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Best CC terminator load out


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I'm I don't mean to back seat mod but can we open a new discussion about mutilators and go back to talking about terminators? My topic got closed and was refered to this topic and so far its been all talk about mutilators and nearly no info about termie loadout.
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No that is why I know

then this is why you don't know better ;D


your opponent can simply walk away from them [...] you'd first have to get through their own assault/counterassault units.

walk away with say, a devastator squad, a tank, something behind an aegis or inside a bunker? great, mission accomplished!

counterassault units? as in more than 2? I have 3 individual TEQ + my real assault elements. I don't think you'll have as many, because individual mutilators are as cheap a thread as it gets.

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Or said Devastator squad/lascannon pred can simply turn and shoot after getting away from said mutilators. Why would your opponent not have as many assault elements? GK, SW, DE any of these would have plenty that could handle mutilators with ease. Mutilators are cheap now too? I don't have my codex handy but aren't they like 50 points? Plus a mark? That's alot for a single infantry unit that isn't a character....
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I'm going to try out 2 individual mutes with vet and MoN, will typically land about 8 inches away.


Land next to (going to use space wolves as thats a reg enemy that I know):

long fangs, well okay, 5 missile launchers can now either shoot you and pray (unlikely to kill you), or run. they are stuffed

Pred, even tri las, only about a 50 50 shot of killing you, if it moves 6 so snap fires most of its weps its not going to kill you. they are stuffed

grey hunter squad, prob best shot at bringing one down, would try to avoid but if i needed to, could tie one up for a bit


And thats for a unit thats very much cheaper than the target. marines would be equally stuffed, devastors, tacs, scout snipers, sternguard (unless they want to use up any fancy one shot weps they might still have), thunderfire cannon etc, none of this can deal with one and will cease to work if it runs away.

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well, if they shoot the muty, they don't shoot the other stuff. if they run, they snapfire. both means wasted shots. if they ignore them, they get assaulted.

muties are cheap because they are 65pts (MoN/VotlW) for a thread/single foc slot (2+/5++, 2 wounds), deployable by DS. only thing cheaper is spawn i think.

because of that cost, I'll propably have more threads that the enemy has counters.

try it.

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A few of those will yes. For a tri-las pred? Move flat out then next turn you can either focus fire or just ignore them. And (for us) tri-las preds aren't much more expensive. Sternguard? All they'd need to do is move away and fire their special 2+ poison ammo. That would rain saves on the muti's. Sure some of these would have problems but that's very situational and chances of it working aren't very high.


Edit: Nehekare- I want to like these guys, always have, but I just struggle to see a use for them honestly.

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A Sternguard squad would murderize a lone Mutie. Hellfire rounds completely neutralize your MoN, and they'll be dumping enough of those on you to penetrate your save -- and that's before we start talking about any combis, specials, or heavies they have. Scout snipers are another bad target -- granted, they're BS3, but they still have Rending guns that again ignore your MoN. As for Tacs, plasma is coming back in a big way. I've run a plasma gun, combiplasma, plasma cannon squad in the not so distant past, and that's a squad that a Mutie will hate to see. Even swapping to a different heavy -- multimeltas are popular with that loadout -- it'll still kill your Mutie and laugh about it after.


Don't be so dismissive of units because they're not Grey Hunters or Paladins. If you started dropping single model units in front my gunline, I'd thank you, praise the Emperor, and pass the ammunition.

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Can we please get back on topic about terminator loadouts?


I'll try to get us off to a good start:


I am going to try running 5 terminators with the following setup this weekend ~200ish points:

2 chain fists, 1 lightning claw, 2 power axes, 4 combi plasmas.


They will be joined by a lv3 biomancy Terminator sorcerer with a power axe (or staff).


I am hoping to get endurance so I can give them Feel no pain. I am thinking about footslogging them. I just wish the reaper AC was cheaper so I could take it. It is too expensive and I am trying to keep my 5 terminators around ~200points.

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Edit: Nehekare- I want to like these guys, always have, but I just struggle to see a use for them honestly.


:P well, it's the only use I see for them either, but it's not too shabby I think. not in any case game winning, but a good investment for the few pts.

sure, they'll die. but basically everything put up against them will be wasted (best they can do is kill a single TEQ/loose a round of shooting), and left ignored they'll f**k s**t up.


and to return to talking about TDA loadouts: part of it is knowing what other/similar units do better. Termies are the middle ground between muties and oblits, thus loose out if geared for CC. noob slayer/deathstar, nothing more.

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Can we please get back on topic about terminator loadouts?


I'll try to get us off to a good start:


I am going to try running 5 terminators with the following setup this weekend ~200ish points:

2 chain axes, 1 lightning claw, 2 power axes, 4 combi plasmas.


They will be joined by a lv3 biomancy Terminator sorcerer with a power axe (or staff).


I am hoping to get endurance so I can give them Feel no pain. I am thinking about footslogging them. I just wish the reaper AC was cheaper so I could take it. It is too expensive and I am trying to keep my 5 terminators around ~200points.


There are only so many loadouts to discuss, we've discussed most of them already. :P


Why take chain axes? Power swords are far better aren't they? Additionally I don't believe they're an option for terminators, only characters or zerks.... Other than that though Looks like a fun unit.


I think a good use of terminators is for shock value, 5 MoN/MoK termies deepstriking behind enemy lines usually makes opponents switch their army's focus (at least in 1500 point games and below). Give them combi plas or even melta if you're feeling short on anti-tank and a nice assortment of CCWs.

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I ran a 5 man squad somewhat like that last week. Had 5 unmarked termies with 1 CF, 3 mauls, combi bolters, one heavy flamer and a pair of LCs along with 1 MoT/biomancy sigil termie sorc. They worked well; soaked up a ton of fire from doombolts, battlecannons and firestorms. They ended up killing a squad of TS and a defiler (which my havocs couldn't bring down the whole game). Only thing I'll probably do differently is add another CF in there somewhere because it took a couple turns to take down the defiler and I'll probably add some combi plasma when I get around to modeling them.
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I'm thinking of sticking a full squad of 10 Khorne terminators with twin claws in a storm eagle and lobbing them at the biggest enemy unit I can find.


If my math is right that would be 50 X strength 5 AP3 attacks on the charge, rerolling wounds! That'd steamroll almost anything wouldn't it? Pair with Khârn or a lucky warlord roll or VoftW vs marines to reroll misses too. Big points commitment (650pts ish) but pretty fearsome

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Slow and Purposeful for a melee unit is HORRIBLE.


sry, to bring up the muties again, but I just re-read S&P and realized that it just prohibits running and sweeping advances. since running units may not charge, that would be a stupid idea for melee-only units anyway. no sweeping means you don't want to charge blob squads (not that you would like to with only 1-3 models). so basically, S&P has no real effect on muties. it's not like last edition, when it indeed made you walk slowly/through difficult terrain!

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Yes but you'll only be able to move 6" each turn maximum, whereas everyone else can do that and then run on top of it. Not to mention overwatch even if you do get the charge would be very painful with a single model. Last game I played I killed 3 terminators with a 5 man CSM squad's bolters.
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run on top of it.

can't charge if running!

overwatch: primary target = not blobs. 2W TEQ should suffice against anything but extreme luck. vehicles can't overwatch, as can nothing within 6" of dirge casters (rhinos/defilers/LRs).

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Keep the topic to terminators please. If you want to talk about muties or a comprehensive discussion of all dedicated Chaos asssult units, let's do it in another thread.

On topic, I'm not feeling terminators as deathstar type assault troops. Keep them as cheap deepstriking support units to help protect weaker scoring units.

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