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Plastic Fire Drakes

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Hello brothers. I've been away from 40k for nearly a decade but recently started getting back into the game as well as the hobby (mostly because I was inspired by Nick Kyme's Tome of Fire trilogy)...


Anyway, I've been looking to put together and allied force for my Salamanders. I was leaning toward Steel Legion IG (and still may go that route) but I've been toying with a stranger idea.


In my travels on the web, I've seen plenty of Marines mounted upon Carnosaurs and my idea starts there. I'm thinking of using the rules for Canis Wolfborn, then using a model of a Salamander atop a Fire Drake as a stand in for Canis.


The real rub here is that I'd like to use Canis' ability to select wolves as a Troop selection. And in place of Fenrisian Wolves, I'd like to substitute smaller fire drakes. I looked through the GW website to find smaller lizard models that might work. But nothing jumped out at me. I also looked through Reaper's metal minis and found some smaller dragon models but most if not all models have wings.


I was wondering if anyone knew of a resource to find a suitable proxy mini or perhaps even a suggestion or two.


Sample 1

Sample 2

Sample 3

Sample 4

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GW Cold Ones (Dark Elf/Finecast style would fit better in 40k imho)?

I know you said that they didn't jump out at you, but they'd sync well with the athsetics of the Carnosaur. I often find that using non-GW and GW style miniatures in the same force can be quite visually jarring becaue model athsetics don't match up properly.


Just my £0.02 (or $0.02, if you are inclined to use currency across the pond)

You could also use the Dark Elf Corsairs sprues also. As the Drake cloaks are easy to convert to the marines back torso and would make great salamander mantles. If you do model the marines riding Cold Ones use the Warhammer Chaos knights legs their more bulkier to use and would look like ornate PA legs. The Carnosaur from the lizardmen line is the only one that is difficult to find riding posed legs that fit. Good luck with that keep us posted on what you decide to do.
GW Cold Ones (Dark Elf/Finecast style would fit better in 40k imho)?


I just saw the finecast Cold One. My only issue is that the Cold One is a little too small for a mount and too large to be a proxy for the Fenrisian Wolves. I'd like a lizard that fits on a 25mm base.


I'm only thinking of one mounted Marine. The rest would just be drakes running free. :cuss


As for the legs, I kind of like the standing platforms modeled in the Sample 2 pic.


Thank you for the suggestions!


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