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Plague Champion


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Trying to decide a load out for my dual Plasma Plague Marine squads. Previous editions I always run power fists, but now I'm thinking the best option would be to run either;

Bolter, Power Axe, Plague Knife Meltabombs or

Combi-Plas, Bolt Pistol, Plague Knife, Meltabombs


What are people's thoughts? 15pts for the combi option and 20 for the axe... And I'm equipping 3 squads...

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For a plasma squad, a combi plasma is enough for me. If the squad is equipped with meltaguns, then a combi melta and a power weapon (axe most likely).


Combi weapons on champions are great vs MC characters, as they can get you a boon roll if you're lucky :)

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