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Lorgar and Angron


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I always figured Lorgar had some sort of power over Daemons. That's how I explained his thrashing of Ann'grath and Daemon Fulgrim.


Although I don't like Lorgar, so maybe I'm just looking for outside factors to explain his greatest feats.


Corax was resigned to his fate, but I doubt he would just lay down and let Angron thrash him. Angron wouldn't come out of that without some scars.


I wish/hope Angron actually fights one of his brothers so we can see if he lives up to his reputation. He came close with Corax, and had a staring contest with Sanguinus at Terra.. but sadly never fought them. I haven't been keeping up with the HH series, but hopefully Angron fights something badass and wins.

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I think all the Lorgar haters need to actually read material with him in that isn't TFH.


Anyways, I'm an advocate of the idea that none of the Primarchs are clearly superior to any others (except perhaps Horus after his gifts from the Ruinous Powers). Their strength waxes and wanes, just like real people. There are so many variables involved in combat it's impractical to try and list them all. At different times, and in different circumstances, lots of battles could've turned out differently. Don't be so quick to assume Lorgar was weak. He really was anything but. Angron is a powerhouse in melee, no doubt about it. And if they were on an entirely equal footing, Angron would probably beat Lorgar to a paste in melee without too much difficulty.


But Lorgar is not so inflexible as Angron. And that gives him a great boost in battle. Lorgar is not as single-minded, bloodthirsty, or crazy as Angron. Angron just runs towards his target as fast as he can and hacks them apart. Lorgar is smart enough and sane enough to recognise this and deny him the opportunity to do so wherever possible.


The fight could go either way, IMO. Depends who has luck on their side.

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Yeah, he's the screechy wuss of the group. I didn't like Guilliman until I realized how much I hated Lorgar for being such a whiny little ;) :. He isn't fit to be a primarch: the Emperor should have taken one look at him and said "Malcador, we got another one we need to 'unremember'"


Seriously Lorgar haters out there, you need to read material on him that is not TFH.

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When did Angron fight Corax?


He didn't.


Angron and the World Eaters had Corax and the remaining Raven Guard cornered finally and were coming for him. Then the RG got rescued at the last minute, so the fight never happened.

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I don't dislike any primarch, I just think they all had their own specific roles to play which adhered to their personality/ strategy, but I still find it hard to believe that any heresy could of been derived by one primarchs (lorgar) personal religious ambhition, or perhaps placing the primarchs on pedestals is a fault we all share as we don't want our hero's to be outdone by mere deamon worshiping scum!
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Wasn't Lorgar told in Aurelian that he would almost surely die if he entered a fight he couldn't win (against Corax). It may have been a lie (told by the Fateweaver, so likely) but could have influenced Lorgar. Of course, once he survived that battle things were different, he was likely vindicated in his beliefs, a dangerous thing for one so religiously inclined... I suspect he may have attacked Corax partly as a test, as well as caring for the slaughter of his men.


On the other hand (nad perfectly acceptable as an argument) I am slightly tipsy so I may have everything from the books wrong.


That's one interpretation. Another is that Lorgar remembered how good Corax was in the sparring circle and succumbed to self-doubt, which undermined his faith. A harsh lesson, but one that was later useful when facing down daemon-Fulgrim.
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