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Query on the CSM Attack Squad


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Just a quick question for those who long ago fell from our benevolent Emperor's light; Does the CSM Attack Squad, the five-man box in the Troops Section on the GW website (Link here; http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...dId=prod1095440 ), consist of normal 'build as you want' plastics, or is it snap-fit?


(Apologies if this is in the wrong section, it merely seemed the most appropriate)

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The Chaos Marine attack squad box it the normal Multi part kit for Chaos Space Marines.


The clip together Chaos Space Marine set has three models which you can find here:





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The 5er should be normal guys. Me thinks that the 3 guy packet consits of snap-fit models.


However the 10er box is always cheaper in the long run (as you are gonna need the 5 extra guys sooner or later).


It's not for an army, I'm looking to use the Iron Warriors accessory sprue to make up a little retinue for a warsmith model I'm planning to get. I've got a chaos tactical squad and the two cultist units from DV to use for an army.


Anyway, thanks for the help guys!

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