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The Characters that Should have Been...

Cleal Baros

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I just thought I'd start this thread to ask people their thoughts on those characters that should (or could) have been present in the new codex. I for one am a fan of the new book and don't want this to turn into another list of complaints or discussions on the general approach of the book as a whole but I would love to hear peoples thoughts on specific special characters they'd have liked to have seen and even better their own attempts at rules for these characters.


The only major issue I have with the new ruleset is that it seems to have ignored and given the cold shoulder to the undivided legions, all of the new custom options tend to come at the cost of a Mark of Chaos and as such we've been left with far more generic lists than our God ensla..'devoted' brethren. In my view this could all be remedied with a single SC for each of the legions and so I now invite you to submit your ideas for those character. All other ideas (not just legion specific) are also welcome but lets try to create a few fun (and even potentially useable) profiles.


Existing Characters/Legions.

Black Legion - Abaddon

World Eaters - Khârn

Death Guard - Typhus

Emperors Children - Lucius & Fabius

Thousand Sons - Ahriman

Renegades - Huron


Potential Ideas

Iron Warriors - Honsou? - What more could an Iron Warrior player want? (Please tell me, I'm clearly not one of you chevroned lunatics.)

Night Lords - Halasker? - Much the same as the Alpha character, I'd prefer the NL to be more generic rather than a specific character we all already know. IMO this makes it easier to include him as a general 'count as' Night Lords character and therefore base your own army around him and the traits he could bring.

Alpha Legion - Phocron? - See Halasker.

Word Bearers - Personally I'd have loved to have seen Erebus here. - He's just too evil and cool to ignore!


So what are your ideas Brothers?

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I'm trying to place Halasker but nothing is coming up. Hmm, in a way, I don't think the Night Lords should have a Special Character. Blasphemy, I know. Here's my reasoning. It forces a Legion that is supposed to be diverse by nature into a specific mold, much like the Raptor Legion reinforced by Lord of the Night has done. The "Legion" is dead by the fluff. All that is left is scattared warbands. Even a "generic" SC gives a certain impression since what makes the SCs so special is that they are specialized HQs that happen to have names.


On the note of Honsou, he is considered an outcast by his own Legion, hated by his own Legion and has a very different personality from most of the Iron Warriors we see, suggesting he is neither the "generic" Iron Warrior. But there aren't a great many of Iron Warriors Characters out there that I am aware of.


Phocron is........... Well technically Phocron never existed and since he has served his purpose, never will again. So if there was a character, I woul go with one of Excessus' options.


In my opinion, there shouldn't be any more special characters. They end up being used to show a rather one-dimensional view of the Legions and are the standard that the backgroun and personalities of any future characters, in- or out-game, are judged against.

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My view of the Night Lords character would be a fairly generic Lord. He wouldn't have anything too special in the way of wargear and weapons and his special rules would be limited to largely army wide modifications which try to encompass the shared traits of all Night Lord warbands.


Something like this;





6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+


Wargear: Power Sword, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Bolter, Boltpistol.

USR: Fear, Independent Character, Night Vision, Veteran of the Long War.


We Bring the Night - Chaos Champions in an army containing Halasker may exchange the Champion of Chaos special rule for Night Vision, should they do so their unit may purchase the Icon of Despair as if they had the Mark of Nurgle.


I have no idea how many points he should be and I realise there's nothing special or flashy about him but I'd have loved it if there'd been a character like this I could take. He's not going to cost so many points that you can't include another HQ choice to better represent the path your warband has taken since the legion split but he'd give them a definitive Night Lord flavour.

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I'm trying to place Halasker but nothing is coming up. Hmm, in a way, I don't think the Night Lords should have a Special Character. Blasphemy, I know. Here's my reasoning. It forces a Legion that is supposed to be diverse by nature into a specific mold, much like the Raptor Legion reinforced by Lord of the Night has done. The "Legion" is dead by the fluff. All that is left is scattared warbands. Even a "generic" SC gives a certain impression since what makes the SCs so special is that they are specialized HQs that happen to have names.



I agree with this 100%. And also have no clue who the hell Halasker is.

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It's a problem - do we hope for a character that represents our legions and gives them a bit of flavour? If we get that, will we end up having to take those characters to get rules we think should apply to our legions, and will it make them all very similar like the old Space Marine codex did with He'Stan et al?


There are a few characters I'd like to see the rules for, just to see what they could do - Honsou, Sevatar and Sahaal, Erebus, the Red Angel - but I wouldn't really want them to offer army wide rules, since a) it makes people think you need that character to make your army of that particular legion, and :D it makes a lot of armies very similar in function.


Personally I want to make a Night Lords Huron-counts as, with a Night Lord commander who has been collecting the most famous war regalia of the VIII in an effort to unite the rest of the legion behind his banner, so he has the Corona Nox (giving him Huron's invulnerable and infiltrating), Sevatar's war glaive (Huron's power claw) etc. Sure it's a little frustrating that we don't have a character, but that just means I can do what I want with my lord.

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I'm trying to place Halasker but nothing is coming up. Hmm, in a way, I don't think the Night Lords should have a Special Character. Blasphemy, I know. Here's my reasoning. It forces a Legion that is supposed to be diverse by nature into a specific mold, much like the Raptor Legion reinforced by Lord of the Night has done. The "Legion" is dead by the fluff. All that is left is scattared warbands. Even a "generic" SC gives a certain impression since what makes the SCs so special is that they are specialized HQs that happen to have names.



I agree with this 100%. And also have no clue who the hell Halasker is.


Halasker was a Captain mentioned in Soul Hunter, commanding one of the few remaining Night Lords battle barges, the Hunter's Premonition. Lucoryphus and the Bleeding Eyes were under his command until they got picked up by the Covenant of Blood and became 10th Company.

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What really strikes me as the most illogical thing about Chaos Marines leaders - lots of warbands are lead by Daemon Princes, and most of them are unmarked, but we have Ld9 Daemon Prince that must take a mark in codex.

Voldorius - Alpha Legion

Krieg Acerbus - Night Lords

Rulebook mentions Word Bearers DP that is leader of his warband, and CSM 2007 on page 70 had a Daemon Prince that leads Word Bearers and Night Lords.


I'd say Krieg Acerbus would be the closest thing to typical Night Lords leader.

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I'm trying to place Halasker but nothing is coming up. Hmm, in a way, I don't think the Night Lords should have a Special Character. Blasphemy, I know. Here's my reasoning. It forces a Legion that is supposed to be diverse by nature into a specific mold, much like the Raptor Legion reinforced by Lord of the Night has done. The "Legion" is dead by the fluff. All that is left is scattared warbands. Even a "generic" SC gives a certain impression since what makes the SCs so special is that they are specialized HQs that happen to have names.



I agree with this 100%. And also have no clue who the hell Halasker is.


Halasker was a Captain mentioned in Soul Hunter, commanding one of the few remaining Night Lords battle barges, the Hunter's Premonition. Lucoryphus and the Bleeding Eyes were under his command until they got picked up by the Covenant of Blood and became 10th Company.

Oh right, he had the fifteen minutes of fame.

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GW shouldnt have made smiths/apostols in to HQ and I dont think the chaos codex would need another power/terminator armored HQ. I would rather have seen a walker or MC HQ , that would let us play a more demonic army . In general am cool with anything that gives different builds . I mean even if GW made a AL HQ for me and other AL players , how would they make him different from huron . And making him a better huron for more points isnt worth the model slot in the codex.
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Personally I would not mind seeing Svan Vulfbad in actual codex form. Now I have been out of the game for about 5 years and have only recently seen him (thank you Random button on 40k wiki) so i don't know if there actual stats for him, but I think he would be a great addition to our character roster.
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So are pretty much all of our current SC's apart from Huron.




And I don't think any of them will be re-released by FW for the Horus Heresy or play large parts in it.


Well, Abaddon is in book 1, but we didn't get Lucius, who was also at Istvaan V, so it's 50/50 so far.

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So are pretty much all of our current SC's apart from Huron.




And I don't think any of them will be re-released by FW for the Horus Heresy or play large parts in it.


Well, Abaddon is in book 1, but we didn't get Lucius, who was also at Istvaan V, so it's 50/50 so far.

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I'm being misunderstood. Yes, I think we'll see familiar characters such as Khârn, Lucius and Ahriman in the Horus Heresy. I don't think FW will release models for them though. I think that FW is likely to release rules and a model for Erebus, I don't think we'll ever see rules for Erebus in Codex:Chaos Space Marines in the same way that Angron will never have '40k' rules.


Is that clearer?

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I really dislike Erebus and I really wouldn't want him to be the go-to Word Bearer archetype Character.


Someone like Ekodas would have been much more interesting. Shame he's dead. Sarabdal could work tho I suppose.


Also Ferrous Ironclaw for the Iron Warriors. He's quoted on the back of the 3,5 edition Chaos Codex.



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Iron Warriors - Honsou? - What more could an Iron Warrior player want?

Honsou is a despicable upstart and actually of imperial fist geneseed. Even considering him to represent the IV Legion is an insult!

First Captain Forrix (Terminator) should be the obvious choice, but Berossus (Dreadnought) would be iconic, too.

I'm content with the War(p)smith, although he should have been fearless, had access to special issue wargear and made obliterators elite choices.

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I would have rather had the warpsmith and the apostle (since they are HQ) be special characters in the form of the IW leader and the WB leader. Make them more powerful (and more costly) so they are a bit more playable for an army.


Also, a more costly Huron = Ariman. I sort of grimace to say that the NL and AL players have options, but compared to the last codex, they do. And two of them at that.


edit: Since I am wishlisting anyhow, I second a wish to see an HQ choice with AV. Off the top of my head, Tank Commander Crapulon. He deploys with a tank, and the tank he is in takes an HQ slot and gets POTMS. Alternatively, a hellbrute HQ could accept challenges and whatnot, but that seems to have been done before.

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