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Best way to kit out raptors?

Fire Golem

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Got the new raptor kit, which is a brilliant kit imo. cant wait to build it. Only have 5 atm but i want to have a unit of at least 10, maybe 15 in the future. What is the best way to kit them out?

Which special weapons?

And what should i give the champion? Loving the lightning claws in the kit but not sure how effective they are in game...


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I'll be running 2 x9 man squads with meltas. Also I'll run a raptor lord with x2 lc.

Both have LC champs with MoS. the squad running with out the lord also has GoM and VotLW.


I think it'll be pretty fun to run it with 10 bikers. It's a lot of fast dudes.


Haven't made the models yet or even really tried it yet. Stuck in the desert a few more days. I look forward to seein the kit.

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Running mine as unit of 7 with flamer, mark of slanesh and boon power mace on champ. Gives me a cheapish unit that can hit an enemy unit hard, or in a pinch jump a tank. also when theres hordes of other power armour running towards them, raider discouging termies and hell brutes running forwards, enemy tend to give them a low pirority.
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I've run 10 with Vets, MoS, 2x melta, champ with lightning claws & meltabombs. Theory being to pop transports then charge the unit that tumbles out. Mixed results so far, seem pricier than I want them to be, and bikes probably do the same job better, but they haven't been terrible.
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Most people are equipping them with dual Meltas as a suicide anti-tank squad. Personally I think they might possess another rule as a CC-bodyguard unit for a Chaos Lord but I haven't tried it out yet so I can't say.


I've been kicking about the idea of a retinue for a flying lord/sorcerer armed with the Brand of Skalathrax. You get a couple with the special weapons, hose a couple more with the Brand, then clean up a thoroughly demoralised remainder in the assault. That's the idea, anyway. There's just so much to try out in the new codex, I haven't got around to even half my units yet. It's a nice problem to have, being a "veteran of the 4th edition codex."

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Pretty sure I'll be kitting mine out with dual plasmas, I want them to be able to take out vehicles but I don't want to restrict them to suicide AT runs because that wastes their melee potential. Plasma lets them punch holes in side/rear armour and is also useful against almost anything them might be likely to charge.
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Only trouble with plasma is, they arent assault weapons are they? so you cant shoot them and charge


That and they don't have bolters, so they can't hang back and shoot as effectively. For me they are a 5 man with 2 meltas and a powerfist. The powerfist is mostly a remnant of 4th edition, but it seems to work well to hit tough targets. And honestly, they make their points back in any tank army. If it's a troop army, it gets much harder to use them effectively.

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Most people are equipping them with dual Meltas as a suicide anti-tank squad. Personally I think they might possess another rule as a CC-bodyguard unit for a Chaos Lord but I haven't tried it out yet so I can't say.


I've been kicking about the idea of a retinue for a flying lord/sorcerer armed with the Brand of Skalathrax. You get a couple with the special weapons, hose a couple more with the Brand, then clean up a thoroughly demoralised remainder in the assault. That's the idea, anyway. There's just so much to try out in the new codex, I haven't got around to even half my units yet. It's a nice problem to have, being a "veteran of the 4th edition codex."

Hehe, I was thinking of a Raptor Lord with the Axe of Blind Fury but a HQ with the Brand sounds just as good. Maybe a Sorcerer?

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I kit out mine with dual meltas, MoS, and a champion with claw/fist and the FnP banner. I stick my mace-armed jump-pack lord in the unit, which means HE gets FnP, which is goddamn hilarious.


I like this. Every squad that doesn't have an Invuln save to improve with MoT should take MoS and get their very own Chaos Apothecary. Chaos Marines "Doctors Without Morals" edition...

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