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BA Post-CSM Codex


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I was upset at losing I5 from furious charge but if it had remained you can see that everyone would be spamming Death Company. We got to keep our priests as unique to BA.

Anyone who considers plus one strength as meh has never tried to shift Nurgle marines I see a lot of 6th ed Nurgle and Khorne around here and they dont bother me at all, even with blight grenades. As mentioned before I keep that priest and give him an axe for S6 on the charge ignoring armour. I used to take two priests now I only ever take one they have always got their points back and more.

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Nobody is saying that priests are bad or that they hinder common BA strategy. All we're saying is that the cost/benefit analysis for Priests has changed since 5th edition. +1S on the Charge and 5+ FNP vs anything non-ID is fine, but that costs 75-90 pts. Perhaps those points might be better used on another Librarian for additional Prescience usages. Or on fleshing out an Assault squad to a full 10-members, or on adding a couple Attack Bikes to shore up your anti-tank. In my opinion priests went from an auto-include to a list-dependent thing. If I'm running a full-on Jumper BA army then I'll probably bring a priest or two, but for mech, Jumper-mech hybrid, or more shooty-focused BA lists a Priest isn't necessarily the best choice.


Ah, gotcha. Yea, I agree that priest took a hit with certain lists so it really comes down to list building and general strategy.

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You can't 'spam' Death Company as you can only take one unit and they are non-scoring.


TBH as K+F said, Priests are good for buffing a unit which is pretty lacklustre anyway. And it brings the cost of your 11 man scoring unit up to 300pts. Which is pretty lacklustre really.


Especially when for 320pts I can get 20 Grey Hunters with 2 Banners and 4 Meltaguns who don't care if they get the charge.

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You can't 'spam' Death Company as you can only take one unit and they are non-scoring.


TBH as K+F said, Priests are good for buffing a unit which is pretty lacklustre anyway. And it brings the cost of your 11 man scoring unit up to 300pts. Which is pretty lacklustre really.


Especially when for 320pts I can get 20 Grey Hunters with 2 Banners and 4 Meltaguns who don't care if they get the charge.


I suppose so yes, just one unit of 30 Death Company .... and a dread if you want.


20 DC are 400 points dont need banners, are fearless, relentless, FNP, furious charging and while they dont score I know what I would rather have I will take the 20 DC over 20 GH allies. Those 20 DC can also be upgraded any way you like, granted there is a cost to that. Even 10 DC using their bare hands on the charge can threaten a five man squad of termies, though I would not use them for that. DC dont need to be scoring as DC at S5 on the charge are good at killing scoring troops or able to contest, that is what DC are about.


I used the term "spammed" as in seeing DC in every allies troop list with their current statlines and keeping I5 they would have been an auto include for every ally.


With First Blood, Slay the Warlord and Linebreaker up for grabs a DC heavy list is not a soft list. Is furious charge + FNP from priests still a must have ? if you use DC you already know the answer, the priests buff is still good. DC or S5 troops buffed by priests are pretty useful when facing nurgle lists is my experience, you need to get the numbers on the first charge to make it work though which may mean expensive jump packs as mentioned look out for blight grenades.


Ah, gotcha. Yea, I agree that priest took a hit with certain lists so it really comes down to list building and general strategy.

This is pretty much it one priest or a novitiate is about it these days unless in a specialised list build like Sanguinary guard.

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