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Swicthing stormraven flight modes


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Hi brothers,


About flyers flight modes i have a question:


for example in my turn i zoom and fire all of my weapons, then in my opponents shooting phase i decide to evade. In my next turn i will shoot as snap shots. in this situation can i choose to hover mode and disembark my soldiers? Is this viable?



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Yep. That was always the intention of the rule anyway, it had to be worded to make sense in 5th edition though. Hence the FAQ.


With dangerous terrain now a joke (armour saves, lul), its actually not a bad way to literally get the drop on someone. Dropping off melta or Paladin combat squads where needed isn't bad at all.

I wouldn't put too many points into the Raven. All it takes are a few Hydras, a single Vendetta, or even a lucky Icarus hit, and suddenly they are stranded. Our Dreads aren't melee orientated anyway, just focus on taking cheap cargo (hence why melee warbands are so good).

Anything you deploy using 'shadow skies' will arrive safely almost 100% of the time as they disembark even before interceptor-fire. Only exception is if u somehow manage to deploy into impassable terrain or other squads which should be easily avoidable...


If you don't plan to use a combination of psychic communion and 3rd turn shocking units you can generally skip the teleport homer/mystic and instead transport an interceptor squad. They will deploy EXACTLY where you want them, it's like turn 2 shunting and you still have another shunt left. My wildcard in many lists.

The Mystic has to be "on the table" in order to use their ability to not-scatter is deployed within 6" on them. If the Mystic is a passenger on a Stormraven for at lease 1 turn before disembarking via Shadows, then the Mystic has been "on the table" before the roll for scatter is required. As such, the DCA-Crusader warband the Mystic is part of will not scatter.


However, if you decide to disembark them upon arrival, the Mystic is of no assistance, nor would a Teleport Homer help. Unless, of course, you flew across the unit with a Mystic and disembarked with in 6" of that Mystic.



All good points.


A little something I found out while investigating the rule book is this.


When you are zooming and you become stunned you can only move forward exactly 18 in the next movement phase. However, Whilst changing to skimmer mode is done at the beginning of the movement it is actually not classed as movement. Specifically movement is the process of actually moving a model some distance, if you don't the the model is classed as being stationary, pivoting is moving as you have moved some distane unles what you are pivoting is a perfect circle. What this means is you can go into skimmer model when you get stunned and not ahve to move forward at all as you are no longer classified as a zooming flyer, you still of course must remain stationary. Very small thing to note but may save you a storm raven once in a while.




That's annoying about the Mystic. Ah well, just have to hope you do survive the deployment turn (Flyer rules and jink should keep you alive, dice gods willing), then drop into skimmer mode and use the assault ramp for great justice.

How should we gun load our raven?


With lascannon, plasma cannon or assault cannon and hurricane bolters with psybolt ammunition?


I think i will take multimelta and plasma cannons. Both of them are TL so hit probablity is too high i think.

Multi-melta and lascannon. You can get plasma cannon, psycannon and even bolter fire elsewhere and for cheaper. A mobile anti-tank gunship is pretty handy for Knights, as we lack lascannon and melta (without Henchmen of course).


Taking the full gun-load with psybolt is nice, but it makes it even more expensive, which isn't ideal (its already quite an investment). I'd leave it bare-bones with two anti-tank guns.


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