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Night Lords using Blood Angel Codex


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Hi guys,


Apologies if this has been covered before. My search-fu is terrible so if anyone know of a link/page, I'd appreciate reading what others have written.


Anyway, much as I am over the moon about having a codex that doesn't suck, I can't help but feel that the chaos codex struggles to fully capture the character of the Night Lords legion. Would it be acceptable to create an army using the BA codex? Part of the reason for this is that I want to include a butt load of Raptor models cos they are just B-E-A-utiful.

As long as the models are obvious and there is no ambiguity it shouldn't be a problem.


Obviously, for character reasons, there are things I wouldn't use:


Special Characters: No. Perhaps Dante or Astorath

Captain: Yes

Librarian: Yes

Reclusiarch: No - NL don't do religion.

Honour Guard: No - I don't see NL being to bothered about body guarding their leaders. They can stand on their own 2 feet or die.

Chaplain; No - See reclusiarch

Sanguinary guard: maybe as a super elite raptor unit.

Furioso dread: Yes but no Librarian dreads

Terminators: Yes to both kinds

Techmarine: No - there other things to spend points on.

Sternguard: No - NL wouldn't have access to that kind of tech

Sanguinary priest: Yes

Tactical Squad: Yes

Death Company: Yes as possessed marines rounded up into 1 squad.

DC dread: Yes as a possessed dread

Scout squad: No - The legions do things differently

Assault squad: HELL YEAH!

Vanguard squad: Yes as Warp talons.

Land speeder: No access to this tech

Baal Predator: No access to this tech

Attack bike: No access to this tech

Bike squad: Yes

Scout bike squad: No Scouts to ride the bikes

Dreadnought: Yes

Stormraven: Yes

Predator: Yes

Devastator squad: Yes

Vindicator: Yes

Whirlwind: No access to this tech


Also I wouldn't use Inferno pistols or Hand flamers and I'd try to keep non-chaos tech to a minimum.


What do you all think? Could I create a competitive list using these self-imposed restrictions?


I was thinking I would start with 1000 points and take it from there.

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Quite a few people (many here on B&C no less) have done Night Lords using the Blood Angels codex. I don't recall anyone's name or what their threads were titled, but they should all still be in the Painting & Converting sub-section somewhere.


A lot of them had some pretty clever character counts-as conversions or unit stand ins. Some of my favorites were Sanguinary Guard as "Terrorizors" with bat wings on their jump packs and an Astorath as Legionary executioner. You can justify using just about anything if you're creative enough.

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For wanting to build an assault oriented NL warband, the BA book is the way to go. You could easily utilize the DC as khorne tainted. This was an idea I was toying around with. I haven't had the opportunity to test it yet. Go in midnight clad. Good hunting.
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If it still has any interest to you, I found a few of the old threads for you:








There were more but I guess they got vaped during maintenance.

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Thank you Brother Nihm for the links and thank you to everyone else for the "thumbs-up" and encouragement. It's always nicer to start a project knowing that people don't think it's a totally :thanks: idea.


It seems that the NL as Raptor heavy army is like the Marmite of the 40k setting. Some love it, some hate it - very little middle ground.


It's going to be interesting because I want the option of fielding my little blue dudes using either codex.


I'll keep a log of my progress and try and update it on a regular basis. (Work, fiance & GM-ing permitting)

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Personally I will always be in favor of people running the actual codex that their army is a part of instead of doing a whole counts-as army. But to each his own and all that, it's your army, it's your decision what to do with it...
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Personally I will always be in favor of people running the actual codex that their army is a part of instead of doing a whole counts-as army. But to each his own and all that, it's your army, it's your decision what to do with it...


I think making a "count as" is a nice way for a hobbiest to have fun with a lot of new tactical options. I'm also very much in favor of finding a codex that can better support your fluff rather than trying to make an ineffective list (because your codex is focused on cultist blobs and daemon engines).

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(because your codex is focused on cultist blobs and daemon engines)

Not quite, Forgefiends are too expensive, maulerfiends don't have the impact for their price, cultists are either ok as blobs or MSU. Personally I haven't ran blobs yet and my FF will most likely get shelved when my autocannon set comes from FW. The codex has some really nice units, but cultists and the walking daemonengines are not really a part of those.


Yes, it's fun for hobbyists to being able to do something different for sure(thus my "to each his own" comment), but the fluffy way to run a Night Lords army as GW sees it, is with the chaos codex...

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Not even just as GW sees it. It all depends on how the player views it. Like me, I think I may have found a decent 1K point list out of this Codex that I see as a fluffy list for my Night Lords. Without Cultists and without Daemonengines. Some people still want the Raptor spam, so yes by all means play BA if that's your gig. Some just want a rapid assault infantry army. I think I found that. And actually that is the current meta for this Codex. To each his own.
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I never said the codex made those units the most effective, just that they were focused on. I don't think GW could actually make units powerful intentionally and our codex is living proof of that.

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I never said the codex made those units the most effective, just that they were focused on.

Sure, there are quite a few pictures of them in the book, but focused on is still a pretty strong statement...

I don't think GW could actually make units powerful intentionally and our codex is living proof of that.

Well, they have made plague marines our most powerful troops in every codex since 2nd ed so there is some consistency in their thinking at least...

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You could easily utilize the DC as khorne tainted.


DC, no the whole legion every single one of them. If you've read 'Fear to Tread' you will know this is oh so true... :)



He isn't talking about the BA he's talking about using their rules.


I got that, but it seems a bit ironic that this thread is discussing a NL army using the BA codex when clearly it is BA who should use the CSM codex to reflect their own true nature :yuck:

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Chaos Lord with jump pack

Flying demon prince

Rhino-borne space marines with meltas

15-20 man footslogging space marine squads with plasmas

2 units of raptors


Havocs with ACs


All those units are fluffy for a night lords army while staying competitive. I don't really feel not the point neither the need to use BAs when your own codx does it better in every single sense...

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Technically, any kind of emphasis on "Moving forward fast, hard and with a knife in one hand" is a fluffy Night Lords army. They're not a true Close Combat Army, they're not a true Fast Attack army(whether that be Raptors, Bikes, Spawn or Heldrake). They and the Alpha Legion(I'm missing an army or two but I can't think of them) or some of the hardest armies to represent on the table because they don't fit into the "typical" stereotypes. You can have a Night Lords army and not even use a Fast Attack slot. And it still be fluffy. To be honest, I guess any type of Assault-oriented army that can be made is okay, whether it be shooty, cc, FA-spam or some sort of mixed list. There is no "true" stereotype that has to be fulfilled that can be represented on the tabletop. I would say "Fear Factor" but Fear is virtually useless(at least in my meta) so don't worry about that too much.
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I hope this isn't a thread derailment...


But i've been contemplating running my Night Lords with mark of slaanesh. Yes i know they're not supposed to accept mutations or have faith in any god, but i see it more of a Legion taste.


The initiative is a nod to their speed, noise marines utilizing the sonic tactics of the night lords screaming into vox casters...


Too cheesy?

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I hope this isn't a thread derailment...


But i've been contemplating running my Night Lords with mark of slaanesh. Yes i know they're not supposed to accept mutations or have faith in any god, but i see it more of a Legion taste.


The initiative is a nod to their speed, noise marines utilizing the sonic tactics of the night lords screaming into vox casters...


Too cheesy?


Night Lords aren't supposed to accept mutations or marks? Who the :rolleyes:: told you that load of lies?


of course Night Lords can take marks of chaos, just like any other chaos space marine. Marks of chaos dont mean servitude. They mean power and Night Lords, being the underhanded cowards they are, love getting power wherever they can. Having a Mark of chaos does not denote servitude. You dont even have to like the chaos god and you can have their mark. So long as you do what the chaos gods like, which isn't that hard, then you can earn their favor and their gifts. You dont even have to look them in the eye when you take it if it makes you feel better.

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Also, "canon" examples of Night Lords who have suffered some form of mutation/possession/apotheosis: Krieg Acerbus, Periclitor, Uzas, Vandred/The Exalted, Cyrion, Lucoryphus, the other Raptors in the Bleeding Eyes, Haz'thur and Yehzod. I'm sure there are a few more that someone can point out. Basically, as Noctus said, Marks and mutations aren't always something you choose to have. Mutations simply come from warp exposure and are time bombs waiting to happen, although there are things that can catalyse the process. And Marks are simply "the god is watching you." You have done something that appeals to him, such as making a throne fashioned from the skulls of your enemies, or put an entire hive into a skinning pit by yourself. No faith or worship is required. So yes, you can take Marks and mutations.
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And even if you don't want it to be the "mark of slaanesh," there are probably a dozen things we could come up with that would count as the mark. So long as you pay the appropriate points value for the rule use you can call it whatever you like. Lightweight weapons, bionic enhancers, psyker preminition, advanced training, et cetera.
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