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I do not understand this in the slightest.


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I was playing a game against my friend who plays tau and chaos, he was being tau. We were playing KP, and he was using sniper drones, I was using priests. With a bunch of other stuff, of course... Anyway, the point is that I killed one "detachment" of his sniper drones, so I believed I had first blood and therefore 2 points. He said no, that I had to kill every single sniper drone for it to count as a kill point. From all the broken up squads. He brought up my own priests, saying that he had to kill them all for a KP, which I am 100% sure is not true. He then brought up the royal court, saying if they were broken up it was the same thing. What is the ruling on this? Is it the same for all three, or different? I'm confused as hell...
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It is my understanding that it is how they are split up before the game starts that determines their KP value. Like a Tactical Squad is 1 KP, but if you break it into Combat Squads, its 2 KP. So each individual drone unit would be its own KP. Sanguinary Priests are different, as they are Independent Characters. Thus they are each a KP. The Royal Court is even further different. The Court itself would be 1 KP, and since the detached characters are permanently joined to the other units and are NOT independent characters, they are not KPs. A Royal Court can only ever be one KP by itself. Attached characters will count as part of the Warrior, Immortal, Lychguard, ect. unit they join.


This is my understanding anyways...

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Basically it's separate units deployed. The sniper drones and the controller (and the priests) are all units each able to act as they like. Sharing a force org chart doesn't matter, after all an IG army can have about 7 squads of infantry and 5 transports as a single troop choice.... that's not one KP either!


The court is different because either its a unit on its own or it never gets deployed as all the models are put elsewhere and become part of that unit. If that happens you don't have a court unit deployed so there is no kill point to claim.

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Ahh ok, thanks for the clarification. You've been a great help.



There is a common misconception or misunderstanding of force organisation CHOICE and a unit. A unit does not necessarily mean its a FOC choice and vice versa.


Take Wolf Guard for example. If you take 3 SW wolf guard and distribute them to various squads, they are now part of that squad - killing them makes no difference unless you wipe out an entire squad. ICs on the other hand (like Priests) are units in of themselves no matter how they are selected through the FOC.


This would be like arguing you must kill an entire guard platoon of a Jnr command squad, up to 6x10 infantry squads and 3 heavy weapon team squads to get one KP. Not so.


Likewise it would be like arguing a Rhino + tactical squad is one unit. It is not. It's two, and therefore worth 2 KP/VP.


Hope that helps.

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What about in the case of the Necrons where you take Nemesor AND Obyron. Obyron no longer counts as an HQ when Nemesor is also on the field , but would he cease to be a separate KP?


Is he an independent character, and as such is he a unit in his own right?

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I believe he would be, but codex says "infantry (character)". Looking at it, all the named models say that and none specifically say IC. He can be a unit on his own, but its confusing since he wouldn't use up a force org slot.
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