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All the recent tactical discussion on the forum has been extremely beneficial to me, and I am sure others feel the same. Citadel Army guy’s recent post on a primer for new players and Fritz’s YouTube videos have got me thinking. I think it’d be really helpful if we could get a thread going on how Blood Angels can deal with the other armies of 40k. I know there are threads on the forum over tactics against some specific armies, but it’d be nice if it were all in one location.


We could create some army wide overviews that highlight what BA’s should be aware of in the other 40k factions: Special rules, powerful units, and counters. This would be really useful for players who may not regularly play against certain armies. This way if one of our brothers encounters an army in a tournament situation that he’s not familiar, he will at least have some basic knowledge of what to be aware of. Things could even get more specific by posting popular “net list” and then discussing how BA can best prepare themselves for them (similar to this, but covering more armies http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...;#entry3223550)


Now I am by no means an expert player, and I only recently began playing when 6th edition was released. I have had the chance though to play in multiple tournaments since then and feel I have grown pretty fast for a new player. I attribute a lot this growth to this forum as it has allowed me to get insight from veteran players.


Another great resource has been Fritz on YouTube for those of you not familiar with him here’s a link to his channel




The main basis of the idea thread came from one of his suggestions in a video about tournament play. He recommended taking a camera to a tournament and taking pictures of all the armies there. He’d than put them in a folder on his computer and occasionally browses them. When he looks at the armies he evaluates them and strategizes how he could best beat them. I am hoping this thread can be like that army folder, but will be even better as the whole community can contribute.

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The problem is not all necrons are created equal.

I'm a bit behind the times, but there was a brutaly effective necron assault list.

I believe it was two destroyer lords, nine wraiths and thirty scarabs.


Our beloved angels can happily deploy six raiders, an army of flying terminators, or a three vindies three baal three scout squads and ten tac terms.


Bikers, sure, twenty seven and three attack bikes?

Or nine speeders?




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