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Putting together my Nurgle force slowly


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So here is what I have ...



Dirty Rotten Core



HQ: 1 Chaos Lord, Mark of Nurgle; Lightning Claw; Meltabomb; Blight Grenades; Burning Brand of Skalathrax; Bike 155 {command}



HQ: Blue Scribes of Tzeentch 130



Elite: 6 Flamers of Tzeentch 138



Troops: 7 Plaguebearers of Nurgle 105




Troops: 20 Chaos Cultists, 10 Autoguns; 1 Flamer 105

Troops: 2x 10 Chaos Cultists; 11 Autoguns 116



Troops: 7 Plague Marines; 2 Plasmaguns; Lightning Claw; Meltabomb; Veteran's of the Long War 225




Fast Attack: 7 Screamers of Tzeentch 175



Fast Attack: 5 Chaos Spawn, Mark of Nurgle 180



Heavy Support: 2x 1 Obliterator, Mark of Nurgle 152



Heavy Support: 7 Chaos Havocs, Mark of Nurgle; 4 Autocannons; Veteran's of the Long War 169


Fortification: Aegis Defense Line, Quad Autocannons 100



Haven't finished painting the screamers or cultists and still have to put the havocs together and prime and paint them. But I have all the models so it is time to use them ... so it is a mixture of all my old vintage models, some alternative models and a few new models I had to purchase.


more pics here ... http://photobucket.com/CHAOSNURGLE

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the spawn are rackham scribor scorpions.


I wanted the list to look suitably chaotic. I like different bases, mix of old and new, some alternative models etc. I also was not looking for any cohesive theme to the army, although fluff wise I see no problem. Nurgle and tzeentch are mixed often enough. And I love screamers and flamers.

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the spawn are rackham scribor scorpions.


I wanted the list to look suitably chaotic. I like different bases, mix of old and new, some alternative models etc. I also was not looking for any cohesive theme to the army, although fluff wise I see no problem. Nurgle and tzeentch are mixed often enough. And I love screamers and flamers.


Nurgle and Tzeentch are eternal enemies! How do you think they're 'mixed often enough'?

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hey are mixed often because Tzeentch daemons are maddeningly powerful


That. An awful lot of lists are using PBs with screamers and flamers. For good reason, I might add. And for me it fits the chaotica theme ... nothing should make sense with chaos.

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I like the way you mix up the cultists, they are mostly a mixture of different models, mutants, traitors, former governors, arbites e.t.c.. All gone mad from worship of chaos, chaotic and insane...

Looking foreward to some more pictures,maybe another shot of that marine riding the cold one :whistling:

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