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Advice against Imperial guard

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I've got a 1500pts game coming up on monday against a imperial guard, whilst I have not played them before in years, I've heard stories about 9 leman russes in 2000pts just blowing the opponent off the table, of vets in chimeras and flyer spam.

From what I remember from when I've seen him play before, his army is mostly infantry, but he does have a few tanks and I think possibly one of the fliers, I'm not sure.

I'm using my thousand sons, I'm thinking of switching out my regular sorcerer to take Ahriman to have the infiltrate, and get my terminators as close as possible.

My regular 1500pts list is this:

Sorcerer Zarathustra Suicune 60pts 2 extra levels, Sigil of Corruption, Mark of Tzeentch and Spell familiar 165pts

Terminator squad Narmer: 3 extra terminators, Mark of Tzeentch, Lightning claws (pair), Chainfist, Reaper autocannon and Combi melta 269pts

Thousand son squad Sargon 150pts

Thousand sons Squad Ptolemy with 4 extra rubrics and Rhino with Havok launcher 289pts

Thousand sons squad Belshazzar with 5 extra rubrics 265pts

Predator with lascannon sponsons 115pts

Predator with lascannon sponsons 115pts



I'm pretty sure I'm going to drop squad Sargon (even from the all rounders list) and possibly take 4 bikers, 1 melta gun (or flamer) powersword and an extra terminator with combi flamer, power fist and mark of Tzeentch.

ANy advice for generally against imperial guard and sugfestions on the list? I know Thousand sons arn't the plague marines everyone loves, but they are what I have.

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if he uses aegis then he will go down to get a higher cover save and then stand up using orders . If he is using a LR car park , then it maybe a horror to face outside of hth , because he will be using a landing pad and giving them inv save.


there is tons of cheap stuff to blow up meq that IG can take , marbo , plas/melta vets the inv will help , but not much unlike some other armies IG are able to run both anti teq/meq and multi shot weapons at the same time .


If he is using SW ally then you are in for a world of hurt , a good counter unit + the RP with staff will mess up your casting and can buy him enough time to blow your army up .


it is good that he is runing just one flyer , IG can easily fit a 2-3 in any sort of their list and it hits meq armies a lot , specialy non swarm armies like chaos using 1ksons.

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I play guard. Be very careful. Ultimately, close to hth as quickly as possible. Guard are able to field large units that can tarpit and even output significant damage in hand to hand, but it will be much worse, if you let them train their guns on you. If he is infantry based: focus on dealing with their command structure. If given the opportunity, take out his company command squads and platoon command squads. Without orders, infantry armies have a much harder time. If he's mech, start with his leman russ's and artillery pieces. Make no mistake, in either case, you are going to have to worry about A LOT of firepower, but try not to let it overwhelm you. Deal with it one piece at a time, and try to mitigate that firepower, by either being in close combat, or only being in one "fire lane" at a time.
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He went infantry heavy, with only 2 russes, but it was still enough, I lost by one point, and yes I destroyed his ruses when bikes and terminators got to them, but that was after they had done so much damage. I really hate the naval guys who get him orbital bombarments each turn for only 6 melta bombs each. The fact I have no way of protecting my stuff, and the fact chaos has nothing even like that or that does not need line of site, just made it not that fun.

This game really made me feel the codex is halfbaked.

My vindicator got blown up first turn and my preds did nothing before getting blown up either, so I'm thinking havoks may be better, am thinking 1 squad with lascannons, one with autocannons and either a third one with missile launchers or lascannons or an obliterator squad, my tanks just don't seem to do much, which is a shame after the money and effort put into them.

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He went infantry heavy, with only 2 russes, but it was still enough, I lost by one point, and yes I destroyed his ruses when bikes and terminators got to them, but that was after they had done so much damage. I really hate the naval guys who get him orbital bombarments each turn for only 6 melta bombs each. The fact I have no way of protecting my stuff, and the fact chaos has nothing even like that or that does not need line of site, just made it not that fun.


You are not alone in this assessment. However, losing by one point is still a close game, and hopefully, you made your opponent work for their win.


This game really made me feel the codex is halfbaked.


Fighting IG really makes me think that our codex is designed to "encourage" taking an allied detachment. In my case, I have begun to build an IG ally force that will have the exact things that I hate to fight against, because everyone knows that what the world needs is more traitor guard :D


My vindicator got blown up first turn and my preds did nothing before getting blown up either, so I'm thinking havoks may be better, am thinking 1 squad with lascannons, one with autocannons and either a third one with missile launchers or lascannons or an obliterator squad, my tanks just don't seem to do much, which is a shame after the money and effort put into them.


I will leave list improvement to those more qualified, but I completely understand being bummed at having awesome models that spend one or two turns on the table and then are put back in the bag. My solution is to have every part of my army as cool and mean looking as possible, so that whoever that "last man standing" turns out to be, it's a model that I'm happy to have on the table.

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I'm really not liking the fact we were deliberately given holes that need to be filled with allies, as it just comes across as a dick move, allies is cool if it's an option, not something that forces you to effectively buy two armies....

It was turn 4 it ended, and I think it could have gone either way if it had continued, as one of the contested objectives was 5 gaudsmen veterans, and 2 bikers, the power sword champ having just hot feel no pain, whereas my terminators had just killed the second russ and were literally within 6" of the veteran squad holding another one.

I'm thinking fast units will be the best way to deal with guard, so bikes, raptors, helldrakes ect due to their speed and their usual cheap access to melta/high strength weaponry. My tanks did nothing, the vindicator being stunned by a russ and then destroyed by an orbital bombardment first turn and my predators only ever being able to get the front armour of the russes in cover, the rhinos did really well, despite one getting immobilsed first turn by the second bombardment, it causing one of his veteran squads to flee from it's havok launcher and bolter :D.

I'm thinking next time, either upgrade the autocannons on the preds to lascannons, or drop them and the vindicator to take a lascannon havok squad and rhino with havok launcher and either a missile launcher or autocannon havok squad with Rhino with havok launcher or possibly both :woot: (though probably not being able to field the extra Rhinos, in which case I may drop the other two and take extra ruberic marines, as I'm fairly sure the main reason they did okay was his anti tank was focusing on the terminators and my tanks, which it only ever stunned, you can guess what did the actual damage to them.)

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I'd drop your Heavy's and bring in Oblits with Marks of Tzeentch. Always worked well for my lists. Tzeentchian Daemon allies have been a good option for me so far but I agree, GW doesn't care about anyone anymore, Hobbyists, Hobby stores selling their garbage, and increasingly give us the finger by forcing us to buy more every time. Hard back Dex's, higher prices every year (we've seen like 30% increases in 4 years), smaller box sets with crap that doesn't work well with your new dex. Not giving you all the bits you need.... anyway. Daemon allies.
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Obliterators with Mark of Nurgle or Tzeentch seem to be useful against Guardsmen.


a. Lots of guardsmen tight together = heavy flamer or plasmacannon, depending on range, would take out alot of them.

b. Guardsmen also have T3, so they insta die to assault cannon.

c. The guardsmen would have trouble damaging obliterators with non-heavy weapons.

d. Obliterators can also melta away IG tanks.

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Thousand Sons might not hold their points against regular IG weapons but they would be fairly decent against Battle Cannon/ Ordinance rounds whilst similar squads of CSMs (or squads of CSMs which are twice the size of the 1K Sons, which is the common argument) will get pounded into the ground.


I would also say that some Oblits for the versatility and then Nurgle Spawn/ (insert preferred Mark of Chaos here) Bikers to act as a distraction/ tarpit would be a good call.

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having a unit of bikers lead a squad of spawn would work well. the spawn get a cover save and both are stupid fast. then charge different units. I would sugggest nurgle oblits because guard can have a lot of s8 cannons that will instantly kill them, lascannons would hurt too.
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