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CSM Termies any good?


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Hi all,


I've been trying to get a hang of the new CSM codex, and I've been trying out my termies, but every game I field them, I'm always sorely disappointed. Are termies just meh, or am I playing them incorectly? Typically I run them with a mix of axes/maces with a chainfist, and a heavy flamer with a couple of combi flamers, but they always get shot to death and then assaulted and downed by volume of fire.

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Well, that same problem applies to all terminators and similar units. A large enough volume of fire will kill any such model - especially for me, when I have a habit of rolling lots of 1s for termies saves... latest incident today was three 1s out of three rolls. Sigh. But anyway, consider that on average against regular (= don't ignore 2+ armor save) attacks it still takes twice as much shooting to kill as it would against a 3+ save. So the enemy is likely focusing his fire on your termies, thus giving a breather to your other units.
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Well, what are you using them for, and what's the rest of your list like?


Typically I'll run a couple squads in rhinos with 2x plas and ubergrit. A squad or two shhoot marines with plas/hb. A grip of nurgle oblits, AC havoks, and for my third slot a LR, defiler, vidnicator. If I take the LR I'll swap a rhino squad out for berzerkers and toss my lord in with them inside the LR.


Usually I use them to DS behind the enemy next to a squishy squad holding an objective and flame the hell out of them. I might get half the squad or so, but then on the opponents next shooting phase, they get blown to the warp and if any live they get assaulted.

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I've been playing them as a retinue for Abaddon. Deepstrike Abby and 4-6 Termies with MoT and VotLW for the 4++ and re-rolls against Space Marines, and anything they touch ceases to be. Combi-melta or Combi-plasma and a mix of PF and PW, maybe a Reaper. Drop down out of Reserves, blast your intended target, survive a round of desperate shooting with your ridiculous Saves, then steam into your victim.


The trick, of course, is landing them safely.

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I've been playing them as a retinue for Abaddon. Deepstrike Abby and 4-6 Termies with MoT and VotLW for the 4++ and re-rolls against Space Marines, and anything they touch ceases to be. Combi-melta or Combi-plasma and a mix of PF and PW, maybe a Reaper. Drop down out of Reserves, blast your intended target, survive a round of desperate shooting with your ridiculous Saves, then steam into your victim.


The trick, of course, is landing them safely.


Just to let you know, RAW states you are not able to put Abby in a marked squad, as per Mark of Chaos rules. Let's hope a more detailed FAQ fixes this.

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Abaddon counts as having all marks so there is nothing to FAQ. Don't expect GW to answer the question.


Anyway, yes taking Terminaters with so many flamer weapons will under perform. People take a look at the Overwatch rules and go crazy for flame weapons on units which won't benefit from them as much. After all, what lunatics will want to charge those Terminaters and be vulnerable to flamers?


Sure put a couple flamer weapons in there, but expensive models like Terminaters need to smash apart hard targets for you. Stick some real firepower in the which can do some damage. Reaper Autocannons are a good choice.

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Abaddon counts as having all marks so there is nothing to FAQ.


thus always having "a different mark of chaos" (or rather, three different marks!) = not able to join any marked unit.


Terminators may be viable with combi-plasma, axes and a chainfist for good measure as a retinue for typhus/abby.


don't expect them to live long an prosper: deliver plasma, get shot, deliver IC.

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thus always having "a different mark of chaos" (or rather, three different marks!) = not able to join any marked unit.


^This. I'm sure in friendly games, you won't be called on it, but I'd talk to a TO before bringing Abby joined with marked squads to a tourney. Probably one of the most pressing rules clarifications needed in a FAQ.

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Abaddon counts as having all marks so there is nothing to FAQ.


thus always having "a different mark of chaos" (or rather, three different marks!) = not able to join any marked unit.


Terminators may be viable with combi-plasma, axes and a chainfist for good measure as a retinue for typhus/abby.


don't expect them to live long an prosper: deliver plasma, get shot, deliver IC.



What next? A request for GW to FAQ how many Angels can dance n the head of a pin?



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Abaddon counts as having all marks so there is nothing to FAQ.


thus always having "a different mark of chaos" (or rather, three different marks!) = not able to join any marked unit.


Terminators may be viable with combi-plasma, axes and a chainfist for good measure as a retinue for typhus/abby.


don't expect them to live long an prosper: deliver plasma, get shot, deliver IC.



What next? A request for GW to FAQ how many Angels can dance n the head of a pin?




How about we expect GW to have clear and consistent wording so these issues don't crop up? Failing that (as there will always be questions), I am very happy with how often they are working to keep their "updates" up to date as of late, and I am sure the Abby question will be answered sometime in the future for clarity. As the most current one only includes Errata and excludes a FAQ, it seems fairly obvious that they will release an update with a FAQ fairly soon.


Yes sometimes these rule lawyer questions may seem silly, but I had one TO try to claim at the beginning of 5th that a walker deepstriking cannot shoot on turn of arrival. As I had just bought 2 Soulgrinders from the TO's store before 5th dropped, this pretty much led me to boycotting the store because of the idiocy involved. It took GW 2 years before I could have the opportunity to slap a self-vindicating FAQ ruling in the TO's face, proving he was an idiot. Unfortunately, he was fired by then.


TLDR, clear rules are important to not piss off your players.

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dont use 5 man terminator squads , if you want them to do something more then suicide melta. never give them flamers and never take hvy flamers . take combi plasma . run 6-8 man units 2 chainfists 2 swords 2 mauls 2 ax.[or no 1 maul 1 sword if your runing 6 dudes] .


hvy bolters in a chaos list should not be taken.


and abadon is clear as cloudless sky. 4 marks ,this means he always has 3 different marks then a marked unit. so he cant join anything else then a markless unit.

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