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£30 doesn't go vey far...


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I've got about 25 Plague Marines, 27 Thousand Sons, 18 Terminators, 10 Bezerkers, 10 Raptors, 3 Defilers, 3 Rhinos, 1 Predator, 1 Obliterator, 4 Drea- HellBrutes, 20 Cultists, 11 Chosen, 2 Terminator Lords, 1 Term Sorceror, Abaddon, Huron, Couple od other lords and a load of CSMs. Thinks that's my lot.
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I'd say you have everything you need then.

Though if you want to try out Spawn or Bikers I guess that would be the way to go, or some allied Daemons?

I know. i'm just lookng a some of the new pretty models.

I was tempted to get WarpTalons but peoplr have put me off. Now I'm thinking maybe some Catachans to conver into Cultists, or a haplain to turn into a Dark Apostle.


Too many new goodies!

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well if youve 30 quid to spend id first of say dont spent it in GW simply for the prices. try and find an alternative store or something. if youve no choice in the matter then ebay is your friend lol.


30 quid for me on sat got me 5 warptalons/raptors still on spru with all the gubbings, 13 chaos marines and a propainted scenic based metal typhus but that was from a local wargaming convention lol.


your better of seeing what you need and have a look on ebay. you never know what you'll find

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well if youve 30 quid to spend id first of say dont spent it in GW simply for the prices. try and find an alternative store or something. if youve no choice in the matter then ebay is your friend lol.


30 quid for me on sat got me 5 warptalons/raptors still on spru with all the gubbings, 13 chaos marines and a propainted scenic based metal typhus but that was from a local wargaming convention lol.


your better of seeing what you need and have a look on ebay. you never know what you'll find

I can't get to the other, cheaper shop, and I'm getting the money in hand (selling old models to a friend) so if I put the cash in the bank to do ebay, bills will gobble it up and I'll never see it. :)


So we're biting the bullet and talking about what's worth getting of the new Chaos goodies at in store GW prices?

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Bills first, then codex, then warp talons for all the awesome spare bits.

So, Talons are worth getting? I wanted them first off, but people have said they aren't very good. Might have to take the plunge anyway... how much are they now? £25? Yay! What can I get for a fiver? Nothing. :(

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I don't recommend talons, really. If you play in a purely casual environment against purely marine opponents, then they can do alright. Raptors, which are the same box, are better, and the spare warp talon bits are useful.


30 isn't going to go very far with GW stuff. But you'll need the new codex if you don't have it, and reading through it will help you decide on what you might want in the future. Likewise, you'll need a copy of the rulebook, I recommend looking into ordering the mini rulebook from the starter box online, or possibly seeing if you can get someone who already has a 6e rulebook and wants the dark angels models to split a starter box with you.


Apart from the rules, there are some other essentials you'll need. Due to the new boon table, you're going to want at least one Chaos spawn and Daemon Prince (with power armor, but no wings) on hand in case one of your champions transforms into such during the battle. Also, if you don't have any fortifications yet, you should look into purchasing or scratch building an Aegis Defense Line with quad gun or icarus lascannon. All of the above - 6e rulebook (preferably the starter box paperback - the hardcover being both too expensive and too unwieldy at the table), chaos codex, daemon prince, chaos spawn, defense line with gun emplacement - I would consider essential purchases to begin updating your collection to 6th edition, and you shouldn't worry about other new models until you have those bases covered.



Once you do have the essentials covered, the big winners of the new book are Huron (good that you already have him) and bikes, including bike mounted lords and sorcerers. Other decent options in no particular order:


- autocannon havocs

- forge fiends with autocannons

- heldrakes

- predators with lascannons

- cultists

- daemon prince with wings, armor, and the black mace

- basic chaos marines with plasmaguns.


As a note, the warpsmith, while not terrible, is not exactly good either, and with Huron already likely taking up one of your HQ options, you may not have slots for one anyway. However, if you are tempted to add the new chaos techmarine to your collection, I strongly recommend either converting one from a chaos terminator, or going out of your way to find an old Space Marine techpriest in servo harness in metal and not finecast. Finecast is alright for some things, but not for the fine detail, bumps, rivets, and straight edges of the warpsmith model. I received one as a gift, and there were minor mold issues everywhere - bubbles damaged the detail of almost every little spike and rivet, poor molding made the already difficult model even harder to put together and resulted in open gaps that needed to be filled... I didn't even notice most of the problems until I started working on it. I like the design of the model, but it's just no good in finecast.

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couldnt resist.


more oblits? failing that i'd say something you dont have like the warp talons as a new type of unit to try.


or allies? a HQ and troops boxset. could be dangerous though as it might start another army......

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Damn! Forgot to mention I've got 3 Daemon Princes!

And the new Codex, I'm pretty sure my Mrs has ordered it as a surprise (shhhh!) but I've got a pdf for now.

I usually only play for fun, so I don't mind having units that aren't great, aslong as I enjoy using them- or just like the model(s)!

I know everyone's having special happy fun time over Huron, but I think I'll only be using him rarely- like Abaddon. I have been looking a a Techpriest, but I don't know if they even have them in store anymore. :(




couldnt resist.


more oblits? failing that i'd say something you dont have like the warp talons as a new type of unit to try.


or allies? a HQ and troops boxset. could be dangerous though as it might start another army......

Hmmmmm. Good point...

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If you mostly just play for fun, and if your primary opponents go heavy on power armor, then talons can be ok. Don't be tempted by their deep strike rule - just deploy them normally behind terrain or deep strike them out of sight, and try to avoid line of sight until you can jump out and charge something expensive and power armored in the open. Their lack of grenades make charging units in cover an issue, and their claws make them too expensive to fight guard equivalents, while being worthless against terminators, so you really need power armored prey. They're kind of like thousand sons that way - very expensive, extremely specialized, and not very effective outside of that specialty. You have a lot of thousand sons, I trust you're familiar with how they played in the 4e book, and they haven't changed much going into 6e. You can sort of think of warp talons as the melee version of thousand sons, and if the sons have worked well enough for you in your local environment, then the talons shouldn't be terrible for you, either. Both have been awful for me, but then again I have a pretty diverse pool of opponents, with vehicles, light infantry, demons, and terminators all being at least as common as expensive elite units in power armor, so it may not be surprising that such expensive and overspecialized units do poorly for me.


As for the warpsmith, if you really want one, and can't get your hands on a metal techmarine w/ servo harness, then maybe consider converting one from a plastic chaos terminator. The robo-tentacles can be made by cutting a plastic tube into segments then threading them onto wire frames that you have bent into shape, with assorted bits, little gargoyle heads from the chaos vehicle frame, & weapons on the ends. the terminator sprue comes with a power axe already, or you could build a tall one with brass wire and plasticard. Plastic tubes can be used to build up chimneys in the back or you could use melta nozzles, and you can build a cloak of cables using the pewter cables from this store (it's easier than making greenstuff cables, even with one of the tentacle tools). The thicker cables from that store can also be used in place of the wire & tube segments for the tentacles.


But again, despite the model's design looking pretty cool, I DO NOT RECOMMEND the finecast version. Finecast just can't handle the kind of fine detail the model is covered with. And, again, that's even assuming you want a warpsmith. I personally think a sorcerer makes a better midfield infantry support HQ, and the lack of options on the smith (no terminator armor for deep striking, no bike or daemonic steed to ride) mean it really isn't good for much else.



Likewise, I don't recommend the finecast dark apostle, even if you like the design of it. It's not as bad as the warpsmith, but still. The apostle is also even worse in game than the warpsmith (the apostle offers very little over the chaos lord's far better stats and options), so I don't recommend having one at all, but if you're like me and 'must have one of everything' regardless of how functional it is, you're far better off using the chosen aspiring champion with power mace from the starter box and converting from there (I just swapped his backpack for one of the other chosen packs, and stuck a little trophy/icon/emblem thing on it).



The mutilators are awful models and not very good in the game, either.


Other new stuff is going to be hard to manage on your budget - the fiends and drake are, I believe, too pricey (not sure, different currency), though they're both at least functional in game. That just leaves raptors/talons. Raptors are alright, but outclassed by bikes, and you have a bunch of the old models anyway (though I personally like the new ones enough more that I'll eventually be replacing my own unit). Talons, well I described their issues above, but the models are really nice, so if you just want something new for the sake of having something new, then you could do worse in your budget.


Allies are also an interesting option. Our best ally choices are guard and daemons, though there are a couple other options. Daemons are getting a new book soonish, so it might be better to hold off on them. If you'd rather not wait, then you'll want to start with one HQ and some troops. For HQs, the current winners are the winged greater daemons (bloodthirster or Lord of Change) or a tzeentch chariot herald (though I'm expecting the chariot rules to get killed in the new book, so I don't recommend the latter), and the best troop options are horrors (because they can shoot the turn they drop), plaguebearers (because they're hard to shake from objectives once in place) or nurglings (because they're the cheapest). Guard, well, I'm not the best for suggestions on where to start with traitor guard, but I'm sure you can find advice on good HQ & Troops to start with.



But I still say you should make sure you've got your spawn and defense line w/ gun emplacement covered before getting any other new stuff. And make sure at least one of your princes has armor but no wings, so you can use them for chart results.

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Yeah, I'm not a fan of Fortifications. I know that's like saying I'm not a fan on Bolters, but they just don't do it for me. I might end building an Aegis out of a cereal box at some point, but I don't really want one.


I've just looked at the Daemon Allies... SkullTaker and BedWetters? That could be an option. Might JUST be able to afford them. Or Pink Horrors, which are REALLY good from what I've seen in 6th. (Plus, I've got the current codex upstairs...)

The only reason I was looking at the Apostle was to have him march with some Cultists and let them use his Leadership. I haven't really read his rules propperly- I know it's a pdf that I have, but I find all this flipping from page to page to pick your wargear REALLY irritating. :no:

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You seem pretty well equipped already. Why don't you save it until you have enough for a Helldrake.

I don't like Flyers. At my club it's only really the Imperials that Spam flyers and from experiences against those I don't think Flyers are fair- at least until all the other Codecies get updated. I have got a Doom/Night Scythe for my Necrons, but ONLY 1.

(I've actually got a sneaky extra £10, but that'll go on Primer)

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I've just looked at the Daemon Allies... SkullTaker and BedWetters?


Really? Thousand sons, warp talons, and now bloodletters? You're really super dedicated to this "units that are good against power armored infantry AND NOTHING ELSE" thing, aren't you? :)


Between the melee nerfs and the power weapon changes, I'd shy away from Bloodletters, although adding skulltaker helps. Still, the best daemon troops units right now really are horrors (for shooty), plagues (for squatty), and nurglings (for unlocking a greater daemon as cheaply as possible).


Bloodletters with the taker will work alright for you, and the taker's a good answer to badass, terminator armored characters that can give your own character fits, so it's not like its a terrible choice. And they are the best looking of the daemon core (although the new plagues really do give them a run for their money). But still....

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I only said BedWetters so my SkullTaker wouldn't be on his own when they DeepStrike- I'm assuming they still have to! But Pink Horrors are great. Might look at the Fateweaver in the future. Hmmm.

Choices so far:

Warp Talons


A Daemons Troop + HQ (Advice welcomed)


And I'm not dedicated to pure AP3, I just had the Thousands as they survive my terrible dice rolls. :)

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Might look at the Fateweaver in the future

faqed no longer works on other armies . unless you want to play a chaos demons army main , not worth it .


thirster and horrors , if there is no cash limit. otherwise get more cash . out of demons you should want flamers and screamers anyway , everything else is just there to unlock stuff. unless of course you want to run a 2xcsm DP 1xthirster 1 demons DP army with flamers , nurglings and cultists as troops.

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