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Plague lords and there uses

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So, I'm just thinking about a lord with the mark of nurgle, what is the best build for him and is there a specific way you would use him in a full nurgle army?


With nurgle being able to do combat and shooting reasonably well, would you have the lord supporting the fight or sat back and picking things off with some ranged goodness?


Amour or mounts/bike?

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Yeah ranged options with the lord are pretty limited- I feel like combi-plas or the brand are the only real options.

I prefer to stick mine in Termie armor with a power axe. Relatively inexpensive, and he doesn't go down easy.

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It's the defence line with quad gun or lascannon being manned by the lord with his high BS and ability to precision shot with them, a lord + unit of obliterators with MoN can be quite a punch packer IMO.


I have used a lord with mace and brand in termie amour, he had a sorcerer looking after him, got into a challenge with a space marine chapter master for a few rounds and they did nothing, the turn I cast enfeeble on him to make him T3, he failed his 2+ save and got instant killed :lol: but he was just lucky and I'm looking to fit him with some more all-round equipment. So CC is where we think he belongs?

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I prefer to go a little more heavy on his points value I take the Lord (obviously) with PA, the black mace, Aura of dark glory, gift of mutation, MoN, Bike, and sometimes blight grenades(175 pts). I run him with group of 6 bikers(w/champ)(231pts) and they become a mobile death star that does lots of good damage and doesn't go down easy at all. I obviously add VotLW if going into tourney or a freindly game knowing its against loyalist scum.

Edited for pts

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I ran a nurgle lord on bike with fist and claw, the one massive problem that I had (and this may just be because of the amount of ruins we have at our local store) is that I cant go up levels, this give my opponent a massive advantage as he was a shooting army and I couldn't reach his guns :'(

Edit: Reading comprehension is dulled by cold medications, ignore me!

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I was thinking of giving my lord a jump pack and some combat weapons etc, gives him speed and the ability to move up levels, I haven't seen much love for the jump pack though (+1T over the ability to move up levels seems to be the thinking as far as I can see). I am also thinking of doing a termie lord but again, not to sure on the weapons to give him...
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I run mine with the Black Mace, a palanquin, MoN, VotLW, Sigil of Corruption, and Gift of Mutation. I support him with 9 chosen and a Lvl 3 Sorcerer and he absolutely crushes everything he touches. He can mow through an entire squad by himself, and the chosen just mop up what's left. Having the ability to maybe put FNP on him with the sorcerer is just the icing on the cake. He basically has 5's across the board, so his statline is kind of outrageous.
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For me there are 2 kinds of plague lords.


The first is the basic plague marine unlock. Mark of nurgle, power weapon and an invulnerable save (or even terminator armour if foot slogging).


The second is where it gets interesting. While we have no way to get I5 ap2 attacks, we can still be a force in our own right. Of course the bike is a favoured choice, but I've currently been experimenting with a palanquin lord in a landraider. I've had mixed results with him, but I quite like the model even though his ap4 attacks haven't really done much, and he sort of forces me to take a landraider in order to transport him (I like landraiders, even though the chaos ones are so much lesser then the loyalist ones mumble mumble grumble grumble).


Our chaos lords have really slowly but surely been "weakened" with the editions, but so have most others (power weapons changing really made 2+ saves the shizzle and ap2 attacks at initiative really awesome).

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I have to disagree, nurglez. A chaos lord compared to a space marine captain of comparable points cost, or even higher points cost, honestly, is just completely better in every way. If you were to make a biker chaos lord of nurgle with an axe, sigil of corruption, and nothing else, he would wound a biker captain on a 4+, ignore his armor (even that artificer armor all chaos lords wish they had), and would be cheaper. Conversely, the biker captain would only wound the chaos lord on a 5+ with his axe. If you wanted to attain the same combat abilities as the chaos lord, you would have to give him a relic blade, losing an attack, AND only wounding on a 4+, for 45 more points than the chaos lord cost. A wolf lord does slightly better, being able to actually kit out in a manner that would unequivocally outperform the chaos lord, but he would still cost 45 more points, and even more with a saga. My point is that chaos lords haven't gotten worse as opposed to changing the way they fight. They are so customizable it just about boggles the mind, and a chaos lord is very definitely one of the better general CC characters in the game right now, in my opinion at least.
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I gotta agree with compgeek entirely we will use the wolves for example and i will note ahead of time I could not even kind of make them compareable price wise but I will show you what I got...


Wolf lord with Belt of Russ, melta bombs, bike, and thunder hammer comes out to 195pts


Chaos lord with MoN, black mace, Veteran of the long war, aura of dark glory, gift of mutation, bike, and melta bombs only comes out to 180 pts


Now if you can tell me how that cheaper far more decked out Nurgle Lord is gonna get owned by the wolf lord for any reason other than bad dice rolls I would love ot hear it. Now as a wolf player I would go a complely different route personally but even still pts wise we are dominate at lower costs. I'm not big on codex:SM so I don't know theirs for sure but I do know the wolves and if I could compete with that points cost the wolves would be far more dangerous. I though have began to become favored by the Lord of Decay and I can feel the strength of his Lords and know them to be mighty.

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I guess I'm just in envy of IC's that can attack with ap2 at initiative, or who at least have a 2+ or eternal warrior.


Terminators really are annoying, especially as I'm used to being able to take them out in assault more easily.


I have been considering trying out Typhus, or a terminator lord with a chainfist and lightning claw. I do still think that a basic lord with mark, powersword and an invulnerable save will be a decent beatstick, I just feel really annoyed at the lack of feel no pain on my nurgle lord.


And while the black mace is nice, ap4 combined with the cost puts me off, but a powermaul really isn't cutting it for me either (due to my lord being modeled with a mace).


Might have to just go back to using the black mace and hope i get lucky :rolleyes:

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Yeah, when I read they made power swords AP3 I just kind of snorted in laughter, as it was already rarely used. I don't understand why they didn't make a rule that that said you could halve your attacks and become AP2 +1S, but that's for a totally different conversation..... anyway, that I know of, there are very, very few characters that can do that nowadays.


Terminators are really annoying, yes, but what kills termies? TONS of wounds. I used to play salamanders, and those guys are all about the terminators. Honestly, I lost termies to regular old AP- attacks far more often than S8 AP2 attacks. And that's the beauty of the black mace, especially when you put VotLW on a lord. He now re-rolls to hit, usually on a 3, and wounds on a 2+. With an average of 9 to 10 attacks (IF you run that lord on a palanquin), you are talking about causing an average of 6-7 wounds on MEQ. If you kill even one of those guys, you now hit every single other model within three inches with an auto toughness test that bypasses wounds, FNP, invuls..... it's just disgusting. I kid you not, I killed 9 tacticals with my lord in one round of combat. His squad had gotten shot out from under him, and I honestly figured he was toast, so I just charged the sternguard squad that had just killed off my entire Chosen squad (2+ to wound REALLY hurts). Yup. Killed all but one marine in one turn of CC. After that, I was sold forever on the black mace.


One suggestion is running a Dark Apostle with him. That way, he always has hatred, and thus you will always get that re-roll, no matter what you're facing. I've tried it, and it's nasty, although I've found that I honestly face space marine armies enough that when I don't play them, I get the hatred warlord trait often enough to pretty much be guaranteed re-rolls in about 3 out of 4 games I play.


I do totally agree, though, that a cheap lord is way better than most people give them credit for. It's a great way to get a fearless squad for dirt cheap, while adding some CC power. If I could put a plague knife on a chaos lord, I'd have an 85 pt lord that would be downright awesome. sadly, no dice, but oh well. You might try a lord on a palanquin with a power axe. He practically has 5's for his entire statline, which makes him really, really hard to kill, and he's only 155 points, which is just outrageous for how good he is.

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So, this post had made me think (always a dangerous thing...).


Chaos lord, nurgle, palanquin, black mace, sigil. 4 wounds, +2 (palanquin + 2 close combat weapons) +d6 attacks (daemon weapon) at ap4, can sweeping advance, but getting kinda costly. 190


Chaos lord, nurgle, terminator armour, power axe, black mace. Sigil maybe, depending on points. 3 wounds, +1 attack + d6 attacks at ap4 or 4 attacks at str5 ap1, cant sweeping advance though slightly cheaper. 150 without sigil or 175 with.


So the real trade off is either +1 wound, +1 attack and sweeping advance for a 2+ save, the option for 4 str5 ap1 attacks and 15 points...

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The palanquin gives your lord +2 W and +1A


I think the real advantage is that on a palanquin your lord may still get into a rhino (tho taking up 3 spaces, but as everyone seems to take the good old 7 plague marines, fits perfectly). Also he gets to keep his grenades whilst not in termie armor so that saves you 5 points on blight grenades ^_^


I think the thing I have learned since starting this post it is completely depends on the play stile of your army and how you use your lord as to what you give him, there is no 'best' load-out for a lord unless he is going to be used for a certain thing. Although I think ill always be putting gift on the little guy for the fun of it and probably loading him out for pure CC as plague marines are amazing there!

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unfortunately, you cannot transport a very bulky model in a rhino. Yes I typed 4 wounds instead of 5, a 5 wound IC is pretty nice, until you run into str 10...


A terminator lord can still buy blight grenades, though I'd find the best use for blight grenades is if you are using your lord to join a squad without them.


I do like my palanquin model, but he just ends up getting so expensive so quickly... I also love terminator armour. Guess I shall have to play test these lords (though the terminator one is easier to fit into my list due to his cost).

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I was considering claw + chainfist, but for just a few points more in terminator armour you can have a power weapon and the black mace, and get the +1 attack.


Of course, you could go power sword + power axe instead, if you wanted to keep the points down ;)

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Regarding Power Axes, I might be being dense here, but...


1) I can't see them anywhere in the costed wargear list (although it is on the reference sheet at the back)


2) As it's Unwieldy, why the hell would anyone choose it over a power fist, which doubles strength? My only guess is it's much cheaper.... but again, where is it in the priced list?

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