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My son has hinted at getting me a Heldrake for Christmas. I have a 10000pt Iron Warriors army with zero air support. I was looking at the rules and was wondering if anyone has used one yet and which weapon they prefer. I think the baleflamer is an awesome choice, I can see a dragon swooping out of the sky (raking through a rhino with its claws) the lighting another cluster of infantry on fire. The Hades autocannon would work better against vehicles, but it just doesn't fit the dragon-model in my opinion.


Can you magnetize each weapon and switch out accordingly? That was you could have the best of both worlds depending on who you are fighter?

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Both choices are viable, thought I think that the baleflamer is a better option. In-fact, the balefalmer is amazing. I used to run multiple daemon princes with Breath of Chaos with daemons and loved them. This flame template kills most things on a 2+ with strength 6, not to mention being able to place the template 12" away allows you to place it perfectly.


As for the hades AC, it is the most effective anti-air in the codex, but especially with Iron Warriors, I'd suggest the x3 twin linked LCs of a vendetta for 130pts.


Yes, you can magnetize the weapon, but you will need to magnetize the two sides of the head to open, and then allow a dry fit for the weapons which could cause an unsightly gap in the head. Otherwise, you will need to cut the weapons out of the mouths, and then trim the angles just right on them to fit back in. They didn't make it easy, but the weapon isn't really that noticeable unless someone really looks at it.

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Baleflamer all the way! It's amazing at killing MEQ, and in an emergency it can even pop a few vehicles(closely packed DE paper boats or speeders, I'm looking at you!) since it's S6 after all. It's vector strike has killed has killed a fair number of stuff for me, and I like it a lot! (average of 3 S7 hits against a vehicle's side...awesome!)



Magnets would be tricky though...a ot of cutting would be included, and a lot of GS I guess too...

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I went for the baleflamer, and wouldn't consider using the hades with it at all (I currently have 2, wouldnt mind 3 but would prefer a 3rd not so spammy fast attack ;) ).


I've used at least 1 shunting DK with heavy incinerator in over 50 games with my Paladins, and I can tell you, most of the time, he has an impact. being able to move 30 inches once per game and place a torrenting str 6 ap 4 template worked wonders.


Now I have access to placing that flamer 36 inches on? And I can attack an enemy in the movement phase too? And its now ap3? Yes please .


I'll happily use the hades on my forgefiend, but at least it gets 2 of them (and I generally get 3-5 hits with it). Combining the fact that you have to declare daemonforge at the start of the shooting phase, I've done this using the hades and missed with all my shots. Flamer auto hits, so you will be able to use it more efficiently.

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I didn't like the look of the Heldrake either when I first saw it, but it is growing on me. And having an attack in the movement phase plus a template weapon that hits automatically seems almost too good to pass up.


I have a plan for a Forgefiend as well, and was planning on using the Hades Autocannons, so that will work.

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