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The Characters that Should have Been...

Cleal Baros

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Storm Ravens are post-heresy.


Razorbacks are post-heresy.


Plasma cannons for non-vehicles are post-heresy. (Which is why we have them on our Dreadnought/Hellbrutes)


Storm Shields I'm pretty sure are post-heresy.


Thunder Hammers as said is the only one I'm not sure about.



Yeah, but if you were at war and saw an enemy using a really good sword, hammer or shield, wouldn't you take it after you killed him? Plus, Chaos must still be getting new Marines or they'd have died out by now, so why couldn't they bring some of this stuff with them? It's just irritating.


I think it really just comes down to a game design thing, where They (GW) are trying to make a "Different Space Marine Army" that's different from loyalists. Chaos obviously has those things (stolen, raided, looted, jacked or kept from when they 'dropped flags') just like Chaos has drop pods. But our army is different in that it's designed to be a power armored Horde army with a mutable statline, and LOL Tables vs reliability and lots of toys.


That said, I really like that we can make our own character now, though there are some stand out choices for default lords, I really enjoy my MURDER SWORD guy who is Huron's Enforcer and former Chapter Champion of the Astral Claws. During his time with the Astral Claws, he wasn't really an individual so much as a weapon to be set upon a target. He was thought dead, but having dragged himself from the ruins, and then against all odds finding his way back to Malestrom, he was given Huron's blessing and would come out to engage missions with prominent foes.


I used him against a friends' Modrak (and Killed Him!) Huron infiltrating him and his unit in close to his hated enemy.


My other character is Sorcerer Giselburtus. He wasn't an Astral Claw, nor is he really an Astartes he had developed his psychic talent on his own and had a penchant for Pyromancy and Biomancy, always willing to push himself further. He came from a Tau colony.


He forged his Force Axe Solace from the desecrated and shattered remains of Grey Knight Force Weapons he recovered in many battles against them. He is an exile even among the sorcerers, because he is not a "true astartes" and is hated. Hated and Feared, because he wields great power within the Warp, more than many Astartes Psykers, and through a series of duels has subjugated or killed any who would stand against him amongst his Warband's Cabal.

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call me wrong if i am... but on the matter of if Storm Shields were pre heresy or not... didn't an Ultramarine honour guard member carry on in the Horus Heresy Short story book age of Darkness... the one with the Loyalist iron warriors called The Iron Within by Rob Sanders, I could have sworn remember reading that that guy had a storm shield that got destroyed towards the end...


*goes hunting for the book* anyway, just trying i thought it was there *goes back to writing ideas of characters for his campaign*

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By George, you are right. It does seem apologies are in order. Although, I'm not sure if they can be considered widespread items since Nicodemus is the only one who has had one so far and he is of a very high rank, being a tetrarch, Legionary Champion and a member of a Primarch's bodyguard.


Not saying they don't exist as I was wrong on that point, just that maybe they were rarer in 30k then they are in 40k. Although a quick way to solve that is to see how many units in Betrayal have access to storm shields.

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In the army lists of Betrayel, there are plasma cannons, thunder hammers (I think) , boarding shields (which I think it would have been nice if they had been an option for charecters or chosen) artificer armour, assault cannons (on dreads) land speeders, whirlwinds ect, a lot to f the stuff supposedly pre heresy is now heresy era, and the fact the loyalists still have all of it despite their fluff being they lose stuff all the time...
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Perturabo's personal colossos robot honor guard are equipped with Stormshields and Thunder/Siege hammers.

Hmm, fair point. Almost forgot about those guys.


Hmm, Forgeworld did give a lot of post-heresy tech to the Heresy-era. And yet we have none of it. :D

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I would have liked to have seen one or two of the "squad upgrade" characters that GW seem to be giving everybody else. Examples would be Telion for SM, Thawn for GK.

I think that would have been a great way to inject some more craziness into armies, which is something I've always liked about Chaos. You never exactly know what you're going to get...


I'd have liked to see a Lietennant in the list again, as well. I was also thinking it would have been pretty interesting if there was an HQ that, in fluff terms, made extensive use of Cultists and taking him allowed you to select units from C:IG as allied Battle Brothers. Could have given us a way to make a proper insurgent-styled army list.



I was honestly surprised by the fact that we had no new special characters at all. Not that I'd have used him, but I was expecting to open the book and read about some named Daemon Prince with absolutley insane stats and all these special rules that just made him unbeatable.

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as far as gear goes i'm pretty sure that there is HH book where World Eaters were using Chain axes and Storm Shields, Battle for the Abyss?


Thunder hammers were around there are few people that are noted to have them like Perturabo's honour guard and that EC guy, Eidolon (sp)


not sure on Plasma cannons, FW made some heresy era PCs but they are in it for the money.




i like the lieutenant idea, but maybe a set of purchasable Army stuff if people wanted army specific stuff





New Blood (for renegades) or Paragon of the Legion (for the traitor legions) 25 points



III - Once an icon of perfection among his legion this warrior has become debased and dedicated to Slaanesh? extra I and FNP for character and unit? (excluding cult unit)


IV - Fearsome in assaults and stalwart in defence, a choice between furious charge for the character and unit he joins or Bolter Drill? or heavy support stuff?


VIII - Night vision and fear for character and unit he joins?


XII - extra attack or furious charge for character and unit he joins? hammer or wrath?


XIV - FNP and extra T for character and squad he joins (excluding cult units)?


XV - Random psychic power a turn for character?


XVI - something to do with pride and revenge? not really sure


XVII - something cultisty or possessed stuff? all champions get some gift of chaos? or character and squad he joins get a boon?


XX - something stealthy or cultisty? Infiltrate Character and unit he joins? maybe you roll to get a single infantry model in opponents army to take control of at any time?


New Blood - untrusted and disliked by the traitor legions that have become their peers and even more so by the imperium they betrayed, now they only seek to prove themselves to the dark powers of the warp. not sure really.



that sort of thing, maybe my suggestions are not balanced and a bit off but its just an idea.

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Miriael Sabathiel - she would be a hard hitting Slaaneshi that does not make NM troops. Basically she would be what Lucius is not.


Ohh! I like her already! And now for some Googleing.

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