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Night Lords using Blood Angel Codex


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And yes, vox caster tactics is a perfectly reasonable idea. Like zyl said, you can come up with dozens or reasons. Its how Howling Banshees strike first in the first round of combat so I can see it working to give them a slight advantage disorientating their opponents like in Lord of the Night.


Go for it mate.

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I think it comes down to, "Do you want to have Assault squads as troops in your army?" and if you do, then take the Blood Angels codex and paint them whatever scheme you want, with whatever background you want. So long as you aren't flip-flopping, or trying to play Space Marines as Dark Eldar or something, it's pretty much the same.


I had an idea to (using the CSM codex) make an army of Spartan (as in Halo, with Mark of Tzeentch all around) Auxillaries for my Tau army. They would die in droves, so they'd be pretty spot-on Spartan IIIs (or IVs). The challenge thing and all would be a little...odd (and having a guy turn into a Daemon Prince...Spawn could be "unforseen side effect of the genetic experiments") the basic premise was that they were being used as a "stop gap" against the Tyranid invasions so that the majority of the Tau Empire wouldn't have to expend its resources when they have plenty of Gue'la volunteers.

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On the subject of marks, a night lords player in Memphis, not myself is fielding them mark of Nurgle. He is painting them green and the painting on the lightning. His sitting next to mine really shows how this is such a fun and unique hobby.
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