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Black Mace


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Hello all


How are people modelling the Black Mace on Demon Princes? I can't seem to find a suitable mace in any other GW range to use so what other options are there?


Many thanks and pics of completed models would be a great source of inspiration for me.





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I agree Sauron's mace would be awesome, it's actually the first thing I thought of when I read the rules. I have an idea I haven't been able to try yet, but I want to make a flanged mace where each flange is made out of the head of a chain axe.
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I'd be inclined to look at a mordor troll's hammer as a starting point.



I have a few metal flanged maces that I had assumed were from either Mordor Trolls or Ogre Kingdoms models... I have yet to build a model with the Black Mace, but that's what I'll be using.

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