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Transport Etiquette


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I've just recently got re-interested in Warhammer 40k after a long break. I've got the new CSM codex and love some of the changes in the box compared to the last one.


My question is of etiquette with transports or more importantly whose's inside them.


I haven't found anything in the rule book yet so if I'm mistaken please guide me to the relevant section.


My Question is, Do you have have to tell an opponent which transport your character is in? In games, I've always played with the champ or character model physically on top of the rhino so that everyone knows who is where and removes all doubt to which transport said character is in (plus it looks cool when your champ is riding on the rhino like Mad Max.) Is this giving too much away?


I like to keep games friendly, so I just usually keep the model on the tank. On the other hand I don't want my opponent focus firing on to say Khârn's transport



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