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Why Deamon Allies?

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I have a lord od change, horrors, flamers and screamers, but no daemon codex and I don't really want to buy it if it is going to get redone soon. I really do wish GW gave up on the "What will we release in the year? Nobody knows" policy, if I knew wherever or not it was coming out within a year I could get the codex if it wasn't, but as it is I don't want to risk it.
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As a Nurgle player I don't see the use of Deamon Allies...

Screamers and flamers isn't really fluffly since nurgle and tzeentch aren't best friends.


Nurglings and Plaguebearers? Are they really worth the points?

Epidemus maybe? :)


Not if you go to tournaments and you can't take special char as allies...

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As a Nurgle player I don't see the use of Deamon Allies...

Screamers and flamers isn't really fluffly since nurgle and tzeentch aren't best friends.


Nurglings and Plaguebearers? Are they really worth the points?

Epidemus maybe? ;)


Not if you go to tournaments and you can't take special char as allies...


That's why you take the Daemons as the primary detachment with Epidemius as the HQ (probably backed up by a GUO since you don't want Epi taking challenges by being up front), and ally Chaos Marines to it with a Nurgle Sorcerer and a bunch of Plague Marines or Cultists. If I'm understanding the Allies matrix correctly, that means if Epi's the Warlord then all Nurgle-Marked units on the board, primary detachment or not, benefit from Tallyman buffs.

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but tournaments in belgium allow specials , I have seen at least 2 different DW armies last year and it impossible to build them without belial who is a special character. I think I have seen a logan wing too although that was a few years back .


Not if you go to tournaments and you can't take special char AS allies...


So yes DW and logan wings are allowed if you don't take them as allies


That's why you take the Daemons as the primary detachment with Epidemius as the HQ (probably backed up by a GUO since you don't want Epi taking challenges by being up front), and ally Chaos Marines to it with a Nurgle Sorcerer and a bunch of Plague Marines or Cultists. If I'm understanding the Allies matrix correctly, that means if Epi's the Warlord then all Nurgle-Marked units on the board, primary detachment or not, benefit from Tallyman buffs.


Hmm that looks interesting!

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That's why you take the Daemons as the primary detachment with Epidemius as the HQ (probably backed up by a GUO since you don't want Epi taking challenges by being up front), and ally Chaos Marines to it with a Nurgle Sorcerer and a bunch of Plague Marines or Cultists. If I'm understanding the Allies matrix correctly, that means if Epi's the Warlord then all Nurgle-Marked units on the board, primary detachment or not, benefit from Tallyman buffs.


Hmm that looks interesting!

The daemon primary army detachment for tally lists isn't actually that good, especially when it is competing with flamer/screamer spam.

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That's why you take the Daemons as the primary detachment with Epidemius as the HQ (probably backed up by a GUO since you don't want Epi taking challenges by being up front), and ally Chaos Marines to it with a Nurgle Sorcerer and a bunch of Plague Marines or Cultists. If I'm understanding the Allies matrix correctly, that means if Epi's the Warlord then all Nurgle-Marked units on the board, primary detachment or not, benefit from Tallyman buffs.


Hmm that looks interesting!

The daemon primary army detachment for tally lists isn't actually that good, especially when it is competing with flamer/screamer spam.

Remember if you take a nurgle sorcerer he doesn't make plague marines troops. And even if you take a nurgle lord, he has to be in your primary detachement to make them troops anyway...


Also, I think that if you run a flamer/screamer list, you actually benefit a lot from having an allied unmarked lvl3 biomancy/telepathy sorcerer buffing/debuffing stuff in the background. Screamers with endurance and/or invisibility would be nasty indeed, or against enfeebled opponents...and so on...

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