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Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought

Cmdr Shepard

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Greetings fellow Chaos players,


I'm planning to place an order on FW site and I'd like to know what do you think about the Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought.

I found a couple of friends who are willing to play with/versus FW rules and since I always liked dreads I'd want to add at least one Contemptor to my growing CSM collection :P (I'll probably buy the Relic and or Death Guard versions).


So is the Contemptor an effective unit? What weapons do you eventually suggest?


Thanks for your assistance.

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the cyclon , twin AC version that gets skyfire , but I am not sure If chaos can take it.

It's a fairly powerful version of something shared by us with the loyalists, of coarse it isn't.

The sad fact is, FW seem to just give good stuff to the loyalists, and us the afterthoughts.

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the cyclon , twin AC version that gets skyfire , but I am not sure If chaos can take it.

It's a fairly powerful version of something shared by us with the loyalists, of coarse it isn't.

The sad fact is, FW seem to just give good stuff to the loyalists, and us the afterthoughts.

Sounds like GW :)


Is it me, or is BL the only one that doesn't give us the short end of the stick? Sometimes at any rate.

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the cyclon , twin AC version that gets skyfire , but I am not sure If chaos can take it.

It's a fairly powerful version of something shared by us with the loyalists, of coarse it isn't.

The sad fact is, FW seem to just give good stuff to the loyalists, and us the afterthoughts.


I thought the differences between the Loyalist Contemptor and the Chaos one were minimal...


Just for the records, there are circumstances where FW gives Chaos model some "advantage" over loyalists... Reaver Titan, is one of the few, if not the only :) , example.


So the general consensus is the Chaos contemptor is not very competive, or am I misunderstanding?


Honestly I don't want to spend money for something I'll never use...

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Really? And what advantage does the reaver have? and Are there any units that get an advantage over loyalist that is not something like a titan which most people are never going to play with/against, and is usable in 40k? Please tell me there is something where "all the strengths of a marine with diabolic aid" does not mena "worse rules, more expensive, worse equipment, less choices ect"
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Really? And what advantage does the reaver have? and Are there any units that get an advantage over loyalist that is not something like a titan which most people are never going to play with/against, and is usable in 40k? Please tell me there is something where "all the strengths of a marine with diabolic aid" does not mena "worse rules, more expensive, worse equipment, less choices ect"


It has damonic possession that makes it ignore crew/gunner shaken with no reduced BS, if I'm not mistaken.


Anyway do you think I should use the Contemptors only if I decide to build a HH army and not use them with CSM?

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Why do they suck hard?


That's exactly what I'd like to know :P

I supposed the Loyalist contemptors and the Chaos ones shared similar traits. I suspect it's a cost/effeciency issue.


I'll await to buy them until I decide to build a HH-inspired army but I'm really curious to know what makes the chaos version of the contemptor so bad.

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It's mainly the fact we get nothing to compensate for not getting the targetting away, cyclone misslie launcher or the Mortis pattern,t he later is especially annoying as there is artwork of traitor mortis contemptors, and the fact that bolting ttwo guns on can't be that difficult and the anti air would be useful.

I really want to take dreadnoughts of any type with chaos, as I love them. but in the chaos lists they just don't seem to work, whenever I could take one I then think of bikers or terminators and take those instead.

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Thanks. Between the contemptor and decimator there are definitely ups and downs. Assuming both of them were given mark of nurgle, the contemptor gets the better buff from it, that -1 is fantastic combined with 4HP. The hellfire reactor seems amazing too if it does combine with hull down saves, a 4+/5+ save followed by a 4+/6+ save would be awesome. Sadly though like everyone already said it doesn't do any damage for something that costs 200+ points. The WS 5, I 4 are great but with 2-4 attacks not much of a point I guess. The contemptor might be best with butchers cannon.


The decimator on the other hand compliments itself far better damage wise. base 4 attacks and daemon ensures you the 5++ anyway and you can run the first couple turns without caring. Then you get 2 heavy flamers that completely negate the whopping bs2. The WS 3 I 3 sucks against other walkers but you should be able to tank it well. And this thing refuses to die!!!


Annnnnd then I looked at imperial versions and died on the inside...really a mortis pattern dread can have 12 S6 ap 4 rending shots and still be 20 pts cheaper than ours? I dont even?!

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.really a mortis pattern dread can have 12 S6 ap 4 rending shots and still be 20 pts cheaper than ours? I dont even?!

imagine double FoC SW , the same units you would take with chaos[csm=gh, havocks=LF , sorc=RP] . lots of LF , spliting fire , RP and MortCons as your skyfire support . A nice for fun list you could play on the weekends against friends , when you just want to roll some dice .

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