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Death Company


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So, maybe it is the Christmas Season and all the rude people... but I fear I am soon to fall victim to the Rage.


My question to the group is how much is enough. I have noticed that almost all of the Veterans say that a Death Company Army is not feasible as a competitive list. As a previous Imperial Guard player I know there is no problem that can't be solved by throwing troops at it and Death Company are probably point for point the best troop choice in the game. The only problem is that they are not scoring units. So I have to annihilate my enemy.


I would like to discuss Death Company Armies in 6th Edition.


But that isnt really true is it... because there are other ways to earn points then just objectives right? Line Breaker, First Blood, Slay the Enemy War Lord and several mission objectives make other Slots count as scoring, So I could sneak in a few of these points and then do my best to deny an enemy the objectives and/or annihilate every model he has the field.


The Army does not need to be pure death company... but all of the troop selections in my list will be filled with Death Company which means I must also take Astoroth.


General Questions to be discussed...

- How Many Death Company Troops are enough to win given a certain point total.

- Tactics

- What NOT to bring

- What would work and still be fluffy


Thank You for any responses

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Just because it's an all-DC army doesn't mean that you're barred from taking your toolkit along. Stormravens chew everything up, and are a wonderful way to get those DC in the enemies' faces. Baal Predators could be helpful for knocking out high-priority targets, as a twin-linked assault cannon can put a serious hole in just about anything.


Pulling a recommendation from the Dantewing thread, consider having some sacrificial bikers to eat up Overwatch fire.


That's all I've got; not very experienced in this area.

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Well, pure DC doesn't need priests.


After the obvious (astorath, DC dreads) go with some Storm Ravens, attack bikes. The ravens can carry the DC and dreads closer.


I'd also consider some Land Raiders for getting the DC in faster.

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When I have kicked around the idea of a pure DC army I only have to ask. How am I going to get these bad boys into combat and across the battlefield? My first thought is Drop

Pods and storm ravens. It's not a complete plan but its where I've stared. I'd love to run a bunch with jump packs but the price you pay for them is so great. I love the idea of a DC army and hope this thread really takes off would like some notes on how to make and play one myself.

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Im running a black rage army (sometimes a black / gold)


I find stormravens for the dreads amd troops to start wiyh and run the rest with pods. Scares people. If they car park and stay tight you fly straight into them and drop around. If they spread you fly into one side and drop into the other.

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I keep my DC basic with jump packs. Weight of dice is usually a better tool than fancy power weapons. Generally my tactics are to use a stormraven to zoom into position on turn two. Turn three the squad and a dread disembark and assault while the stormraven goes zooming around killing anything in its path. The DC get hammer of wrath on turn 3 and will use the packs to make sure they are always in charge range for the rest of the game.


It is a bit of a point sink, but the stormraven blasting away on turn 2 and DC/DC Dread attacking two squads on turn 3 usually can roll a flank. From there it's just a matter of keeping them in fighting range until they die off. They rarely survive the game but they are a wrecking ball while they're alive.

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It's also worth remembering in 6e that you can fill up your Troop choices with non-scoring DC and still have two scoring units by taking allies. Maybe a couple of small Grey Hunter Packs and a Rune Priest for psychic defence?


If you went for another SM chapter as allies you could take two scoring units and then combat squad them to get 4.

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I...hadnt even considered Warlord, first blood and linebreaker and how they make a DC army viable now. Incredible. All you have to do is contest the rest of the objectives, and pick your own warlords fights carefully.


The DC army will have few/no sergeants to take the hit for Astorath if he gets challenged, so make sure you are careful when committing him.


Lemartes is fluffy and cool, although suffers somewhat in 6th, although seeing as you like forcing many armour saves, he is right up your street.

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If I were to do a list like this, This is the way it would look.




220 Astorath


615 3 Death company squads, 8 men, 3 power axes each


375 3 death company dreads, 2 with talons, 1 without


600 3 storm ravens





add 2 more DC guys to hit 1850 or throw in a cheap Allied IG platoon for some scoring units at 2000





It would be tough at 1850 because you'd have to hide Asto behind terrain and run a null deployment except for him.


At 2000 you could have IG holding objectives and going to ground while waiting for the loaded ravens to come on board.



In fact the more I think about it this sounds like a halfway decent list, in a more competitive situation I may think about dropping a DC dread for more IG bodies.

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I have thought about running one before, as I have 40 DC in various load outs. But I was thinking of using Land raiders as transports and for some more firepower, the redeemers weapons are very good and crusader can kick out a lot of dice, plus I have hardly used either of them since buying my LR's!
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Land Raiders wouldn't be a terrible option, but the Storm Ravens provide anti-flyer defense. Without them, the list is basically impotent against even a single flyer. And if that flyer happens to be a Helldrake, you're in for a world of pain.
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