's backyard exept for a big counterassault squad.

so what does the enemy do?

shoot at them? fine, so he doesn't fire at the rest of your army then, and some will pass their saves.

assault them? with devastators? if he doesn't have dedicated counterassault, they continue to rip his guts, and even then those units are bound and will loose some models.

ignore them? sure, say goodbye to your fire support.


it's something only TDA lone wolves can do of all other codices.


Been running 2 one man nurgle Mutilators to great success so far in the 6th ed

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Since when has a Landraider ever been a terrible transport?


There's nothing Terrible about Mutilators when you use them appropriately. They're cheaper than a 4 man squad of Terminators with more survivability, and versatility for about the same amount of attacks. I'll take these guys over a close combat chaos terminator squad any day.


On the subject of Mutilators, I'm making 3 count-as "Blood Brothers" for my World Eaters, similar in theme and scope to the "heavy weapons teams" for count as obliterators seen round about, posed about on a termy base.

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I was thinking about Mutilators today, and the nail in the coffin was realizing that without eternal warrior, their 2 wounds will lead to being worthless verses S8. I'd much rather tool out a termie squad. I think 3 LCs, 1 Power Maul, a Chainfist, and the champ with LC+Chainfist is a great all comers combo. Season with combi-plasma to taste.


So a kind of extraneous question, what are feelings on reaper ACs on Termies?

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I was thinking about Mutilators today, and the nail in the coffin was realizing that without eternal warrior, their 2 wounds will lead to being worthless verses S8. I'd much rather tool out a termie squad. I think 3 LCs, 1 Power Maul, a Chainfist, and the champ with LC+Chainfist is a great all comers combo. Season with combi-plasma to taste.


So a kind of extraneous question, what are feelings on reaper ACs on Termies?


mark of nurgle = t5= ID only on s10

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I was thinking about Mutilators today, and the nail in the coffin was realizing that without eternal warrior, their 2 wounds will lead to being worthless verses S8. I'd much rather tool out a termie squad. I think 3 LCs, 1 Power Maul, a Chainfist, and the champ with LC+Chainfist is a great all comers combo. Season with combi-plasma to taste.


So a kind of extraneous question, what are feelings on reaper ACs on Termies?


mark of nurgle = t5= ID only on s10


>.< the perils of building fluffy monogod lists, I forget everything but Slaanesh.


I think I'd still like the numbers and shooting termies bring instead.

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champ with LC+Chainfist


this is 32 points. way too much for a 1 wound character.


reaper ACs on Termies?


overcosted. take havocs.


combi-plas is about the only effective option left: DS, delete, get shot, deliver IC.


in fact, don't bother with termies at all - this ed. is all about plasma.

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combi-plas is about the only effective option left: DS, delete, get shot, deliver IC.



in fact, don't bother with termies at all - this ed. is all about plasma.

Well, combi-plasma could be effective on them, 2+ save needs to be put down with quantity after all so they are keeping the rest safe...

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in fact, don't bother with termies at all - this ed. is all about plasma.


This is interesting, from what im hearing, everyone has gone oh noes, vehicles suck, so drop them, p/weps cant counter termies so good, take them! This leads to spam of plasma, but hardly any melta/proper anti tank.


I'm running (alongside 2 preds, vindi, and 2 hell brutes) a raider with termies in. so far (only had handful of games) its done me well, as enemy cant counter them, and if i'm going forwards, picking my target, assulting out. I take no plasma on approach, hit a unit containing it, leaving usually only 2/3 other units packing enough plasma to hurt me, hopefully most far away that they cant double tap. This means I am surviving quite well as its not what people are expecting. Might jsut be my area though


As far as mutes go, I think i'd take em (but avoid the god aweful models!) if they could have a raider. as they cant they lose out for me.

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As far as mutes go, I think i'd take em (but avoid the god aweful models!) if they could have a raider. as they cant they lose out for me.


Why can't they? There's nothing that says they can't clamber into a Land Raider, they just can't buy one as a dedicated transport. Mutilators aren't Raptors, after all.


Well, you'd have to sacrifice a Pred or a Vindi for it, I guess. Kind of a bummer.

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hmm, thats true I suppose. Can units set up in transports as long as they arnt dedicated to another unit? not got my rule book to hand, but if they can, might try 3 nurgle mutes with a palaquin lord in a raider for a couple of games
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Here is the unit in question I call em my chosen terminators because i prefer using em so they are my personal chosen.
Nice to see I'm not the only one who doesn't like trophy racks on their termies.


As for equipment loadout, I5 goes before MEQ, so you're gravy unless you end up fighting an IC with a Power Sword or LC, or get charged by someone with a Power Lance. Doesn't matter how many attacks they get if they're already dead, and that was one advantage that stock Chaos Termies have always had against stock Imperial SB-PF Termies or even a squad of Hammernators.


Course if you're the kind of guy who just *has* to use a Maul and let MEQ get an armor save, don't let me stop you.


Edit: Just remembered that LCs might be AP3 instead of AP2. I'm at work and my rulebook's at home, so unfortunately I have no real way to double-check.

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Edit: Just remembered that LCs might be AP3 instead of AP2. I'm at work and my rulebook's at home, so unfortunately I have no real way to double-check.


LClaws are AP3.


hmm, thats true I suppose. Can units set up in transports as long as they arnt dedicated to another unit? not got my rule book to hand, but if they can, might try 3 nurgle mutes with a palaquin lord in a raider for a couple of games


Palanquin can't be transported at all. It's the only one of the Steeds that can't be.


A dedicated transport has to start with the unit it's bought for, but once it's on the table and that unit is disembarked, it can then transport any Infantry unit it has the capacity to actually tool around.

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Palanquin can only be transported in a LR, cos he's so fat :D


I'd equip a squad of terminators with combi plasma/melta and a mix of close combat weapons to suit the job, or depending on what models I'm using :D


Mutilator's don't seem that great, but I do like the idea of deepstriking a few solo ones in (with the mark of nurgle of course). 3 in a landraider with a lord could be decent as well, just gotta make your own models as the stock ones suck heh.

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Palanquin can't be transported at all. It's the only one of the Steeds that can't be.

Only infantry can be transported unless otherwise stated if my memory serves me right, and neither of the other three are infantry.

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I must admit to lazily writing Mutilators off but maybe they are worth another look (despite the EPIC FAIL that is thier models). Roughly the same points as a Paladin and roughly as good? Slow and purposeful sucks but could an attached IC leave the squad and sweep if it's not gonna leave him too open to being shot in the face?


Other big problem is unit size. Could take 2 elites slots to give us more and just join them into one squad but I kinda feel like I wanna run them in a terminator heavy list and that's not possible cause they take up the same FOC slot. Unless we can ally with ourselves. Is that a thing?


Maybe these guys with a termie lord and sorcerer with the right mark and icon could be our deathstar?

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Seriously discussing Mutilators? Wow..... For one they're nowhere near as good as Paladins (but they are still roughly the same cost). We have pretty much every power weapon option available, that's true. In one vs one these guys though have force weapons, FnP options and good ranged options. Not to mention the fact that paladins are so much more versatile than mutilators. Slow and Purposeful for a melee unit is HORRIBLE. No running? The only way to use them is a Land Raider and that's just a HUGE pointsink.


On topic though, I think it's best to have a mixture of both, a few AP 3 options, a few AP 2 options and a maul or two. Just keep them away from assault termies and they'd be pretty gnarly. You'd still have points for combi weapons too. As for marks, I think it's best to leave them unmarked, or if you really want a mark go for MoN. MoT is just far too expensive because those models still die just as quickly as everyone else to non AP 1/2 weaponry. MoS isn't too bad but you'd be paying for I5 on a couple unwieldy weapons. MoK is a possiblity, forget how much it costs but it would be nice to get those extra attacks.

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The only way to use them is a Land Raider

that is why you think they are bad.

2-3 singles, MoN. DS close to enemy fire support. pull fire or wreak havoc if ignored. combine with assault elements for target saturation.


No that is why I know they are. They DS? Alright, your opponent can simply walk away from them and the Mutilators will never catch up. You can use your own faster assault units to push them into the muti's but you'd first have to get through their own assault/counterassault units.

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if they will be walking away from them, they will most likely be walking towards your main forces though ;) But this is off topic, sorry.

Depends on the opponent. Mounted Dark Eldar can dance circles around everything including your Muties, and jumpy BA can probably bounce over them depending on how close they landed. SNP is their huge disadvantage. From the looks of them, they seem more intended to DS close to an existing combat where they can just walk in leisurely, than being a primary combatant.

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