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Why Deamon Allies?

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It's gonna be a very short first post,


I see a lot of people talking on this forum about using Deamon Allies to make a strong Chaos Army, I'm not sure why.

I'm not saying that it's wrong - cause I genuinely have no idea - but I want to know why. Cause I always like Chaos but never got onside with deamons, don't know what it was never really liked them much. And I doubt I'll include them in my future chaos army, purely because i never see the Alpha Legion using deamons and the Iron Warriors seem to put their faith in steel and cordite than tricksy deamonic powers.


None the less I'm interested why the deamons seem to be flavour of the month for the Chaos Space Marine Allies.



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With the Allies Chart, Daemons are our only Battle Brother class ally.

Also, with certain warbands Daemon allies are like peas and carrots, it makes sense. I wouldn't say flavor of the month for it. I mean they are like the direct manifestations of the Chaos Gods that Chaos Space Marines (some of them) worship and fight for. Blood for the Blood God and all that.

Sure we Night Lords, and other warbands don't like Daemons at all and if I had to choose I would take IG allies.


And what Chaos Lord Shamrockius said.

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Just because your Night Lords doesn't like daemons doesn't mean that the bloodshead the wreak upon the innocent population of some world isn't going to draw the attention of the big four... ;)


Perhaps they didn't mean to summon them, but they'll hardly vanish with a stern "shoo" from a chaos lord. :)



I'd say there could be fluff reasons to include daemons in most warbands from most legions and ex-chapters, they are our only bff:s after all! ;)

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Just because your Night Lords doesn't like daemons doesn't mean that the bloodshead the wreak upon the innocent population of some world isn't going to draw the attention of the big four... ;)


Perhaps they didn't mean to summon them, but they'll hardly vanish with a stern "shoo" from a chaos lord. :)



I'd say there could be fluff reasons to include daemons in most warbands from most legions and ex-chapters, they are our only bff:s after all! :P


Of course, I take marks on my Raptors and Bikers. I don't shun the possibility that the Gods are watching or anything. But it would be a case of 'Who invited these guys, was it you? Cause it wasn't me.'

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Just because your Night Lords doesn't like daemons doesn't mean that the bloodshead the wreak upon the innocent population of some world isn't going to draw the attention of the big four... ;)


Perhaps they didn't mean to summon them, but they'll hardly vanish with a stern "shoo" from a chaos lord. :)



I'd say there could be fluff reasons to include daemons in most warbands from most legions and ex-chapters, they are our only bff:s after all! :P


Of course, I take marks on my Raptors and Bikers. I don't shun the possibility that the Gods are watching or anything. But it would be a case of 'Who invited these guys, was it you? Cause it wasn't me.'

"The last little girl on the corner happened to be a latent psyker whose death has breached the barriers between both worlds."


At least, that's how I imagine the reply being. ;)

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they'll hardly vanish with a stern "shoo" from a chaos lord. :)


'Who invited these guys, was it you? Cause it wasn't me.'



This is possibly the closest CSM tactical discussion has come to being a Monty Python sketch ever. And I like it.


Edit : and Kol Sarek, I believe Eric Idle would wander in screen right with your line. Apologies for not using that before.

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waiting to buy models which will rise in price after new year , is not the most sensible thing to do.

I already have my screamers and flamers though, I'm waiting for the new models for a HQ if any...

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I already have two squads of Blood Letters with a squad of Blood Crushers, a Blood Thirster and a Soul Grinder. These units have served me pretty well when I balance it with a heavily ranged back chaos marine army.


I really wish I had some screamers and flamers but eh, im not spending money on an army that im only going to be using as allies.

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Supposed to be February. I'm not sure they'll still be the 'new kits' GW will be pushing at that time. Frankly, I never bought the idea that GW deliberately messes with the game balance of models in order to push particular kits. If that were true, then we wouldn't had fiascos like the 4e possessed, and the current nid book wouldn't revolve entirely around a model that wasn't even on the horizon at the time the book was released.


At the very least, the slaaneshi chariots would have been better.


I'm also expecting a nerf on flamers and screamers, and will be holding off on my own allied detachment until I can see how everything actually pans out.

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It's gonna be a very short first post,


I see a lot of people talking on this forum about using Deamon Allies to make a strong Chaos Army, I'm not sure why.

I'm not saying that it's wrong - cause I genuinely have no idea - but I want to know why. Cause I always like Chaos but never got onside with deamons, don't know what it was never really liked them much. And I doubt I'll include them in my future chaos army, purely because i never see the Alpha Legion using deamons and the Iron Warriors seem to put their faith in steel and cordite than tricksy deamonic powers.


None the less I'm interested why the deamons seem to be flavour of the month for the Chaos Space Marine Allies.





Why daemons are a good ally for chaos marines? They are fluffy, competitive and allow us to include a BLOODTHIRSTER !!!

Nothing is cooler than a bloodthirster....unless it dies !

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Daemons indeed seem to be crazy strong right now with the right kind of list, so it seems logical they would make good allies from a power perspective. And fluff-wise too. But yeah, in terms of power, in our local lil' tournament the only Daemons player has so far raked in 85 out of a possible maximum of 90 points after three out of a series of four tournaments. So that makes 9 matches (3 per tournament), of which 8 massacre/wipe-out victories that award 10 points and one where he "only" got 5 points. And let me tell you, most of the other lists there are cheesy enough as is... :) My BT army has a measly 30 points so far. Luckily haven't had to face the Daemons yet... or the Doomscythe-spamming Necron player.
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Why not take daemons as allies? For modellers, it gives them a chance to work on something other than power armor that they can use in game. For fluffists, well, daemons are fluffier than a box full of freshly cleaned xenos psyker kittens. I haven't gamed in a while but I do like a bit of fun to my gaming as well - and what's more fun than having some Flamers show up behind enemy guard lines or some Daemonettes show up in the middle of an Eldar army? :)
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As a Nurgle player I don't see the use of Deamon Allies...

Screamers and flamers isn't really fluffly since nurgle and tzeentch aren't best friends.


Nurglings and Plaguebearers? Are they really worth the points?

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As a Nurgle player I don't see the use of Deamon Allies...

Screamers and flamers isn't really fluffly since nurgle and tzeentch aren't best friends.


Nurglings and Plaguebearers? Are they really worth the points?

Epidemus maybe? :o

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