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Custodian Guard


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So I was at a loose end this weekend, and I thought I'd have a bash at making a Custodian to tag along with some of my Pre-Heresy marines. It's something I've tried before, but have never been very happy with the results- to my mind it's far too easy to end up with something that looks like a Marine painted gold, with a silly hat. Guardian spears generally look rather silly too. My liking for true-scaled Marines also cuts down on the parts that might work- no point making a Custodian if he's going to look weedy next to his mass-produced cousins, is there?


Then I saw a chap called Enzephalon on Dakka Dakka had the brilliant idea of extending High Elf Phoenix Guard legs by chopping off their feet and sticking the lower legs from the White Lion set on instead, and it all fell into place...




I'm not entirely happy with the Guardian Spear- it's a Cataphract combi-bolter with a Phoenix Guard halbard attached- but it'll do. I really like how he manages to be roughly the same size of a Marine, perhaps a little taller, while having a much more slender look- fits in nicely with the idea that Custodians are made using similar, but different techniques to the Astartes. Here's a comparison photo with a Salamander Apothecary and a baseline human adherent of the Promethean Cult...



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Really glad people like these! Having had a rummage about, I have enough parts to make my Custodian two or three new friends- I'll do one tomorrow and take WIP photos as I go, although there's nothing too complicated on there. Watch this space.


Thanks for the spot on the mold line- can't believe I didn't notice that in painting him. Will get rid sharpish.


On the boots, the Custodian certainly has considerably svelte calves compared to his Astartes cousin, but as has been mentioned, that does reflect the artwork somewhat. I suppose the obvious alternative would be Greatsword lower legs, but that probably gives you the same problem. I'm not sure what can be done without using Marine legs or sculpting something new, which is a bit beyond me.


Finally, on the Guardian Spear, I'm still not entirely happy, although in fairness neither of the photos I took really show it at a decent angle. Hopefully when I do a second I will feel a bit more positive about it. To be honest, the only Guardian Spear equivalent I've ever really found particularly convincing was the old RT-era Nemesis Force Halberd- but I haven't really got the time or inclination to scour eBay for them.

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So I've been busy... My original Custodian now has three friends in varying stages of completion. Furthest along is the leader of the group, who is currently my favourite; I haven't quite finished painting him yet but he's getting there, as you can hopefully see from this rather blurry photo;





I also did a quick tutorial for making Custodes this way; really the only bits that aren't completely self-explanatory are the Guardian spear and the legs. Everything else just goes together quite naturally.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I've finally finished some friends for my initial Custodian. The plan now is to put together a small taskforce of throne agents sent out from Terra at the onset of the Heresy to do something highly top secret. So in addition to this little group of Custodian infantry, I plan to add a couple of jetbikes and then some representatives from the Silent sisterhood to bolster their ranks. I may also, at some point, attempt the infamous hover-Rhino...


Anyway, photos. First up, the leader of the Custodes, Decurion Vetranio;



and then his four bog-standard Custodian buddies...




Providing heavy support for the group is Custodian Valentinian, who has brought along a Volkite Caliver;



...and Custodians always like somebody to guard, so I made this chap, who is meant to be a senior member of the Imperial Administration and a close friend of the Sigilite;




Here they are all together in a group.



Next up, Custodian jetbikes.

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Glad people like these. I agree that the Guardian Spears are a little clunky; in my view these are generally the weak point in any Custodian conversion, and while I think these ones just about work, I'm sure there's a better way of doing them. I just used the combi-bolters as that's what I had lying around. A diorama would be fun, but I'm not sure my conversion skills are quite up to it! Plus post-heresy Custodians are all in black, and that's nowhere near as nice as their pre-heresy red colouring.


So, yesterday I had a nice early christmas surprise in the post. My jetbikes arrived! I've always loved this image of Custodians speeding around the place, so here's a rather blurry WIP of attempt to emulate the artwork. The jetbikes themselves are Machinator's excellent Thunder Assault Speeder. I've been hugely impressed by them; good casting, easy to put together, a pleasure to embellish, and for a reasonable price too. (I'm not on commission, honest... :rolleyes: )




Should have these painted for the weekend, touch wood...


Edit: Not a great photo but the first jetbike is done. Need to work on the rider though.



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So the jetbikes are done! I'll take some better photos when the weather permits, but hopefully this gives a good idea of what they look like. Overall I'm pleased, particularly with the bikes; the riders were rather furstrating. Set on their own, the proportions are completely out, with a huge torso, short arms and tiny legs. Their placement on the bike was also a bit difficult; the arms were a little too short to fit on the handlebars and sit properly. However, they look ok when actually riding, which is a relief. Anyhow, here are the (rather rubbish) photos...







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Glad people enjoyed these. On the Custodes being black post-heresy, I'm positive it says it somewhere (which is actually a shame IMO, but there we are- probably shouldn't have let their master get entombed), but I'm not exactly sure where. Still not been good enough weather to take a decent photo of the Custodian Jetbikes, but I do have some progress to show;



A not-that-good photo of Sister Amata Kordun, Oblivion Knight of the Brass Hawk Cadre. As is probably obvious, she's mostly made from Dark Eldar parts, but I think she looks fairly distinctive. The Imperial eagle tatooed on her forehead isn't that visible in the photo, sadly. She's based on these ladies.




And here's a not-that-good comparison photo of Sister Kordun and one of the Custodians. As you can see, as a mortal human she's rather dwarfed by her comrade.


I'll take some better photos when it stops raining. So sometime next April, at this rate... ^_^

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