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Ave Dominus Nox


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This is a great Termie there arterial! I really like the result of your llightning effect! Pose is great too! I also like your work with hte base - especially the limited use of "blood"on the snow - you avoided overdoing - well done!


Now my only comment would be the cahins (and the spikes on the top). They look a bit undetailed and rigid - especially when compared to a such high detail miniature. My suggestion would be to remove them completely as they detract from the model iteself... You can either use real chains (if you have any available) or consider attaching the skulls (which are greatly done btw) to the waist...


Just my 2c.


And now I hope more of these fantastic Termies are in the pipeline! ;)

your terminator looks excellent, you definitly got me sold on that one it took all my strength not to kneel in front of that picture for minute. But it seems know I will have to get a pair of those wonderful minis for myself! Thanks for the visual brother, I will be sure to make you and the Night Haunter proud! Can't wait to see more of those babies pop up out of the dark :confused:

So havnt posted for a little while but i have been working on the night lords. My autocanons and another 5 mk3 marines arived from forgeworld just before xmas so i have two put together and i have a few more additions to my csm claw. The feed chutes can be a bit of a pain if you dont line up the cannon properly but its nothing a bit of boiling water cant fix. Gotta love fw resin.

Autocannon 1


Autocannon 2


And my two new claw members. Only 3 more to go and i have a full 10 man claw to put up.





Hope you guys enjoy them. Ill have more up soon im feeling another terminator.

So have been busy with life lately so painting has taken a bit of a back seat. Ive managed to get in a small game with a bit of success so im pretty happy with how the army is progressing. I have managed to get another terminator and marine done so ill give you guys a look. Ive also got some cultists on the go but they arent ready yet but soon... yessss very soon.




So in the next few weeks i will be finishing up the cultists, terminators and the forgefiend. And of course now that those new dark angel bikers are on the horizon we will be seeing more bikers being converted too.

Grrrrr massive mold line on the termiators spikes. Its not that noticable until you take a photo

  • 3 weeks later...

so as you all can see above ive worked out how to get images up again so the blog is back in business! big thanks to the bnc team for all the hard work they have been doing to get the board up and running again.


in my absence i have been working pretty hard in between a lot of games. ive got five more raptors to show you, my completed first claw and the start of my chosen. hope you like


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA by arterialsplash, on Flickr

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA by arterialsplash, on Flickr

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA by arterialsplash, on Flickr

P1270007 (800x599) by arterialsplash, on Flickr

P1270008 (591x800) by arterialsplash, on Flickr


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