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My own piece of Nurgle


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Name: Plague Riders or Plague Templars

Gene Seed: Death Guard

Home World: Necrosium (within the Eye of Terror)

Basic Concept: Capt. Temeters 4th company of death guards that hid from the virus bombs on Istavaan III, Broke down and prayed to be saved from death in order to exact their revenge on the Traitors. Grandfather Nurgle replied that he would happily save them from something within his realm in return for their undying loyalty and the promise to spread his “love” across the material world. This slowly brought them to the concept of if it was not within their small sect of CSM that it was to die the slow rotting death that grandfather Nurgle supplied them with. This change of thought came from them brooding on their brothers betraying them and never being able to truly know another mans heart, thus the only way to be safe and save the universe is to destroy the universe and the most guaranteed way to do that is through grandfather Nurgles machinations. Expand their gene seed by using a corruption plague to change the gene seed of others into their own and once in the beginning of their rise by riding a warp storm into the vaults of the emperor that held the gene seed of the Traitor Legions


As those loyalist death guard died to the virus bombs were turning to primordial ooze they reformed in the plague dimension before grandfather himself. They were made to form a line and as they approached him they were given a choice to live on forever doing his bidding seeking revenge upon those that betrayed them or move on to final death. Many took up the charge of grandfather and when their assent to his will was accepted he picked them up by their little Astarte’s legs and dipped them into the caldron he is every stirring gifting each one of them with one of his beautiful creations. Unlike many regular plague marines or marines gifted with the mark of Nurgle these did not take on the zombie like movements and thought processes of others, they took on the jovial nature of their very own grandfather. They hold the same mission as other followers of Nurgle in that they wish to spread his “love” across the universe. This though has also given them no concept of brotherhood outside of their small chapter. They see everyone not in their chapter as either traitors or future traitors and constantly feel the betrayal of Horus and his traitor brothers upon Istavaan III



These are the two ideas I'm currently sitting on and was wondering what people thought of them. I know the first one takes and changes heavily from Flight of the Einstein but I love the idea of the loyalist remains turning to Nurgle to battle the Traitor Marines. does anyone have anything they could add this is obviously just the beginning of my fluff but I want to have a very good solid start before I push on the the more indepth and important concepts. Thank you for your time brothers...enjoy what the grandfather bestows upon you.

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As those loyalist death guard died to the virus bombs were turning to primordial ooze they reformed in the plague dimension before grandfather himself. They were made to form a line and as they approached him they were given a choice to live on forever doing his bidding seeking revenge upon those that betrayed them or move on to final death. Many took up the charge of grandfather and when their assent to his will was accepted he picked them up by their little Astarte’s legs and dipped them into the caldron he is every stirring gifting each one of them with one of his beautiful creations. Unlike many regular plague marines or marines gifted with the mark of Nurgle these did not take on the zombie like movements and thought processes of others, they took on the jovial nature of their very own grandfather. They hold the same mission as other followers of Nurgle in that they wish to spread his “love” across the universe. This though has also given them no concept of brotherhood outside of their small chapter. They see everyone not in their chapter as either traitors or future traitors and constantly feel the betrayal of Horus and his traitor brothers upon Istavaan III

Go with this one it sounds pretty good with loads of possible fluff to add to it you could even paint the in the old dusk raider color scheme to show they have rejected their former legion who betrayed them. I reckon Plague Templars sounds better as you could have it that the remnant of the loyalist Death Guard have renamed themselves the Plague Templars in order to spread Nurgles love as well as avenging themselves on those who betrayed them.

Great fluff can't wait to hear some more

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This is the color scheme I am starting ot think about. It takes the older color scheme and modify's it to a more nurgle themed set of colors. There would of course be appropriate amounts of Rust and Rot through out the gun metal coloring. More will follow fluff wise I am pulling names and locations and getting my fluff powers on so as to give a good story and not make it too bad.

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This is the story that bring the Plague Templars into being, please let me know what you guys think, I want to do grandfather proud with this my endevor into Chaos.




As those loyalists death guard died to the virus bombs were turning to primordial ooze upon the war ridden planet of Istavaan III, a dark hand reached out through the warp and drew those so injured souls to it realm. It had a dream to pursue and it would need soldiers to bring its dreams to fruition. Nothing would stop its advancement for long for in the end everything decays and falls apart.


Ullis Temeter, Captain of the 4th company Death Guard awoke on the bank of a bile green colored lake. The remnants of his memory told him he shouldn’t be alive, but here he stood. He looked around and found that he was in a sickened land where things that should have been dead seemed to thrive though obviously stricken. He walked down the only path he could find which brought him to a shambling manse he had not even noticed.


The house was falling apart at every end but somehow still appeared to be a fortress in strength. Strange creatures stood guard over the entrance to this place. He noticed some of his battle brothers awakening on the lawn around where he stood. At this time a disgusting creature with pallid skin covered in sores and pustules came out the front door on a palanquin carried by some type of small disgusting creatures that looked as if they were made from the thickest mucus in the galaxy. The creature stood and in a raspy voice it announced that those fallen should form a line beginning with Captain Temeter at the door.


The Captain stared raptly at the creature that knew his name as it sat back on its palanquin of disease and returned inside the house. As the line was formed Astartes from the Death Guard who had fallen upon Istavaan III began coming out of the forests and lining up being their Captain prepared to face what most of them had come to think was entering a hell they hadn’t believed in. The door opened and Ullis Temeter was beckoned to enter. As he strode into the dilapidated mansion he began to notice a smell that could only be associated with death itself. He moved through the halls as if he knew where he was, something drawing him to somewhere deep within the house, the smell getting stronger the closer he got to his destination.


He came to a great set of double door that opened before him as he approached them. As he entered his mind slipped at what was before him. There was a creature of such immense size that it could not have fit inside the building he had entered. As he looked around he noticed that the room he was in by itself was far larger than anything he had ever seen. It held within it a giant rusted cauldron that the creature was stirring. As he looked upon it he saw that it was infested with disease of unimaginable proportion. The sores and rots that infested this creature were so bad its intestines were dangling from it enormous belly. Then before his eyes a small puddle of goo that had poured from one of the open wounds began to consolidate and became one of the creatures he had seen carrying the palanquin earlier.


A jovial laughter from an older sounding voice came from what seemed like miles above him. As he looked the creature had shrunken down to the size of about a 5 story building and his cauldron was sized down to him as well. What once seemed as if it could hold every drop of water in existence now seemed as if it would hold a small lake instead. The creature looked down upon him and smiled a smile that could curdle a cow’s milk. A fatherly voice met his ears as he stared upon this thing. “I am Grandfather Nurgle, Lord of Pestilence and Plague, and I have an offer for you little Astartes. It has come to my attention that your people those of you loyal to your Emperor were turned against by your brothers with ideals of glory and power.” Captain Temeter could feel his hubris rising at the mention of what had happened to him and his loyalist brothers.


“I can grant to you eternal life to find your vengeance against those whose betrayed you, but in return you must toil for me to bring to the universe that which I create. The greatest pestilence and disease the mind can fathom. The reality you live in, in the material world is one of a single reality; disease is ever changing ever new and powerful. Eventually it will over power the living and bring about the end of the universe.” As a culmination to what he was saying Nurgle brought forth his filthy spoon that he stirs his cauldron with and lay it before Captain Temeter, “Look within and you will see the inevitable.”


Ullis Temeter thought of himself as a strong man and thus leaned forward to look within the spoon. The bubbling green liquid within began to change and a picture began to form. He saw it change from picture to picture of worlds succumbing to disease, worlds with rivers of puss and mucus running through fields of rot. As he stared within he began to feel the truth of what this Nurgle creature was telling him, he felt the end that would come no matter how long the mortal realm forced it back.


Nurgles voice brought him back to reality.” My offer to you is tenfold that which I will offer those that come after you. I want you to become my champion in this war of eternity, to remain the Captain you are over a company that will bear my mark instead of that of your careless emperor or seditious brethren. I will gift upon you the power of the plague and resilience fitting a man of your stature and I will give upon you leader ship of an army that will never truly die but will return to life as the disease returns, stronger and more powerful.”


A sickened smile came to the lips of Captain Ullis Temeter,” Grandfather I accept your offer and will serve as your most loyal champion. The Emperor has forgotten his children and in his place he put an angry undeserving child that turned his back upon his father’s dream. Well I have seen your dream Grandfather and I will persecute those that betrayed me and bring your love to the universe.

A huge grin encompassed Nurgles face as he reached out and took captain Temeter within his hand. He took the simple Astartes in his Death Guard armor by the leg and dangled him over his cauldron. “As you return to us from within the depths of my creations you will be born again unto the world as my Champion” With that Nurgle dipped Ullis Temeter into the cauldron and swiftly removed him. “You are born again as Impatiens Necrosis Temeter, named so after a pretty little flower that used to inhabit your Terra that carried a wonderful necrotic disease within it.” As Temeter felt himself being set back onto the ground before his new master he could feel his body coursing with power, he could feel the power expanding his abdomen and splitting his skin spilling his intestines in a crude mimic of Grandfather Nurgles.


As he wondered of his new physique a mirror appeared before him and he noticed a change to his armor. As well as the bulging and physical changes he was going through his armor was colored differently. It was taken down to its basic metal color and his right arm was colored a sickly green. “Your armor, little Astartes, resembles that of the progeny you spawn from, the Dusk Raiders. Instead of the red right arm of the emperor you will be the long reaching green arm of Grandfather Nurgle. With this change you will become my Plague Templar’s, so named as you will be the steady strong retribution of your betrayers and the zealous nature with which you will pursue the spreading of my dream.”


“I have one last gift to give you before you go about your tasks Captain Temeter.” Nurgle reached out his arm and dipped it deep within the confines of his cauldron. As he withdrew his arm the Captain could feel the power of whatever was being withdrawn. He watched as his master pull forth a large rusty blackened mace. Nurgle dropped it at his feet and said, “This mace will be your weapon used in my name, with every smote you swing rot and destruction will follow, a creature suffering even the tiniest wound from this weapon will molder and decay before your very eyes. Now take these gifts I have given you and find your revenge.”

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Sounds really good so far have to keep an eye on this thread, color scheme is quite good love the part being the long reaching green arm of Grandfather Nurgle. Would they still have the Death Guard symbol or would they just have the symbol of Nurgle. Also if you are having Captain Temeter as the leader you must have Huron-Fal as a chaos contemptor just as it would fit perfectly with your fluff.
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i'm actually writing in Huron-fal with my next set of fluff he is going to basically be Temeters second in charge and of course as a chaos contemptor...im gonna grab a FW contemptor model to model him cause they look awesome. Im thinking of modifying something for the symbol...looking at the old dusk raiders symbol and figuring out how to make it Nurgley or something along those lines and then of course I'm gonna do as much Nurgley modeling as possible. I have no experience with green stuff so the whole thing will be a great learning experience for me as a modeler and not just a fluff writer.
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This is the planet that my army lives upon when not warring across the galaxy, I will produce more real fluff hopefully next week work permitting.





Planet Necrosium

Physical characteristics

Mean radius 69,911 ± 6 km[7][8]


Equatorial radius

• 71,492 ± 4 km[7][8]

• 11.209 Earths


Polar radius

• 66,854 ± 10 km[7][8]

• 10.517 Earths


Surface area

• 6.1419×1010 km2[8][9]

• 121.9 Earths


• 1.4313×1015 km3[3][8]

• 1321.3 Earths


• 1.8986×1027 kg[3]

• 317.8 Earths

• 1/1047 Sun[10]


Mean density

1.326 g/cm3[3][8]


Equatorial surface gravity

24.79 m/s2[3][8]

2.528 g


Escape velocity

59.5 km/s[3][8]


Sidereal rotation period

9.925 h[11] (9 h 55 m 30 s)


Equatorial rotation velocity 12.6 km/s

45,300 km/h

Axial tilt



North pole right ascension


17 h 52 min 14 s[7]


North pole 64.496°[7]


Surface temp.

min mean max

-40c 20c 40c




Surface pressure

20–200 kPa[12] (cloud layer)


Scale height

27 km

Composition 70.8±2.0%


3.8% hydrogen (H2)

Sulpher Dioxide


10.2±2.0% Iron

~0.3% methane


~0.026% ammonia


~0.003% hydrogen deuteride (HD)


0.0006% ethane


0.0004% water








Upon approaching the planet it could be seen as a hazy yellow green cloud. It appeared from a distance as an eye with a Bright red pupil. The eye effect was a cause of the planets make up. The one real land mass of the planet was predominantly iron and the effects of the corrosive air and elements caused the ground to contain a lot of rust. So much so that it had an almost Mars like redness to the little soil in existence. That soil gave birth to a disgusting variation of Terra like plant life. Great red wood tree’s over took the majority of the land mass chocking the scenery with a vile coloring of yellows, greens, browns, and reds as the plants existed in a constant state of rot and decay. In the center of the land mass was a single massive iron structure. This was sole location of the Plague Templar’s. They called it home as much as they had one. Captain Temeter’s throne sat upon the top of this structure in Spartan decoration. His throne was nothing more than an over sized iron chair of significant mass, the only decoration upon it was the mark of Nurgle . There were no other pieces of furniture in site and in fact this area was seldom used as the Plague Templars were typically off planet seeking their revenge amongst the other legions of Chaos or the imperium of man.


Several satellite moons circled the planet, mostly compromised of metals. They held a few structures most defensive in nature turning the moons into rotating defense platforms that could hold off a small armada if the need came up. In the center of these moons were secret chambers that held many different things. Some were temples to Nurgle which doubled as labs for the creation of new biological weapons. There were mad parodies of medica chambers where slaves or captives would have their newest creations released upon them for testing. There were also torture chambers, armories, and training chambers within the moons.

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Wow alot of information on the planet there :devil: Anyways its a good read keep em up and coming, and nurgle is very forgiving when it comes to nurglefying models with greenstuff, just practice, be patient and read some of the tutorials out there on the internet.
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I gotta say I personally really don't like the idea of using Temeter and Huron-Fal at all. I get the temptation of using established characters as a sort of tie-in for ones homebrew chapter but I think in order for it to work well it has to be done in a manner that

a ) keeps their role somewhat minor, so their presence doesn't overshadow that this is your story and

b ) doesn't mess around with their established character too much.

I think your use of them falls afoul of both, as it puts them front and center in what could be your own unique and awesome creation and risks making it feel somewhat uninspired. Add to that that you're basically twisting their already established character by making them traitors after they died for their loyalty. I think that kind of narrative twist renders their story of sacrifice retroactively meaningless, if you see what I mean.


So, I am personally not a fan of that part of your story at all. It's completely up to you though, as it's your army and your story. So if you really like it you should obviously go for it :P

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