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Plague Zombie Models

The Prophet

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The Plague Zombies are talked about a lot in list building an strategic topics. This topic is about how you represent them on the tabletop.



Have you found a product worth looking into when building a zombie horde? Give us the pictures!


Do you have simple and/or awesome conversions/kit bashes of your own? Give us the pictures!




One idea I have is to buy 36 of these ones - GW Goblins from the Hobbit - and paint them green & brown, just to keep it simple. They will then be lesser daemons of Nurgle counting as Plague Zombies.






Bring your pictures of different zombie models!

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I had great success in the past (no pictures, sorry, but googling it gives a good idea) the whfb zombie kit with just about any other human kit going, Cadians and Catachans work best for 40k, but some flagellant parts help give squads more of a rag tag look. I think that the plaguebearers kit might have useful bits in it as well.


EDIT: it's not particularly cheap though! I used to play in stores a lot, so I had to have GW only minis.

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Not just links, but the actual pictures! ;) But great addition DD!

Hotlinking images from other sites is frowned upon. You need to either copy them to flickr (or some similar hosting site) or copy them to your B&C gallery if you want to insert the image in a post. Otherwise, just the link is fine.

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