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Best loadout for Nurgle Termis


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I have some of the FW Death Guard Termi conversion kits on the way an am seeing what the general agreement of loadout is. I will be using Bikes for melta work and am thinking Combi Plas on the Termi (2+ should help negate the Gets Hot) but other than a Chain Fist am lost on loadout.
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I'm doing up a large Death Guard terminator unit myself at the moment. So far I've decided on a lot of combi-plasma, reaper autocannon, champion with fist/claw, a chainfist or two and a mix of power axes and power mauls. Not certain yet (not having any AP3 initiative weapons is a bit silly but we'll see).
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I don't run a termie squad very often, but when I do, I run 7 with 3 pairs of LC's, a RAC, 2 PA's, 2 CM's, a PF, and a single LC and CM on the champ. With VotLW and MoN it comes out to roughly 357 points, but it's a really, really good squad that hits extremely hard. The really cool part is it can come out of DS and fire three CM's and RAC into an intended target, which is usually enough for a kill on the turn it comes in.
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Well its a good thing we're not in the 1ksons forum wondering about rapid fire!


I run mine with 4 sets of claws and the champ with combi bolter and axe as I dont like paying extra for champs weps from armuory. this is in a raider hence not being 7 strong

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