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Blood Angels Camouflage


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I've recently Come Back to the Hobby and my Blood Angels after being gone since the end of 3rd Edition. And after Buying the HH Book from Forgeworld and the HH Artbooks I really want to start up a Hersey-esque Army. I say esque in that I was really thinking a Post Hersey Army as in a few Millennium after, kind of in the Transition from Legion to Chapter type thing. I also wanted to Bring back some of the style cues from Rogue Trader, such as Camo, Checker Boards, that type thing and bring them up to the Current Line of Models.

So without further ado a MOCK UP of a Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought.

In what I like to call BAAL Camouflage, to represent the Baal System, which the Blood Angels are Garrisoned. Based of of a German Autumn Scheme and tweaked with a little radiation and desert feel which the environment calls for.


Original Model by Mark Bedford.

Also Thinking this Scheme for Scout Capes and Fatigues. Maybe not so much on Tanks or Rhinos.

Comments Please.


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Yes! The crazed blood angels, suffering from the flaw, whom in battle can only just preserve their lust to tear the enemies apart with thier bare hands! For some reason I dont think marines (let alone Blood Angels) should be wearing armor with camo! Scouts are one thing, but I think the Space marines should have neat and ornate armor made to be seen!


But, I really like the camo sheme! Would be cool to see a army painted this way!

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Yes! The crazed blood angels, suffering from the flaw, whom in battle can only just preserve their lust to tear the enemies apart with their bare hands! For some reason I don't think marines (let alone Blood Angels) should be wearing armor with camo! Scouts are one thing, but I think the Space marines should have neat and ornate armor made to be seen!


But, I really like the camo scheme! Would be cool to see a army painted this way!


As I mentioned before, the Idea behind the Army is that its placed in the Time Period Shortly after the HH, in the TRANSITION time from LEGION to CHAPTER.


So Prior to HH there would be no "Flaw" as it were to suffer from and hence would behave much like other Loyal SM Legions. So Using Camouflage would be Justified(I'm Not planning on Painting Any SM in Full Camo, Just Contemp Dreads and Scouts and maybe One Tank depending how it turns out). As I said before, During the Transition Time I would Imagine NEW Armor and Vehicles would not use Pre HH Marking or Symbols where they Differentiate from the CURRENT BA Codex Markings.


So as the Army is expanded Post HH you would be able to see the History of the Blood Angels from First Founding to HH to Now all Laid out and Represented in the Armor and Vehicles of the Army.


In Summation


Pre HH and HH Dreads and Vehicles = Legion

Baal Pred was Discovered Pre HH BUT is Still Produced so Both Pre and Post HH Versions would Exist in the Army.

Any Vehicles OR Variants Created After HH would look like Current Style and Colors.


Mk. 1 Reserved for Ceremonial Purposes so Different Colors Scheme(Prob Gold or Grey as was the Original Suits)

MK. 2-5 SM Armor = Legion

Mk. 6 = Transition (Some Pre HH and Post HH Markings)

Mk. 7-8 = Chapter (Current BA)

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First of all, I love the Camo Scheme.



But, the flaw did show up before the HH began. And it got manifested throughout the legion during the opening salvos of the HH.



That all being said........


Paint it how you want it. Play it how you want. It's your army.


And it would definitely look different and pretty cool too.



If you do decide to paint it, please post it on the forums. I would like to follow the progress.

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I like the Camo pattern, and it would look great on scouts as mentioned. Not sure about Dreads, especially Contemptor pattern, to me they are too big to benefit from camo, like the vehicles. That said, I think rolled Camo netting bundles strapped to tank hulls would look kinda cool, and tie the army together without Camo-ing everything.
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