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Moving off a Skyshield


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No. LoS starts from the gun mount and is traced along the barrels, never just the tips.


Barrels are mounted to a hull or turret.


Thus, if only the end of the barrel is "sticking out of the wall" then the dreadnought does NOT have LoS because the mounting is still behind the wall and so is blocked by the wall. If you edge forward enough so that the mounting has LoS, then not only do you have LoS, then your opponent also has LoS to you.

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The gun mount is between the base of the barrel and the hull itself. As for it being a change...well it's not. You've had to trace LoS from the mounting along the barrel since 3rd edition at the very least. Thus, as I originally stated, barrel tip through a solid wall shooting has been and still is illegal and cheating. :devil:


A sponson is part of the hull, so no not even that will work. It projects farther out than any mounting on a model, so there, you still have LoS to and from the vehicle.

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If it was pointing directly at the target through the wall, then you can still trace line of sight along the barrel, as the barrel would point directly along the Line of Sight to the target.


The 45 degree would be unusable but you can still fire at targets directly in front of the barrel.

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Willy, nope. Mounting first, then barrel.


GML, I dug throuh my rulebooks just to be sure before I said anything. ;) It's always mountingfirst, then barrel.


According to everything I've read, sponsons are extensions of the hull of whatever body they are part of, so yes they are hull. ;)

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The BRB rules for ruins (in the terrain section, which trumps basic rules) suggests that although you might consider in a warzone that you can blow your way through walls w/o doors or windows, the book recommends you determine at the beginning of the game how you will play solid surfaces. The ruins page says that solid walls can be kept solid / impassable if you agree with your opponent. The page does not include shooting through solid walls / surfaces however. Other pages refer to windos and doors on intact buildings to be like fire points (2 shooters per fire point).


As for opening a hatch or floor hole and jumping down (vs stairs/ladders) other rules in the terrain section have you make a dangerous terrain-like test, with a -1 to your dice roll per 3+ inches of fall height. So droping 4 inches would be a -1, 7 inches as a -2, etc., no saves allowed. For jumping off a 3" high structure, the model takes a wound on a 1. >3 inch structure on a 2, etc. Note that there is a distance horizontally out from the structure that you can move on hitting the ground, and any models from the unit that cannot find space to jump off are eliminated. More or less...

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The BRB rules for ruins (in the terrain section, which trumps basic rules) suggests that although you might consider in a warzone that you can blow your way through walls w/o doors or windows, the book recommends you determine at the beginning of the game how you will play solid surfaces. The ruins page says that solid walls can be kept solid / impassable if you agree with your opponent. The page does not include shooting through solid walls / surfaces however. Other pages refer to windos and doors on intact buildings to be like fire points (2 shooters per fire point).


As for opening a hatch or floor hole and jumping down (vs stairs/ladders) other rules in the terrain section have you make a dangerous terrain-like test, with a -1 to your dice roll per 3+ inches of fall height. So droping 4 inches would be a -1, 7 inches as a -2, etc., no saves allowed. For jumping off a 3" high structure, the model takes a wound on a 1. >3 inch structure on a 2, etc. Note that there is a distance horizontally out from the structure that you can move on hitting the ground, and any models from the unit that cannot find space to jump off are eliminated. More or less...


It's important to note that the rules for the Skyshield specifically override this bymaking it a Difficult Terrain test to move off the pad, not a Jump Off test or Dangerous Terrain.

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