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Multi-combat and wounds.


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I don't know if this is the right spot but anyhoo.


I was playing in a tournament at my local game store. I had an incident with multicombat and how wounds worked. i always thought wounds didn't flow over as you had to allocate hits. Also in the FAQ it states wounds don't flow over.


The guy I was playing against said the wounds flow over, I said they didn't but i couldn't remember the place where it said they didn't. I let it go as I didn't want to delay the game as he said something about that to me at the beginning. Here is a rough diagram to show



DW is Dweathwing. DP is daemon prince. attacks were all done to the DW by the Bloodthirster. I know now that it shouldn't even had been done because at this turn the two DW squads weren't in multicombat at that time anymore but that doesn't matter. My question is if they were in a Multi combat because the attacks were all against theat one squad there shouldn't have been any models in the other squad even if they atacked at the same initaitive, right? the owner/tourney organizer said the wounds still flow over because the other sqaud attacked at the same initiative. I don't think that is right because of what the FAQ and the BGB says.


I mean the FAQ says wounds don't flow over to the other unit in multi-combat. and the BGB pg 28 I think says in Multi-combat that attacks have to allocated to specific units. If both of those point to wounds not being transfered then how do wounds still transfer?

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that is right because of what the FAQ and the BGB says.


I mean the FAQ says wounds don't flow over to the other unit in multi-combat. and the BGB pg 28 I think says in Multi-combat that attacks have to allocated to specific units. If both of those point to wounds not being transfered then how do wounds still transfer?


There's all the answer you need. Sounds like the organisers need to take some reading lessons.

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Yeah. He looked over what I had said again and said that sounds right about them not flowing over and that attacks needs to be allocated. I think he just misread what I had asked originally.


Thanks to who moved this. I didn't see the rules section before in the Tactica. I declare random blindness....... So that was my bad.

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