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"Would you bleed for me, my son?..."

Daemon Smith

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Some lovely conversions in this latest batch.  If memory serves, the Blood Angels in the Dornian Heresy had a more mummified and desicated look than the bloated Death Guard look.  Any plans to make some of those?  I think I saw a guide or WIP conversion like that some time ago...

Some lovely conversions in this latest batch.  If memory serves, the Blood Angels in the Dornian Heresy had a more mummified and desicated look than the bloated Death Guard look.  Any plans to make some of those?  I think I saw a guide or WIP conversion like that some time ago...


I do agree, but I'm finding it hard to find examples to work on. If you could link me the tutorial, or some pictures, that'd be awesome!

I'll see what I can dig up. Search Fu powers, activate!!!


Hm. This could take a while.

Edit- Found it, though I'm afraid it actually isn't much at all. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/209679-wip-blood-angel/

It does raise an interesting issue though- without True-scaling the model, it's hard to make it look skinny. I imagine some clever bit bashing with perhaps zombie and skeleton bits combined into Sanguinary Guard bits and a lot of clever GS work is the best bet.


It does raise an interesting issue though- without True-scaling the model, it's hard to make it look skinny. I imagine some clever bit bashing with perhaps zombie and skeleton bits combined into Sanguinary Guard bits and a lot of clever GS work is the best bet.


I tend to do a kind of compromise where I chop up the legs and get them to be in a more upright pose. My Blood Angels are actually taller than a normal marine in power armour, I'll see if I can upload a picture to show you.

I agree though, some kit-bashing with zombies would look cool... I'll see if my budget will allow it.

++ This is field command. Report. ++

++ Squad 7-2-Delta reporting sir. We have lost contact with the vanguard. The fog is impenetrable, visuals limited to 100 metres forward from our position. No contact with the enemy has been reported anywhere along the line. ++

++Field command to squad 7-2-Delta. Hold position until further notice. ++

++ Acknowledged. Holding posi- wait, what's that sound? Sir, we have*bzzzzzzz*visual. Targets advanc*bzzzzzzzzz*slowly. By all the saints, the fog, it's movi*bzzzzZZZZzzzz*. It's a swarm! It's alive! By the Emperor, they're here! I repeat we are under attack! *BZZZZZZZZ* THEY CAME FROM THE SKY! *BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ* HELP U-*BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ*++


Lo, they come. The Dead Angels descend on bloodied wings, the screams of the damned and warp-spawned devilry accompanying them. Theirs is death, and death they bring.

The sons of the Carrion Primarch come.


This is the champion for my Raptor/Assault squad. He's just about ready for some paint I think smile.png

The Blood Angels employ ancient tech, stuff from the time of the Heresy. They have virtually no skill in engineering, and can't repair any of their equipment. So what do they do? They imbue most of their machines with Daemons, including their armour, not to mention jump packs. This causes their packs to emit hellish daemon-cries, or buzz like a swarm of flies.

I chose to represent their ancient tech with some Heresy-era jump packs. But because I'm stingy and dirt-poor, I decided to scratch-build the packs using this tutorial with some modifications:


Here's the result:





I think the pack still needs Nurglifying, but otherwise I'm quite pleased with it.

What do you guys think? Any suggestions?

These are the last things that I've done in the break from posting. I now need to get to some actual "real-time" updating, so I'll get to work!

Till then,

Daemon Smith

  • 4 weeks later...

So it's been a while, but I've not been (completely) idle! I've got pics of the last member of the Plague Marine squad for you guys, and something a little bit special as well...


But first, the last Plague Marine:






So that's the whole squad! I'll have a group shot up soon.


And here's something I've been working on. I decided to put together an HQ for the army, and decided to go with a counts-as Huron Blackheart.


Here he is, in all his WIP glory:














My apologies for the poor quality on the photos, I'll hopefully get a chance to update them soon. 

In the meantime, what do you guys think? Yay or nay?


Till next time,


Daemon Smith

These are beautiful Dornian Heresy Blood Angels, Daemon Smith!


If I may make a Nurgle-y suggestion, the Fantasy Warriors of Chaos Chariot has a beautiful (?) Nurgle head, but I'm not sure about the fit on 40K models. Just something to keep in mind if you want to do an especially corrupted Blood Angel, such as a Typhus Conversion.


Looking forward to more, Brother!

@Dragonkin Arenis Thanks a lot Brother! That head is very nice, I'll definitely keep it in mind.


@Teetengee The Sons of the Blighted Angel have very limited understanding of technology, so that everything from their armour to their war machines are bound with daemons in order to make them actually function. The vehicles would very likely have archaic-looking tech on them, probably pre-heresy chassis with extra daemon components. As for Oblits, I imagine them to be more like "uber-possessed marines", in that they aren't tech priests gone rogue, but chaos terminators that allowed daemons of fire and destruction possess their bodies, and have been gifted with all manner of ranged abilities. 


In short, I plan on making it quite daemon-themed.


I have an update for you all! I picked up a box of Sanguinary Guard for bits, and I'm in the process of building a Raptor/Assault squad:












As you can see in the last image, I've begun to incorporate the Daemon element into the marines. This one has a mouth for a stomach!


I hope you like him, he still needs filling on the left arm, but other than that I'm quite pleased with him. C&C welcome as always!


Till next we meet,


Daemon Smith

@Tanith Ghost Thanks very much, brother!

@ChaptermasterDemon7 I was considering leaving the arms loose so that I can swap them out for when I play Blood Angels, and having the wings detachable, but I may simply buy another kit and build an entirely different unit. (What's this, I'm not being stingy? ohmy.png ) But yes, I would give the Sanguinary Guard decayed wings.

Small painting update: Plague Champion!


The red basecoat and layers are done, awaiting a wash.




I've got two more models that I undercoated this morning still drying, and I'll get onto them soon as well.


Daemon Smith

Another update, painting is going well, it's nice to have a brush in my hand again after so much modelling!


Red and green bits done, started on the skin and flesh.




He's coming along nicely in my opinion. He'll soon be ready to spread disease through the Imperium!


Thanks for looking,


Daemon Smith

  • 1 month later...

Been a while, but I'm back from the warp with some updates!

I'll start with the completed Plague Champion:





Next up, I painted the other two models that I'd undercoated:

Weapons Specialist:




Advancing Bolter-marine:





And all the completed models so far:


Sorry about the blurry photos, I'll get some better ones later, just wanted to prove I've been making some progress tongue.png

Sometime soon I'll upload some fluff to go with these guys, as I feel they deserve something to make them unique.

Thanks for looking guys, C&C welcome as always.

Daemon Smith

This thread is back?! PRAISE THE EMPRAH! I missed me some DH goodness (evilness?), and this is a heapin' helping of Plague Angel delight! I absolutely adore how your squad is coming along Daemon Smith, I think Guts the weapon specialist and Chainsword Dude are my favourites from that squad (although the Chapion of Flies is also sublimely grotesque, what the heck happened to his left foot?).

That said though my favoured model out of the ones you've done so far is that Mk.4 Raptor with the single-jet jumppack, I want to see him painted sooooo badly!


I'm eagerly looking forward to more from you, keep up the amazing work! :D

@Squeaky: I think your taste is just fine :P I'm glad you like the ugliness!


@SanguiniusReborn: Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad at least someone missed the thread ;) I would have to agree with you on the Raptor, I really like the way he turned out. I'm in the process of painting him at the moment, so hopefully I'll have some pictures up soon. And as for poor old Fly's foot... well, I won't say much but let's just say that it would've been uncomfortable for him before the legion turned... Like I said, fluff will is coming soon :D

Small update, been painting the Raptor. He's starting to take shape smile.png



Hope you like him, C&C welcome.

Daemon Smith

Small update, been painting the Raptor. He's starting to take shape smile.png



Hope you like him, C&C welcome.

Daemon Smith

Very nice! I actually forgot you might use the old squad-specific coloured helmets, it looks really cool. I can't wait to see him finished, not to mention any future squad mates of his. :)

Oh, that reminds me, will you be including a squad of the Blood Angels' splinter warbands? Say... Maybe a squad of Flesh Tearer Berzerker-counts-as? :3

Very nice! I actually forgot you might use the old squad-specific coloured helmets, it looks really cool. I can't wait to see him finished, not to mention any future squad mates of his. smile.png

Oh, that reminds me, will you be including a squad of the Blood Angels' splinter warbands? Say... Maybe a squad of Flesh Tearer Berzerker-counts-as? :3

Thanks for the feedback! I figured that even in the alternate universe, they still adhere roughly to the tactical strategies of Sanguinius, so why not have the squad markings?

Hmmm... I hadn't considered that. My plan for the berzerkers was just to use Death Company to represent them. But maybe I could work something out... There isn't any fluff that I've seen which deals with the successor chapters so I assume that they would be represented by splinters of the legion that were more badly affected by the permanent state of decay in their bodies and minds. If you have any suggestions on how they could be represented, feel free to share!

Daemon Smith


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