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advice on iron warriors


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as the topic says i want advice on iron warriors.


i want to know what would be some of the good units to field?


how to play iron warriors?


how to keep it fluffy but still competitive?




this is all in a 1500pt list.




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1. adviCe

2. armor saturation, which more or less means IG allies for ultimate effeciency. We can run quite a bit of nonsense at that point value including landraiders as dedicated transports, hellbrutes, rhinos, drakes, and whatever heavy machines tickle your fancy. Predators are best value, defilers and fiends are interesting rules, but rely on luck somewhat, vindicators are frowned on (though I have a lot of success with them personally). Warpsmiths are usable, but not amazing (as noted below, fluffy and amazing don't go hand in hand).

3. fluffy and competative is not exactly a working concept right now with iron warriors, as the most competative options won't work as well with the fluffy idea

4. basecoat with a metallic silver spray paint, fill in gold, wash black or brown depending on your taste, hazard stripes, done. Of course that's my simple version, there are some super detailed armies and blogs in this site about iron warriors.


Also, a lot of these questions have been answered before by other posters who use iron warriors.


this link is a goldmine of conversion and painting ideas


this link has a nice discussion about the viability of armor saturation armies


and this link is a nice tactical discussion from an IW player

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what would be some of the good units to field?

Lord, single MoN Mutilators, Plague Marines, Bikes/Heldragons, Hades Forgefiend/Obliterators/Havocs, Aegis defense line (not IW-specific)


how to play iron warriors?

IV Legion Doctrine is Siege Warfare. Heavy artillery behind Fortifications until the wall is breached, then brutal close quarter combat to secure the objective. No mery and no surrender after the siege has begun.


how to keep it fluffy but still competitive?

be creative. do not fear to counts-as. Find the concepts/models that fascinate you about IW, then find a competive 40k list that works on the table, at last put them together as closely as possible. That could be a codex:chaos space marine list with guard allies. Could be Dark Mechanicum allies counts-as chaos daemons. Could be loyalist marines with lots of dreads/tanks/techmarines. Or it could be a horus heresy legion list.



base black, brush boltgun metal, detail old gold, highlight.

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Do you think I could wangle having some possessed in a IW war band? I know in previous literature it mentioned that IW use daemonic energies to power cybernetics but I'm not really enamoured with that idea. Could I have possessed in there and justify it with the idea a small squad would be very useful trackers and scouts even if they do go against legion ideals of resisting corruption and intense involvement with chaos? Of course the rest of the IW would undoubtably look on them with disdain!


Other than that big guns all round!

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Do you think I could wangle having some possessed in a IW war band?


in dead sky, black sun, honsou has a posessed named onyx in his retinue. storm of iron tells of warsmith kroeger being replaced by an avatar of khorne. i never played possessed (bad rules), but i'd make them dark mechanicus abominations. that being said, did you think about mutilators instead?

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